
liu daxiang, former deputy director of the civil aviation administration of china: aviation rescue is the most important part of the low-altitude economy, and china's aviation rescue mechanism has been initially established.


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author | li jun

editors: liu yukun, yang ruiqi technology news: at the "phoenix yufeng·smart low-altitude" first low-altitude economic innovation and leadership conference on september 19, liu daxiang, former deputy director of the civil aviation administration of china, delivered a speech entitled "building a skyway in the sky to let the low-altitude economy soar." when talking about issues related to aviation rescue, liu daxiang believed that aviation rescue is the most important component of the low-altitude economy. china's aviation rescue mechanism has been initially established, but there is still a gap compared with developed countries.

liu daxiang said that in november 2008, the chinese society of aeronautics held a board meeting, and at that time the main focus was on the development of aviation emergency rescue equipment (aircraft, helicopters). however, during the research process, he felt that aviation emergency rescue was not enough with just aircraft, but a complete system was required. therefore, liu daxiang proposed the proposal on building a national aviation emergency rescue system.

liu daxiang pointed out that aviation rescue is the most important part of the low-altitude economy, which is an important guarantee for the safety of people's lives. "after ten years of pilot work, china's general aviation aircraft has increased from 178 to more than 1,000; general aviation airports have expanded from the original 146 to 410; a professional emergency rescue force of 50,000 people and a new mechanism for aviation emergency rescue have been established," liu daxiang said.

liu daxiang also pointed out that although china's aviation rescue mechanism has been initially established, there is still a gap compared with developed countries. for example, in terms of rescue force and capability, the united states currently has more than 20,000 airports in service, and it will take a long time for china to reach this level.

it is understood that the first low-altitude economy innovation leadership conference is themed "phoenix yufeng leading low-altitude intelligence" and is co-organized by the beijing low-altitude economy industry development alliance and the conference brings together top experts and scholars to discuss industry development trends, release the latest innovative achievements, and draw a new picture of low-altitude applications through in-depth exchanges on cutting-edge science and technology.

the following is the full text of the speech:

dear leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: good afternoon. i am very happy to be invited to attend this meeting. this is a very important meeting, especially in the capital. there are more meetings held in other places, but less in the capital, so i must come here.

the title of my paper is "building a skyway to let the low-altitude economy soar", which mainly reflects on the three aspects of low-altitude economy, general aviation and emergency rescue.

our party upholds the people’s supremacy and life first, and regards protecting the people’s life safety and physical health as the top priority. we provide strong overall, full-force, full-time and all-round protection at all costs, rescue patients as much as possible, and protect the people with our utmost effort.

i will report my thoughts on four aspects, which may not be correct. let me first talk about some history.

1. what are the gaps between china’s emergency rescue capabilities and those of foreign countries?

in 2008, the sichuan wenchuan earthquake was a magnitude 8.5 earthquake. at that time, rescue operations played an important role. more than 400 aircraft saved more than 60,000 lives and 22,000 tons of relief supplies. however, it also exposed some shortcomings in our shipping rescue issues.

1. there are too few of 2008, there were 360,000 general aviation aircraft in the world, including 230,000 in the united states. china had only 1,800 general aviation aircraft, and most of them could not even fly.

2. there is a serious shortage of 2008, there were 18,200 airports in the united states serving aircraft, while our country had only 146 airports at that time.

3. there is a shortage of practitioners.we cannot compare with the united states because its economy is more developed. in 2008, the united states had 600,000 pilots, including 380,000 general aviation pilots, while our country had only 1,200 general aviation pilots.

in addition, aviation rescue mainly relies on helicopters, and the gap between us and foreign countries is also very large. the data i found is from the 2006 documents. the data i just mentioned can be found in the documents. the total number of civil helicopters in my country is 148, with an average of 1 helicopter for every 12 million people, which is 1/60 of the world average at that time. in 2007, there were 200 helicopters in sao paulo alone in brazil, which means that china has fewer helicopters than a city in brazil.

4. the major developed countries in the world have established aviation rescue systems. i have listed 12 countries, but in fact there are more than 12 countries. it seems that there are nearly 56 countries at present.germany has 800 helicopters. if a catastrophic accident occurs anywhere in germany, such as falling into a ditch, as long as someone calls and takes photos of the scene, the nearest airport will respond immediately. a helicopter with medical personnel will rush to the scene, and the rescue team will arrive at the scene within 45 minutes to send the person to the nearest hospital for treatment. according to international reports, if the rescue time is 30 minutes to 1 hour during the golden hour, the death rate can be reduced by 50%-60%. otherwise, the person will die if the treatment is too late.

5. this is a map of our country. the yellow areas are all earthquake zones in china. it is very shocking.the tv broadcast said that my country's land area is one-fourteenth of the world's land area, but the total number of earthquakes that occur is one-third of the world's total. the number of people who died from earthquakes on earth is 1.2 million worldwide, and china accounts for 600,000 of them, which shows that the emergency rescue situation in our country is quite severe.

based on this situation, i have come to a conclusion, which may not be correct. first, our country's aviation emergency rescue capabilities are not in line with the national conditions of frequent disasters, the development of the economy and society, the international status of our country, and the expectations of the people. the party central committee and the people attach great importance to this.

in this context, the chinese society of aeronautics held a board meeting in november 2008. at that time, the main focus was on the development of aviation emergency rescue equipment, that is, aircraft and helicopters. at that time, i was entrusted as the team leader, and nearly 30 experts participated. but in the process, i felt that it was not enough to have aircraft alone. it could not fly. it was not enough without a system, so it was very complicated. so i suggested expanding it to suggestions on building a national aviation emergency rescue system. at first, deputies to the national people's congress and members of the chinese people's political consultative conference spoke at the meeting to prepare for them. later, i felt that this issue was too important and should be proposed to the central government. in addition, the chairman of the board asked whether some academicians could sign on behalf of the society, so i invited 27 academicians, including me, to make suggestions to the central government. unexpectedly, this suggestion was quickly approved by the central government. our suggestions mainly include three points: first, we hope to make a development plan for system equipment, including airport construction and fuselage development. second, since it is a low-altitude rescue, the airspace must be opened, so we proposed that the central government should approve the opening of low-altitude airspace below 1,000 meters. in developed countries abroad, low altitude is considered below 3,000 meters. we feel that we have no experience yet, so we should start from 1,000 meters. third, because every time there is an earthquake or flood, we mainly send the people's liberation army, which is right, because the people's liberation army is under the leadership of the party, and they are not afraid of hardship or death, but there is a problem that they have not received special training and do not have special equipment. so our third suggestion is that the country can form a high-level national aviation emergency rescue team. at that time, our suggestion was 20,000 to 30,000 people.

on april 13, 2009, i reported to the central committee and received important instructions. under the instructions of the central committee, many departments did a lot of work. i participated in the formulation of the first plan. the second plan was announced on cctv on april 20, with the approval of the state council, the party central committee, and the central military commission, the country will form a 50,000-person rescue team. the third plan was that in august 2018, the state council, the party central committee, and the military commission jointly issued the "guiding opinions on the reform of low-altitude airspace management", deciding to open low-altitude airspace below 1,000 meters. now, eight cities including beijing and their surrounding areas have been piloted nationwide, and this pilot has been carried out for ten years. so this is because there have been many achievements in emergency rescue after the earthquake, and the people of the country are very supportive and the world's public opinion is very praised, but we also feel that our rescue capabilities are still not enough, so we also plucked up the courage to make suggestions to the central committee. although we wrote about our backwardness, we must be realistic and dare to tell the truth when reporting to the central committee. we reported the serious situation to the central committee, and the central leadership was very supportive, so we made the corresponding decision.

ii. what has the central government done?

1. in the past two years, 297 central documents have been issued, including those from various ministries and commissions, and those from various provinces and cities. we have not counted them, but there may be a lot.

2. we have done three things to carry out pilot projects related to aviation emergency rescue. the first thing is to carry out pilot projects in eight major cities and their surrounding areas across the country. the second thing is that in 2019, the ministry of transport formulated the country's "outline of a strong transportation country". i also participated in the formulation of the content of this outline, and i also participated in the discussion and finalization of the ministry of transport. under the mechanism of a strong transportation country, we will build our country's largest major project, and plan to write general aviation into the national transportation content for the first time by 2050. the third thing is that starting from 2021, the state council decided that four provinces should open up the airspace below 1,000 meters in the entire area, and of course you can expand it to 2,000 meters when necessary. everyone may know that one is hunan, one is jiangxi, one is anhui, and there is another hunan. these four provinces are open in the entire area. they are now open. there are other pilot projects, so i won't talk about them.

3. the main application scenarios of the low-altitude economy are four aspects: low-altitude manufacturing, low-altitude flight, low-altitude support, and comprehensive services.

4. low-altitude economy is related to general aviation. this picture is very clear, but i won’t read it out one by one due to time constraints.

i think aviation rescue is one of the most important components of the low-altitude economy. now i have a feeling that when various places make reports about the low-altitude economy, they say how much money, how many billions, it is indeed difficult to estimate. but i found a problem, various places don't mention aviation rescue much, i think there is a problem, i think aviation rescue is still one of the most important contents of the low-altitude economy, don't forget this, i will talk about my views on this issue later.

so we believe that aviation rescue occupies a very important position in the low-altitude economy. it is to ensure the safety of the people, the safety of everyone, and to save lives.

5. there are four main achievements of the ten-year pilot: 1. general aviation aircraft have increased significantly. after ten years of hard work, our general aviation aircraft have increased from 178 to more than 1,000. 2. the number of general aviation airports has expanded from the original 146 to 410, and there are more than that so far. these are the previous data. 3. a professional emergency rescue force of 50,000 people has been established. the other day i gave a report to the armed police force, and the leader said that 50,000 people across the country listened to your report today, which shows that our armed police force has undertaken an important task. 4. our country has established a new mechanism for aviation emergency rescue. now, the ministry of emergency management has taken the lead in initially establishing china's aviation rescue mechanism, which is led by the government, participated by the military, called by local governments, and supported by large enterprises and social forces. this has been initially established.

i feel that after ten years of hard work, we have made great progress in four aspects, but i think there is still a gap between us and developed countries in aviation rescue. the first gap is that rescue forces and capabilities need to be further improved. at present, the united states originally had 18,200 airports, and now their airports have more than 20,000. it will take a long time for us to reach this level. the second gap is that our rescue time is not timely enough. at present, we know that the united states has to dispatch an aircraft for rescue every 90 seconds on average. the response time in the united states is 20 minutes. japan, which is currently doing relatively well, can achieve 10 minutes, and the european union is about 15 minutes. how much time will we take in the first stage? of course, some people say that we will take 20 minutes. i say we are bragging and we should seek truth from facts. our initial and relatively consistent opinion is 30 minutes to 60 minutes. 30 minutes is for developed areas, and 60 minutes is for mountainous and remote areas because there are fewer airports there. the third gap is the lack of rescue racks. although our country currently has more than 400 captains, the current number of captains is less than 5% of that in the united states. there is still a big gap.

3. construction of space information network for low-altitude economy

general aviation is developing very fast in various places now, and everyone is very aware of it. but i feel that there will be a lot of aircraft in the future. there are more than 1.3 million registered drones now, and there are many unregistered ones, which are like mushrooms after rain. i am very happy. but i also feel a problem. with more aircraft, how can we ensure the safety of the airspace once it is opened? the key is whether the information system and the air system can be established well. this is what i am very worried about. so i specifically talk about this issue today.

1. accelerate the development of new quality productivity and solidly promote high-quality development. the state council lists low-altitude economy as one of the three main contents of new quality productivity.because there is another definition behind the low-altitude economy, which is that there must be airports, drones, and manned aircraft flying at low altitudes, which will drive the economic industrial chain and form an economic form of integrated development.

2. you can’t just put a few planes in place and wait for someone to get into trouble before going out. if there is no rescue operation, you can do other work and develop in a comprehensive way.i listed 16 types, which may not be correct. in addition, our past industry experience is correct, but i think it must be led by the government. we cannot rely entirely on private enterprises. that is impossible. another thing is that there must be more scenarios for application. we also need funds to move. if the funds do not move, i think general aviation will not take off.

3. low-altitude economy includes delta wings, drones, light, small and slow helicopters, but their numbers and types are relatively small. there are also vertical take-off and landing this situation, i think there is a problem, that is, how do we ensure the safety of space? if there are "illegal flights", what should we do if such a thing happens? we must make laws. if it is "illegal flights", then sorry, you have to bear all the legal responsibilities, because many people feel that there is no one in the sky anyway, so just drop one and forget it. that is wrong. once a drone has an accident, if it is dropped into a city, there will be a lot of people and cars on the ground, which will cause a chain reaction. this is not allowed, so laws must be made for "illegal flights". this is what i am very worried about at the moment, but after listening to many reports, i have heard them in various places. in the past two years, i have made more than 100 reports in more than 100 places and listened to other people's speeches. i am still very confident and i will make this my first task.

because low-altitude economic drones are small and stealthy, many of them cannot be seen.there are also low-altitude flights, close-to-the-ground flights, and small planes that can stop halfway through their flights and spin there to do maneuvers. if there are planes behind them, they may collide with them. so this problem must be solved. how can this problem be solved? it depends on a high-level general aviation system and an emergency navigation system. i have discussed this with many units. because it is different from civil aviation, which has fixed routes. general aviation planes are flying. once there is a rescue mission, they will run from one place to another. there are a series of problems such as cross-flight, which is very complicated. in addition, some places have put forward a view that in the future, all of us will call at home and ask the plane to deliver coffee to you, and deliver it to every household. i disagree. i say that if it is delivered to every household, the planes in the sky will fly like dragonflies, and there will definitely be accidents. so later i suggested that they should set up a fixed point in a city or an area, not every household. because the cars below are stuck there, and it is dark above, all the rotor drones are delivering coffee. i don’t think this is a way to develop the economy. this method of boosting the economy is definitely not good, and it may not be right. for your reference.

4. low-altitude economical surveillance solution. there are many places that you cannot see. we now have satellites to see them, but they are too far away.we are going to use an airship that can see 1,000 meters in the air. so the aircraft on the ground can see it, without blind spots. due to time constraints today, i can't say too much.

5. characteristics of airship the future, we will use airships to build an integrated air management system that integrates air, space and land, just like ground traffic must have traffic lights, and all vehicles and pedestrians must follow the rules of traffic lights, stop when they should stop, and go when they should go, instead of flying however i want, which is not allowed. however, it is recommended that each province can designate a certain area for free flight. when the drone is built, it must be tested. you must first designate a certain area, instead of saying that you can fly arbitrarily. i hope to fill our gaps and make this happen. now there is a problem, and i am a little worried. now each province, for example, i cooperate with china unicom to build this system, and that province can cooperate with china mobile. i have talked to the three operators and said that you must make it the same, otherwise if something goes wrong, it will be a different system. air flight safety is the first priority, and this is a major event we are currently doing.

we must be careful about the problem of "illegal flying". if they can choose not to register, they can install less equipment and choose cheaper ones. we should require that the necessary navigation equipment must be installed. if they do not have it, it is considered "illegal flying" and they must bear legal responsibility.

finally, let me share some opinions.

1. general aviation will become a new growth point for the high-quality development of my country's national economy in the 21st century, and it is also a trillion-level market space. i believe that in the future, our general aviation will be another new engine for the dual circulation and high-quality development of my country's national economy after real estate and machinery.

2. improving aviation emergency rescue capabilities will help us build a people-first, life-first, happy and harmonious society, and will further enhance the prestige and governing ability of the party and the government. if this matter is done well, our central government will benefit the present and future generations. so there is a wish that through free aviation rescue, everyone can help me, i can help everyone, and everyone can unite together.

3. the four major sectors of the low-altitude economy include low-altitude operations, low-altitude rescue, and low-altitude + electricity, + agriculture, + logistics, etc. it is not about buying a few planes for rescue. that is not what i mean. the most important thing is the airship, which will play a major role in air traffic management in the future. establishing an air-ground integrated innovative air traffic management system is the most important measure to ensure flight safety. of course, it costs money, which is the next step.

4. fully open low-altitude airspace and actively develop the general aviation industry. this is another economic growth point for the construction of beautiful villages. in addition, through pilot projects, different airspaces have different management methods. low-altitude airspace can be divided. once a rescue call is received, there is no need to ask for instructions. after taking off, i know where i go to rescue, and other aircraft know it. i believe this can be done.

5. strengthen the leadership of the party and establish a government-led, market-oriented rescue system. we should adhere to market construction, strengthen information supervision, and promote the gradual autonomy of society. someone asked me, we often see airplanes, but where are the rescue planes? i said there are none now. to be honest, we now have more than 1,000 domestically made ones. now it may be faster to build airports in various places, but it takes a long time for us to produce and develop an aircraft, including rescue aircraft and helicopters. what should we do in the early stage? this is what we are studying now. the ministry of industry and information technology has set up an expert group, and i am the leader. we give advice and propose plans to the higher authorities. strengthen the training and education of pilots. i think we should strengthen education and train new pilots. in addition, i went to shanxi province for a meeting. they have a very good initiative. shanxi province has established a retired pilot club. through this organization, we organize our retired pilots to rush into the blue sky. this is very remarkable, because pilots are all retired in their fifties. establishing aviation insurance, i won’t talk about this. training rescue pilots in the wild is also one aspect.

how to promote the vertical take-off and landing aircraft between large cities and urban agglomerations is a very important issue. here is a data, but it is not calculated by me. in beijing, due to congestion, the average daily delay is 66 minutes per person, saving 105.6 billion yuan per year, accounting for 7.5% of beijing's gdp. i have not calculated this number, but i quoted other people's data. now it is doing well in shenzhen, so our civil aviation and several other agencies have taken the emergency management preparation opportunity in shenzhen as a pilot. they have opened 177 routes. i have taken this plane and it is really fast. now the overall plan is to prepare for the pilot, originally in guangzhou, beijing-tianjin-hebei, and the yangtze river delta, and promote it to the whole country, but there is a problem, what about beijing? beijing is our capital, and safety must be put first. you can go to the suburbs first and then the city, and go to another city through beijing. you can go around a little. application scenario demonstration, security countermeasures must be the leading in the country. i think it is possible to do this well, because many departments are very concerned about this.

so in general, i think china has many sky roads. the key is to fly them well. we must improve the command system and road system in the air. there are many more roads in the air than on the ground. i believe that the chinese people have the opportunity and ability to do this well within a period of time.

we firmly believe that under the strong leadership of the party and the government, the great unity of all ethnic groups across the country will surely build a low-altitude, high-speed skyway for the chinese people, accelerate the construction of general aviation and aviation emergency rescue, and through this promote the development of the low-altitude economy and the construction of beautiful villages, and make greater new contributions to the complete realization of the chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation. thank you.