
support employment for college graduates and other young people! please check out the 9 benefits


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina lightning news reported on september 13 that in order to support employment of college graduates and other young people, the ministry of human resources and social security issued a list of employment and entrepreneurship policies. let’s take a look at the 9 favorable policies.
employment training subsidy
policy target: units that recruit unemployed college graduates within two years of graduation and registered unemployed youth aged 16-24 to participate in employment internships.
policy content: units that recruit unemployed college graduates within two years of graduation and registered unemployed youth aged 16-24 to participate in employment internships will be given a certain standard of employment internship subsidies, which will be used to pay the basic living expenses of the interns during the internship, to purchase personal accident insurance for the interns, and to guide and manage the interns. units with a retention rate of more than 50% after the internship period can appropriately increase the internship subsidy standard.
policy standards: determined by local authorities based on local actual conditions.
policy duration: long-term implementation.
flexible employment social insurance subsidies
policy targets: people with difficulty finding employment and college graduates who have not found employment within two years of leaving school.
policy content: 1. a certain amount of social insurance subsidies will be given to the social insurance premiums paid by people with employment difficulties after flexible employment. in principle, the subsidy standard shall not exceed 2/3 of their actual payment. the subsidy period shall not exceed 3 years for all other people, except for those with employment difficulties who are less than 5 years away from the statutory retirement age (based on their age when they are first assessed for social insurance subsidies). 2. a certain amount of social insurance subsidies will be given to the social insurance premiums paid by college graduates who have not found employment within 2 years of leaving school after flexible employment. in principle, the subsidy standard shall not exceed 2/3 of their actual payment, and the subsidy period shall not exceed 2 years.
policy standards: determined based on a certain proportion of social security contributions paid by flexible employment personnel, and in principle not exceeding 2/3 of their actual contributions.
policy duration: long-term implementation.
small and micro enterprises absorb social insurance subsidies
policy target: small and micro enterprises
policy content: small and micro enterprises that hire unemployed college graduates in the year of graduation or within two years after leaving school, sign labor contracts with them for more than one year and pay social insurance premiums will be given social insurance subsidies for a maximum period of one year, excluding the portion that the college graduates should pay personally.
policy standards: determined based on the social insurance premiums paid by the unit.
policy duration: long-term implementation.
one-time job expansion subsidy
policy target: enterprises
policy content: for enterprises that hire unemployed college graduates in the year of graduation or within two years after leaving school and registered unemployed youth aged 16-24, sign labor contracts with them, and pay their unemployment, work-related injury, and employee pension insurance premiums in full for more than three months in accordance with regulations, a one-time job expansion subsidy of no more than rmb 1,500 per person hired can be issued.
policy standard: no more than rmb 1,500 per person hired.
policy period: ends on december 31, 2025.
one-time job search subsidy
policy targets: college graduates from low-income families, families with zero employment, families under poverty prevention monitoring, and people in extreme poverty who are actively seeking employment or starting a business in their graduation year, as well as college graduates with disabilities and those who have received national student loans.
policy content: a one-time job-seeking subsidy will be given to college graduates and secondary vocational school graduates from low-income families, zero-employment families, families under poverty prevention monitoring, and extremely poor people who actively seek employment and start businesses in their graduation year, as well as to disabled college graduates and college graduates who have received national student loans.
policy standards: determined by local authorities based on local actual conditions.
policy duration: long-term implementation.
one-time start-up subsidy
policy targets: college graduates within 2 years of leaving school, people with employment difficulties, and migrant workers returning to their hometowns.
policy content: a one-time entrepreneurship subsidy will be given to college graduates within two years of graduation, people with employment difficulties, and migrant workers returning to their hometowns who start small or micro enterprises for the first time or engage in individual business, and whose enterprises or individual businesses have been operating normally for more than one year since the date of industrial and commercial registration.
policy standards: determined by local authorities based on local actual conditions.
policy duration: long-term implementation.
entrepreneurship guarantee loans and interest subsidies
policy targets: 10 categories of people including registered urban unemployed persons, persons with difficulty finding employment (including the disabled), demobilized and transferred veterans, persons released after serving their sentences, college graduates (including college student village officials and students returning from overseas studies), employees and unemployed persons of enterprises eliminating excess capacity, migrant workers returning to their hometowns to start businesses, online merchants, people lifted out of poverty, and self-employed farmers in rural areas, as well as small and micro enterprises.
policy content: 1. qualified individuals can apply for a maximum of 300,000 yuan in entrepreneurship guarantee loans, with a loan term of no more than 3 years. for qualified borrowers who start a business in partnership, the loan amount can be appropriately increased according to the number of partners, up to 110% of the sum of the upper limits of qualified individual entrepreneurship guarantee loans, and not more than the upper limit of entrepreneurship guarantee loans for small and micro enterprises (4 million yuan). the cumulative number of times shall not exceed 3 times. 2. for small and micro enterprises, within one year before applying for entrepreneurship guarantee loans, if the number of newly recruited personnel who meet the application conditions for entrepreneurship guarantee loans reaches 10% of the existing number of employees in the enterprise (5% for enterprises with more than 100 employees), and they have signed labor contracts for more than one year, and there is no illegal credit record of withholding wages for employees, arrears in social insurance premiums, etc., the handling financial institution shall reasonably determine the entrepreneurship guarantee loan amount based on the actual number of employees recruited by the enterprise, with a maximum of no more than 4 million yuan. the financial department shall provide a financial subsidy of 50% of the actual interest rate of the loan. for small and micro enterprises that are active in repaying, have strong employment capabilities, and have good entrepreneurial projects, they can continue to apply for loans and interest subsidies after the entrepreneurial guarantee loans expire, with the cumulative number of times not exceeding 3 times.
policy standards: the maximum loan amount for individuals is rmb 300,000, and the maximum loan amount for small and micro enterprises is rmb 4 million. the financial department will provide interest subsidies at 50% of the actual loan interest rate.
policy duration: long-term implementation.
state-owned enterprise policies on increasing staff and capital
policy target: state-owned enterprises
policy content: for state-owned enterprises whose total wages determined in accordance with the wage-benefit linkage mechanism are unable to meet the demand for expanding the recruitment of college graduates, with the consent of the institution that performs the duties of the investor or other competent departments of the enterprise, and taking into account factors such as the number of college graduates recruited by the enterprise, natural attrition, and the wage levels of existing employees, a one-time increase in staff and capital may be granted, and the increased amount will be included in the total wages according to actual circumstances and serve as the base for the total wage budget for the next year.
policy standards: determined by local authorities based on local actual conditions.
policy period: ends on december 31, 2025.
encourage college graduates to find employment at the grassroots level
policy target: college graduates
policy content: 1. implement grassroots service projects such as the "three supports and one assistance" plan and the "volunteer service in the western region" plan for college students, and encourage places with conditions to appropriately expand the scale of recruitment in light of actual conditions. those who apply for civil servants in party and government organs after completing their service and passing the assessment can participate in targeted recruitment or be given appropriate bonus points. those who have served in western regions and difficult and remote areas for more than 2 years and apply for master's degree within 3 years after the completion of their service will have 10 points added to their total score in the preliminary examination, and will be given priority admission under the same conditions. for those who serve in grassroots units below the county level in difficult and remote areas, they can be directly selected and employed by township institutions in the service area through direct inspection. 2. implement the "special plan for college students to perform rural doctors" and implement the policy of exempting medical college graduates from applying for rural doctor registration. 3. for college graduates who are employed in grassroots units below the county level in central and western regions, difficult and remote areas, and old industrial bases and have a service period of more than 3 years (including 3 years), their tuition fees will be compensated by the state, and the principal of the national student loan during their study and the interest incurred before full repayment will be repaid by the state finance. 4. for college graduates who are newly recruited as civil servants at or below the county level in the central and western regions, the northeastern region, or difficult and remote areas, their probationary wages can be directly determined according to the probationary wages at the end of the probationary period, and their grade wages after passing the probationary assessment can be set one to three grades higher according to regulations; those recruited as formal staff of public institutions can be formalized and graded in advance, and their salary grades at the time of formalization and grading can be set one to three grades higher according to regulations. 5. in line with the rural revitalization strategy, adapt to the needs of innovation in grassroots governance models, and explore grassroots employment opportunities such as medical and health care, elderly care services, social work, judicial assistance, and scientific research assistants. stabilize and expand the scale of recruitment in state-owned enterprises 6. support colleges and universities, research institutes, and enterprises that undertake national science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.) to expand the scale of scientific research assistant positions. the funds for scientific research assistant positions are listed from the direct expenditures of scientific research activities.
policy standards: determined by local authorities based on local actual conditions.
policy duration: long-term implementation. (source: wechat account of the ministry of human resources and social security)
lightning news reporter su jia reports