
formulate differentiated renewal strategies to help guangdong's state-owned enterprises gain new momentum


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vigorously promote equipment renewal in the industrial and energy fields, and enhance the concentration and scale of renewable resource recycling
text/huang ting, omnimedia reporter of yangcheng evening news
photo/provided by the interviewee
aiming at the two major scenarios of second-hand car consumption and export in counties, state-owned enterprises strengthen the second-hand car trading service platform; in view of the current situation of irregular recycling channels for waste electrical appliances, electronic products, and waste batteries, environmental protection state-owned enterprises extend the industrial chain and promote waste recycling; state-owned enterprises in the transportation field also press the "accelerator" for equipment renewal, airports speed up the electrification of transfer vehicles, and 47 bridges are equipped with "anti-collision bridge" early warning systems...
scenes with distinctive features and "new" ideas are constantly being staged in guangdong's state-owned enterprises. the reporter recently learned that the guangdong provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission has taken the initiative to plan and deploy, and vigorously promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement (hereinafter referred to as "two new" work"), which has begun to show results. so far, the four major actions of provincial enterprises to promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement in 2024 have completed a total investment of 6.046 billion yuan.
implement four major actions
different industries develop differentiated update strategies
recently, the "provincial state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises work plan to promote large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade-in" (hereinafter referred to as the "plan") was released, proposing multiple goals - by 2027, the scale of equipment investment by provincial enterprises in key areas such as industry, energy, construction, and transportation will increase by more than 25% compared with 2023; the volume of scrapped cars recycled and used car transactions by provincial enterprises will increase by more than 50% compared with 2023, etc.
the plan proposes specific measures around the implementation of four major actions: large-scale equipment renewal, old consumer goods replacement, waste recycling, and standard guidance.
this year, under the wave of large-scale equipment renewal, guangdong has mainly focused on eight key areas, among which industry, energy, transportation, construction, etc. are all key areas for the layout of guangdong's state-owned enterprises. the implementation of a series of differentiated measures such as the replacement of vehicles with electrification in the transportation sector, the energy and chemical sector's coal-fired power unit consumption reduction transformation, and the manufacturing industry's technical transformation actions have promoted the transformation and upgrading of state-owned enterprises to digitalization, intelligence, and greening.
for example, the energy industry has great potential for energy-saving equipment renewal. guangdong energy group has established an energy-saving and carbon-reduction platform to promote energy-saving and carbon-reduction transformation of general equipment in various fields, such as compressed air energy efficiency improvement in thermal power sectors, efficient refrigeration in key energy-consuming units, and energy-saving and carbon-reduction transformation in data centers. in the infrastructure sector, more attention is paid to improving safety assurance and comprehensive service capabilities. guangdong transportation group not only installed "anti-collision bridge" warning devices on bridges, but also invested heavily in the construction of new energy vehicle charging infrastructure in highway service areas.
"in addition to setting targets for equipment investment scale, we also guide provincial enterprises to make good use of ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds, eliminate backward production capacity in accordance with laws and regulations, and give priority to equipment renewal and technological transformation projects in the state-owned capital operation budget," said a relevant department head of the guangdong provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission. financial funds have eased the short-term funding pressure on state-owned enterprises, and coupled with the production capacity and energy efficiency advantages of new equipment, enterprises are more motivated to update equipment.
seize the opportunity to change
open up new tracks such as used car exports
one of the main goals of the plan is to gradually strengthen a number of specialized companies and create a number of new sectors, new formats and new products. since the beginning of this year, a large number of provincial enterprises have taken this opportunity to open up new tracks and develop new quality productivity.
taking advantage of the trade-in opportunity, guangdong-owned enterprises guangdong auto trade, weipu auto, and guangdong youche have done a good job in second-hand car sales. in march this year, the guangdong county auto sales service platform created by weipu auto was launched, integrating online and offline consumption scenarios, and a full-scale auto transaction service platform for new and second-hand cars, promoting the "trade-in" policy to penetrate into county-level areas.
the highlight of the second-hand car layout of provincial enterprises lies in the new blue ocean of overseas markets. the reporter learned that the guangdong provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission and the guangdong provincial department of commerce jointly guided guangdong property holdings group to build a quasi-public welfare guangdong second-hand car export comprehensive service platform, making full use of the china-europe train operation, port tax rebate and other policies, optimizing and improving the export process, and striving to provide all-round, one-stop services for the majority of second-hand car export enterprises.
relying on its experience in comprehensive environmental management, another provincial enterprise, guangdong environmental protection group, has also extended its tentacles into resource recycling business.
in may 2024, guangdong guangye resource recycling co., ltd., a subsidiary of the provincial environmental protection group, was established. it is committed to building an online and offline integrated waste recycling system, creating an industrial cluster for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic products, waste plastics, waste batteries, waste metals and other renewable resources, and promoting guangdong's waste recycling industry from a "small industry" to a "big track".
at present, guangdong is carrying out a special action to build a modern industrial system for provincial state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, and increasing investment in strategic emerging industries; under the guidance of the "two new" work, guangdong is also planning to build a group of leading enterprises, chain-leading enterprises, and unicorn enterprises, and accelerate the layout of new fields and new tracks. "now a lot of work is in the early preparation and coordination stage. we guide state-owned enterprises to start with some areas where conditions are mature, and then further extend the industrial chain vertically or horizontally, and finally give birth to new products, new formats, and new models," the above-mentioned person in charge pointed out.
gathering strong synergy
accelerate the construction of a "chess game" of state-owned assets across the province
to enable provincial enterprises to fully participate in the "two new" work, we must also further strengthen work responsibilities, refine work measures, and make good use of the "baton" of performance appraisal.
in april this year, the guangdong provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission established a special working group headed by the main leaders of the commission, built a "1+1+n" policy system, issued work plans, formulated task records, issued a package of guiding policies, and formed a "weekly report, monthly scheduling" work mechanism to ensure that all work is effectively implemented and implemented efficiently. all 18 provincial enterprises have established special working groups headed by the top leaders of the group companies, established work mechanisms, decomposed the work tasks of each unit from 2024 to 2027, and promoted this work with target indicators as the guide.
the guangdong provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission has also innovatively identified the “two new” work as an annual focus item, included it in the performance appraisal system for provincial enterprise leaders and the key content of inspection and supervision, and effectively and orderly promoted the implementation of various tasks.
"for the expansion industries in the early stages of cultivation, we respect objective laws and hope that they can be sustainable and gradually grow bigger and stronger, so we weaken the assessment of short-term benefit indicators. once they have a certain industrial foundation, they can be included in the main business of provincial enterprises." the person in charge of the relevant department of the provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission pointed out to reporters a major highlight in the assessment mechanism for the "two new" work.
in order to solve the bottlenecks in cross-departmental and cross-city communication and docking, the guangdong provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission has expanded the "two new" circle of friends. the provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission actively communicates with the provincial development and reform commission, the department of commerce, the department of finance, the market supervision bureau and other departments to gather greater synergy; it does a good job in daily communication with central enterprises stationed in guangzhou, actively promotes joint ventures between provincial enterprises and central enterprises in the fields of equipment renewal, technological transformation, recycling, etc., and coordinates and integrates industrial resources; it accelerates the construction of a "chess game" of state-owned assets across the province, and establishes a linkage mechanism between provincial and municipal state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises.
"it is obvious that everyone wants to work together to accomplish this," the person in charge of the relevant department of the provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission told reporters. the working group of the guangdong provincial development and reform commission has visited provincial enterprises on the front line for many investigations and exchanged views with them face to face at the provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission. in response to new policies such as ultra-long-term special government bonds, the provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission took the lead in establishing a normalized communication mechanism, and the 18 provincial enterprises can directly inquire with the relevant departments... as information barriers are constantly broken down, a powerful synergy around the "two new" is taking shape.
in the next step, the guangdong provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission will continue to coordinate and guide state-owned enterprises to increase capital investment in the "two new" areas, leverage more social capital participation, give full play to the demonstration and leading role of state-owned enterprises, ensure that the "two new" work makes substantial progress, and strive to make state-owned assets contribute to encouraging advancement and eliminating backwardness.