
able to remember the names of all students who have chosen the course, li qing of beijing university of science and technology said that he treats every student as his own child


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before the start of each fall semester, li qing, party secretary and professor of the school of automation at the university of science and technology beijing, would ask the counselors of the proposed class to compile a list of students who have chosen his courses, including name, gender, ethnicity, and place of origin. at most, there would be more than 300 students on the list for the four classes, and li qing would spend two or three days memorizing the information of these students.
in the first class with new students, li qing will show the list on the big screen in the classroom. with his back to the big screen, he will recite the names of the students one by one in ascending or descending order of their student numbers. li qing has been doing this for many years, "it also shows a basic attitude as a teacher, respecting every student."
since he started teaching at the university of science and technology beijing in 2000, li qing has been committed to teaching and scientific research for a long time. he teaches 4 undergraduate courses and 1 graduate course every year, and gives more than 200 hours of classroom lectures per year. in the past 24 years, li qing has welcomed and sent off countless students, and he has grown from a young lecturer who has just entered the teaching field to the deputy dean of the school of automation of the university, and then to the party secretary. his identity has changed, but his original intention of education has never changed, "to treat every student as his own child and be worthy of the identity of a teacher."
li qing, party secretary of the school of automation, university of science and technology beijing. photo provided by the interviewee
"four teaching integration" makes the course attractive
li qing's initial yearning for the profession of teacher came from his father who was a middle school teacher.
"my father has been a teacher since he graduated from university, but he is very busy and can only come home once a week." li qing's education was mainly provided by his grandmother and great-grandmother. although his father was busy with work, li qing still remembers that many of his father's students would come to visit him during festivals and have a good chat. "i have always thought that being a teacher is great. in the future, i can be like my father, with students all over the world, and cultivate many talents that are useful to the country and society."
after graduating with a doctorate from the university of science and technology beijing in 2000, li qing chose to stay on to teach. "the school is very strict in training young teachers," li qing recalled. at that time, young teachers had to assist experienced teachers in teaching, and they also had to mark homework, answer questions after class, and correct test papers.
“at that time, handouts were mainly handwritten, and ppt teaching was not particularly common.” for two 100-minute classes, li qing spent more than 10 hours preparing the handouts, “not including the time i spent practicing. writing handouts is not simply copying what is already in the textbooks. you also have to look up a lot of information and add cutting-edge technologies in the field of automation, personal scientific research results, etc.” li qing was somewhat nervous when he stepped onto the podium for the first time. fortunately, he had prepared well in advance, and there were many interactive sessions designed during the lectures, so he was able to grasp the overall rhythm relatively well. “i would also tell them stories and share my growth experiences, etc.”
li qing has maintained the habit of making full preparations before every new class for many years.
"to educate students nowadays is definitely not as simple as imparting knowledge points. we must focus on cultivating students' various abilities and shaping their values." based on many years of front-line teaching experience, li qing summed up the "four-teaching integration" teaching method of integration of thought and education, integration of industry and education, integration of science and education, and integration of competition and education.
li qing believes that it is best for teachers not to always teach students knowledge. they only need to explain the logical main line of the course knowledge framework clearly without going into too much detail. "for example, for example, when i teach, i will discuss the ideas with the students, and the rest depends on the students' own practice after class. teachers should constantly improve their understanding of teaching rules, and at the same time pay attention to the cultivation of students' self-learning ability and comprehensive quality."
at the same time, li qing also pays special attention to integrating theory with practice, integrating the latest cutting-edge technologies and scientific research results into teaching, and combining actual production conditions with teaching. "sometimes i will serve as a judge for some science and technology competitions. i will share with students some competition questions related to the automation major that i see in the competitions as content for after-class practice."
communicating with students, learning from peers and young teachers... li qing will use various opportunities to continuously enrich his course content, adjust his teaching methods, and make his courses always attractive.
li qing uses various methods to make his classes always attractive. photo provided by the interviewee
take students' studies seriously and answer their questions every week
when it comes to students’ academic management, li qing also has his own “persistence”: zero tolerance for plagiarism in homework.
in li qing's view, copying homework is tantamount to losing the valuable quality of honesty and trustworthiness. he will personally correct every homework and small test paper after class, and by establishing strict assessment standards, he will try his best to prevent copying homework.
"some students don't complete their homework independently, but directly copy the answers to some exercises." li qing used the two holidays to do all the homework for the courses he taught, and then checked them one by one with the answers to the exercises. "occasionally, i specially leave some exercises with wrong answers, so if students copy, i can find it in the first time."
when li qing discovers that students have copied homework, he will unceremoniously deduct a certain number of points from their regular grades. "in fact, i am quite strict in this regard, sometimes even harsh. some students will get upset and even have small disputes because of this. at this time, as a teacher, i actually feel very frustrated."
but deducting points is never the goal. li qing just uses this method to find out possible academic problems of students as early as possible. "we hope that every student can graduate smoothly." li qing believes that preventing problems from happening and intervening early is a good way. "counselors should go to classrooms and dormitories more often, and the main teachers should also do a good job of process management. they should find out students' academic problems early by marking daily homework and small tests, and help students as soon as possible. then students will not have academic warnings, drop out, and other phenomena that teachers do not want to see."
after teaching for a year or two, li qing began to add questioning sessions to the weekly after-class q&a sessions, trying his best to ensure that no student falls behind. "the combination of q&a and questioning means that in daily homework or quizzes, if i find that a student is not doing well, i will ask him to come to me during the q&a session. i will ask him if he has any questions or what he didn't understand. if he says he has no questions, i will ask him about some of the knowledge points we have covered. if the student can't answer, i will give him extra lessons."
in li qing's opinion, as long as teachers pay attention to and provide support to students in the early stages, most of them can get good grades in professional courses.
in fact, the topics of the q&a sessions are not limited to academics. sometimes, students will ask for advice on how to make good academic and career plans for the future, how to conduct competitive scientific research, etc. li qing will explain them one by one as a person who has experienced it.
li qing (first from right) with students. photo provided by the interviewee
"don't worry, the teacher will always be behind you"
outside the classroom, li qing always treats students with great care. he spends traditional festivals with students to enhance the emotional exchange between teachers and students. he also quietly supports students from families with difficulties, writes recommendation letters for students who are admitted to graduate school or studying abroad, and buys growth and inspirational books for students at his own expense...
in july 2015, an explosion occurred at a petrochemical plant in lanshan district, rizhao, shandong. at that time, li qing was taking 30 students to intern at a steel company less than 600 meters away from the explosion site. when organizing the students to evacuate, facing the billowing smoke and the gas tanks around them, a girl asked li qing in tears, "teacher, will we be safe?" li qing firmly said to all the students: "don't worry, the teacher will always be behind you." at 8:30 that night, the fire that had been under control reignited, and teachers and students were evacuated again. after all the students were settled, it was almost dawn, and li qing finally took a nap on the "bed" made of two chairs.
li qing practices "treating every student as his own child" and has been listed on the "i love my teacher - the best teacher in my mind" list eight times, becoming the current teacher with the most number of titles in the school.
when li qing taught his first class in 1999, he played football and ate with the students; among the 30 students he taught in 2011, 26 went on to further their studies; among the 28 students he taught in 2020, 23 went on to further their studies... li qing has deep memories of every class of students he has taught, and he still maintains close contact with many of them.
"when i taught my first class, i was still young and didn't feel anything. but when i started teaching again in 2011, i really felt like i was taking care of a child." li qing said with a smile that in order to help students develop good work and rest habits, he would sometimes make surprise visits to student dormitories when they were freshmen. "at 11 o'clock in the evening, i would urge them to turn off the lights and go to bed early. at that time, i really felt like i was taking care of my own children."
when students graduate, li qing feels sad and uneasy. "for example, there was a student in the class of 2011 who was not very willing to participate in activities with others. he started working after graduating from undergraduate school. i was worried that he would not be able to adapt to society, so i kept telling him to spend more time with others and take the postgraduate entrance examination if he had the chance. i kept telling him, but i was still worried."
in li qing's heart, the happiest moment is when the graduates return to school, and he recounts how he changed them, how he helped them avoid pitfalls, and what words he said to encourage them to catch up... "at this time, i feel the most accomplished and happy, because now i find that they are all well-educated, have unique skills, and can contribute to society."
to this day, li qing still believes from the bottom of his heart that as a teacher, he must persist in teaching students. "through precept and example, we can influence more students. i like to be a down-to-earth teacher, get along with students, truly enter their hearts, and help them grow better. teaching and educating people is a manifestation of my real contribution to society."
recently, in the 2024 beijing education system "education model (pioneer)" selection activity, li qing won the title of "beijing education system teaching and educating model".
in his autobiography, li qing wrote, "i have been teaching for 24 years, and many scenes are still vivid in my mind. many students have grown up. but that is in the past. in the future, i will continue to carry forward the spirit of 'rigorous scholarship and willingness to be a stepping stone for others', cultivate more high-quality talents who listen to the party, follow the party, have ideals and abilities, and are willing to serve the motherland, and contribute my lifelong strength to building a strong country in education."
beijing news reporter yang feifei
edited by miao chenxia and proofread by mu xiangtong