
jining city actively improves the salary level of medical staff, grants hospitals autonomy and strengthens the public welfare attributes of hospitals


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina reporter duan zhenghao reports from jining
on september 20, the jining municipal government information office held a special press conference on protecting people's health, promoting high-quality development of health and wellness, and deepening reform of the medical and health system. reporters learned that in recent years, the jining municipal human resources and social security bureau has actively promoted the reform of the public hospital salary system in accordance with the unified arrangements and deployments of the state and the province, starting from reasonably determining salary levels, improving internal salary management, strengthening the public welfare attributes of hospitals, and improving the effectiveness of talent incentives.
press conference site
jining human resources and social security bureau innovated the salary management model to improve the salary level of medical staff. jining human resources and social security bureau benchmarked the national and provincial third-level and second-level public hospital performance appraisal methods, carefully selected the total performance verification indicators of hospitals, linked the total salary of public hospitals with factors such as the structure of medical staff, medical service workload, hospital assessment results, and the completion of public welfare goals, implemented indicator calculation, and reasonably determined the total annual salary of hospitals, so that the income level of medical staff has been appropriately improved.
jining human resources and social security bureau grants flexible and autonomous authority to improve internal salary distribution in hospitals. jining human resources and social security bureau scientifically divides the salary management authority of salary management departments, medical and health authorities, and public hospitals, and supports public hospitals to independently determine the internal salary structure within the approved total salary, independently establish salary items that reflect the characteristics of the medical industry, labor characteristics, and job value, and independently allocate salaries by comprehensively considering factors such as positions, responsibilities, workload, and internal assessment results.
jining municipal human resources and social security bureau optimized and adjusted the revenue and expenditure structure, and continued to strengthen the public welfare attributes of hospitals. jining municipal human resources and social security bureau selected indicators that reflect the public welfare attributes of hospitals and included them in the total wage verification method, using the salary constraint to curb excessive medical behaviors such as "large prescriptions" and "abuse of examinations". jining municipal human resources and social security bureau increased the proportion of personnel expenditures in business expenditures, and promoted the transformation of public hospitals from focusing on the "hardware" construction of equipment and facilities to focusing on the "software" value of technical services. compared with the early stage of reform, the proportion of medical service income, drug and consumables income, and inspection and testing income in the hospital's business income has achieved "one increase and two decreases", and the proportion of personnel expenditures in public hospitals in business expenditures has increased by 1.75 percentage points.
jining municipal human resources and social security bureau has established a knowledge value orientation to improve the efficiency of talent incentives in hospitals. adhering to the concept of "delegating power" to hospitals and "loosening the reins" for talents, jining municipal human resources and social security bureau has given public hospitals the autonomy to identify high-level talents, realizing the transformation of talent salaries from being determined by titles and qualifications to being determined by ability and performance. the talent environment in hospitals has been further optimized and the atmosphere of innovation has become stronger. since the reform, jining municipal public hospitals have introduced 1,024 masters and 29 doctors, and the proportion of personnel with a master's degree or above has increased from 14.34% to 17.55%, further optimizing the structure of medical personnel and enriching the reserve of talents.