
The best exercises to prolong life are revealed! Research finds: These exercises are effective in prolonging life, but many people don't do them correctly


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Recently, a study of nearly 100,000 people found“Best Exercise for Longevity”. Although these types of exercises are the most effective, many people don’t practice them correctly!

These kinds of sports

Helps prolong life

In August 2024, researchers from the European Institute of Biology of Ageing published a study of nearly 100,000 people in the journal Gerontology, analyzing 95,210 athletes from 183 countries and 44 sports categories to analyze the association between exercise type and life expectancy.

Finally found:Among men, pole vaulting, gymnastics are best for extending lifespan, life expectancy was extended by 8.4 and 8.2 years respectively;Fencing and shooting sports, which were associated with an extension of 6.6 and 6.2 years of life respectively, followed by racket ball, race walking, and running.

The top few sports for men to prolong their lifespan, translated by Health Times

In women,Golf, racket sportsIt is the best exercise to prolong life, extending life expectancy by 3.2 years and 2.8 years respectively.

The top few sports that extend life for women, translated by Health Times

In addition, racket sports such asTennis, badminton, beneficial to both men and women, and associated with longer life expectancy in men 5.7 yearsRelated to longer life expectancy for women 2.8 yearsRelated.

However, considering the popularity and difficulty of sports, the best longevity exercise for ordinary people is still:Racquet Sports

In 2018, the famous medical journal The Lancet published a 15-year study involving 80,000 people, analyzing the relationship between different types of exercise and all-cause mortality.The most cost-effective life-extending sport: racket sports(Badminton, table tennis, tennis, etc.).

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Why racket sportsCan it be the "best exercise for prolonging life"? This is because racket sports often require the mobilization of multiple muscle groups in the body, the coordination of the hands and eyes while looking at the ball, and at the moment of hitting the ball, there will be a relative burst of power. Racquet sports strengthen the coordination and flexibility of the body, and at the same time require a certain degree of endurance.

This can help us improve musculoskeletal strength, cardiopulmonary function and coordination, allow people to focus more, keep the brain active, help delay brain aging and protect the cardiovascular system.Compared with people who do not exercise, people who play racket sports can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by about 56%. If they can reach the recommended amount of exercise, they can reduce the all-cause mortality rate by about 47%.

In addition to racket sports, the study also pointed outSwimming, indoor aerobics(Aerobics, yoga, dance, etc.) are also cost-effective life-extending exercises.

Want to exercise to prolong life?Many people don’t practice correctly

1. How long do you exercise? How many times a week? — 45 to 60 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week

One of the important reasons why racket sports, swimming, and indoor aerobics are considered "cost-effective" is that they really save time. Research points out thatExercise for 45 to 60 minutes each time, 3 to 5 days a week, to achieve the highest health benefitsIf it is less than 45 minutes, the effect will be weakened, and if it is more than 60 minutes, the health benefits will not be higher. Moreover, the "threshold" for participation in these sports is not high, and it can be said that everyone can participate.

In addition, if you want to prolong your life through exercise, it is not necessarily the case that the longer you exercise, the better. A study of more than 1.2 million people published in The Lancet Psychiatry in 2018 found that in terms of duration, the best time for each exercise is between 30 and 60 minutes.Peaks at around 45 minutes; If the exercise time exceeds 90 minutes, it may even produce negative effects.

2. What to practice? What to focus on? - Aerobic exercise + strength training

The so-called "racket sports" are called the best sports for prolonging life. The most important point is thatIt can exercise both cardiopulmonary function and muscle strength.

Many people like to do aerobic exercises such as running, walking, cycling, swimming, etc., which mainly train their cardiopulmonary function, but less train their muscle strength.If you want to prolong your life through exercise, strength training is essential. Strength training plays a very important role in maintaining muscle and preventing muscle loss.

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haveStudies have found that doing muscle strength training twice a week after the age of 40 can significantly reduce all-cause mortality and have a positive impact on cardiovascular and cancer mortality. The three best strength training methods recommended after the age of 40 are: bodyweight training (squats, push-ups), elastic band training, and fitness equipment training.

3. How to exercise? What intensity? - Moderate intensity exercise

If the exercise intensity is too low, there will be no training effect. If the exercise intensity is too high, it is easy to increase the risk of injury. In fact, both existing research and sports experts recommend that exercise should at least reach -Moderate-intensity exercise

What is considered moderate intensity exercise? According to the National Fitness Guide issued by the State Sports General Administration, the maximum heart rate percentage and the actual heart rate measured during exercise are commonly used to monitor the intensity of physical exercise: the heart rate is controlled within the range of 60% to 85% of the maximum heart rate.During exercise, the heart rate is generally between 100 and 140 beats per minute.

The simplest way to judge:If you breathe slightly while exercising, can talk normally, but cannot sing, it means that the intensity of exercise is moderate;If you have to stop and catch your breath after saying a few words while exercising, it means that the intensity of the exercise is too high.


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Source: Health Times