
To maintain good health, you must first nourish your bones. Here are six simple and practical spine care exercises to help you say goodbye to neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain!


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The spine, as one of the most important supporting structures of our human body, not only bears the weight of the entire body, but also protectsspinal cordandNerve rootsAnd other important organs.

However, sometimes, our inadvertent little habits may cause considerable pressure on the spine.Looking down at your phone or computer, orSitting for too long while working or studying, which may make the spine feel exhausted. In the long run, it may also cause various discomforts, such asBack pain, stiff necketc.

Image source: Visual China

1. Daily maintenance of the spine

1. Maintain correct posture

Sitting: Keep your spine upright, your back naturally against the back of the chair, and your feet flat on the ground. Avoid looking down at your phone or computer for a long time. Look up and look far away every once in a while to relax your neck muscles and promoteBlood circulation

Standing: Keep your head and chest high, pull in your abdomen and hips, and maintain your body balance. Avoid standing still or standing on one leg for a long time. You can walk around or change your posture appropriately.

Sleeping position: The mattress should not be too soft or too hard, but of medium hardness, which can support all parts of the body and maintain the natural curvature of the spine. In addition, choose a sleeping position that can keep the spine in a neutral position. For example, when lying on your side while awake, you can put a pillow between your legs to reduce the pressure on your lumbar spine.

2. Reasonable use of electronic products

When using a computer, phone, or tablet, keep your eyes at a moderate distance from the screen to reduce forward craning of the neck. Make sure the center of the screen is at or slightly below eye level to reduce head tilt.

3. Correct posture for lifting heavy objects

When carrying heavy objects, you should bend your knees and squat first, and use your leg strength to lift the object instead of relying on your waist strength. During the carrying process, keep your body balanced and avoid twisting or tilting your body. Do not use force suddenly or move heavy objects quickly to avoid impact on the spine.

4. Clothing and backpack

Female friends should avoid walking or standing for a long time in high heels, because high heels will increase the burden on the waist and knees. Choose the right shoes to keep the body balanced.

Use a backpack and make sure the weight of the backpack is evenly distributed and not too heavy. When carrying the backpack, tighten the shoulder straps as much as possible and keep the backpack close to your back to reduce the pressure on your shoulders and back.

5. Eat a healthy diet

Eat more calcium-rich foods,Vitamin DwaitNutrientsEating foods such as milk, fish, beans, etc., is good for bone health. At the same time, maintain a healthy and appropriate weight to reduce the burden on the spine. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption to avoid increasing the risk of osteoporosis and spinal diseases.

6. Regular physical examinations

Get a spinal health checkup every year so that potential problems can be detected early and treated accordingly.

Image source: Visual China

2. Practical spinal exercises

1. Neck exercises(Prevent cervical spondylosis and enhance flexibility)

Turn your head left and right: Turn your head 90° to the left, stay for 3 seconds, then turn your head 90° to the right, stay for 3 seconds, and repeat.

Head forward and backward stretch: Lower your head forward, as close to your chest as possible, hold for a few seconds and then slowly raise it up; then tilt your head back, stretch your neck muscles as much as possible, hold for a few seconds and then return to the original position.

2. Foam roller thoracic spine stretch(Improve thoracic spine mobility and reduce back pain)

Place the foam roller under the thoracic spine and slowly roll the body to relax the tense thoracic muscles and fascia with the massage effect of the foam roller, while improving the mobility of the thoracic spine. It is recommended to perform 10-15 flexion and extension movements each time.

3. Side-lying thoracic rotation(Strengthen thoracic spine flexibility)

Lie on your side on the ground, bend your hips and knees 90 degrees, and keep your pelvis and lumbar spine stable. Use your upper arm to draw a circle as large as possible, so that your arm can touch the ground on the opposite side as much as possible. Practice 3-5 sets a day, 8-10 times per set, alternating between left and right to enhance the rotation ability of the thoracic spine.

4. Cat stretch(Relax muscles and relieve back pain)

Get on all fours, lower your back and lift your head when you inhale; arch your back and lower your head when you exhale. Practice 3-5 sets a day, 10-12 times each set. By imitating the cat-cow movements, you can move your spine well and relax tense muscles.

5. Double Leg Hip Bridge(Strengthen lower back muscles and improve pelvic tilt)

Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the ground. Then tighten your hips and lift them up so that your knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower them. Do 3-5 sets a day, 10-12 times each set.

6. Dead Bug Movement(Exercise the abdominal and back muscles to improve spinal stability)

Stretch your arms and legs at 90 degrees, inhale to prepare, and slowly lower the opposite arm and leg while exhaling. Pay attention to tightening your abdomen and keeping your waist close to the bed without leaving any gaps. Do 10-12 times per set, then switch to the other side, and practice 3-5 sets a day. This action can well exercise the abdominal and back muscle groups.

3. Summary

To maintain the spine, you need toCorrect bad daily habitsandExerciseStart from two aspects.

The health of the spine can be effectively protected by maintaining correct posture, exercising moderately, eating a healthy diet, avoiding excessive fatigue, and having regular checkups. At the same time, targeted training combined with scientific exercises can further enhance the stability and flexibility of the spine.

(Some of the pictures in this article are from "Visual China")