
back to school season: some children don’t want to go to school, don’t want to go to school, can’t go to school…


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original title:
children and adolescents are at a high risk of emotional disorders (lead)
back to school season: don’t want to go to school, don’t want to go to school, can’t go to school… (theme)
geng xingmin, reporter of china women's news
●nowadays, both psychiatric hospitals and psychology clinics in general hospitals have more adolescent and child patients and visitors than before. the main symptoms are: they don’t want to go to school, don’t want to go to school, and can’t go to school.
●some of the children who come to the doctor for school aversion are elementary school students, but the majority are middle and high school students. their symptoms are that they feel physically unwell or have emotional breakdowns when they go to school, and gradually they stop going to school.
●from a medical perspective, children and adolescents are at a high risk of developing emotional disorders, as shown by both domestic and international epidemiological surveys.
september is the start of the school year. saying goodbye to the relaxation and ease of summer vacation, students enter a new and intense study life. it is normal for most children to feel reluctant to leave the holiday and feel stressed about the start of school. however, some children are unable to attend school normally due to serious physical symptoms caused by psychological problems, and have to go to the hospital accompanied by their parents or alone to seek professional medical intervention.
recently, a reporter from china women's news went to peking university sixth hospital and interviewed professor liu qi, chief physician of psychiatry, and dr. yuan junliang, director of the department of neurology at peking university sixth hospital and leader of the national key clinical specialty (neurology).
liu qi said: "now, whether it is a psychiatric hospital or a general hospital's psychology clinic, there are more adolescents and children visiting and visiting than before. the main symptoms are - don't want to go to school, don't want to go to school, can't go to school."
it is normal for children to feel like they don’t want to go to school during the school term.
liu qi said that children’s negative emotions of “not wanting to go to school” before school starts are fundamentally different from what we usually call “dislike of school”.
school aversion generally refers to a child's deviation in their understanding of learning and a negative behavioral response pattern towards learning activities. it occurs in daily study and life, and if not intervened in time, it may evolve into a serious psychological disorder.
after a long vacation, children are reluctant to return to school, which is often due to the sudden change in their living and learning environment, which makes them temporarily unable to adapt. it is worth noting that anxiety is not unique to students. some teachers also experience rising psychological pressure before school starts. it is normal for adults and children to feel anxious about the start of school.
understanding and accepting children’s anxiety about going to school is a crucial step. when many parents hear that their children do not want to go to school, they always preach to them: “all children go to school. if you don’t go to school now, what will you do in the future?” repeatedly emphasizing the consequences of not going to school will increase the psychological burden on children.
let's put ourselves in their shoes. if you've been working very hard recently, and you come home and say to your family, "i don't want to go to work anymore!", you don't want them to say, "how can you not go to work? how are you going to live in the future?" you would rather hear them say, "have you encountered any difficulties at work? tell me about it."
the same is true for children. when they complain to you, "i don't want to go to school," it does not mean that they really want to give up their studies. they just want you to understand their feelings and affirm their feelings. if we can identify with children's emotions and are willing to listen to their voices, their anxiety will be greatly alleviated.
emotional disorders cause children to hate school
liu qi introduced that some of the children who came to the hospital for school aversion were primary school students, but the majority were middle and high school students. most of them had symptoms such as physical discomfort or emotional breakdown as soon as they went to school, and gradually stopped going to school.
dr. yuan junliang, director of the department of neurology at peking university sixth hospital and leader of the national key clinical specialty (neurology), pointed out that children who hate studying generally have the following five psychological problems:
decreased self-esteem and self-confidence: due to the inability to enter an ideal school or learning environment, they feel inferior, do not understand their own strengths, and think that they are not good enough, which affects their self-confidence.
too much pressure: facing the pressure of going to school or family expectations, children may feel anxious or even develop depression. this psychological state may lead to a decline in learning motivation, forming a vicious cycle.
insufficient emotion management ability: many children lack effective emotion regulation strategies when facing setbacks and may show negative emotions such as anger and frustration, which affects their mental health.
social barriers: children who are unable to attend school regularly may lack opportunities to interact with their peers, resulting in limited development of social skills, further exacerbating feelings of loneliness and isolation.
tension in family relationships: the degree to which the family values ​​education, the emotional support of the parents, and the way they communicate can all affect the child's mental state. children with tense or lacking family relationships are more likely to have psychological problems.
liu qi introduced that the two core psychological experiences of emotional disorders are fear and worry.
fear: the patient is always very afraid. these fears may have specific reasons, such as fear of taking exams, fear of speaking in public, fear of getting along with others, and fear of encountering an environment or situation that is difficult for them to cope with. this fear is so severe that it produces uncontrollable physical manifestations of tension and fear.
worry: because patients have experienced particularly fearful things or scenes, they worry that the feared situation will occur again, or they worry about the occurrence of various terrible, low-probability events for a long time.
liu qi explained that when these psychological manifestations occur, people will show symptoms of excessive autonomic nervous system arousal, such as palpitations, hand tremors, sweating, frequent urination, urgent urination, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, lack of appetite, etc. in severe cases, excessive activity may occur, such as constantly using small movements to relieve anxiety; or constantly walking around, etc. in this case, it is difficult to concentrate on learning. anxiety can also cause physical fatigue, insomnia, and pain in many parts of the body, especially headaches.
in fact, from a medical perspective, children and adolescents are at a high risk of developing emotional disorders, as shown by both domestic and international epidemiological surveys.
understanding the voice-over of children who "don't want to go to school"
"it's not that i don't want to learn, but i don't see hope."
for such children, yuan junliang pointed out that parents should pay attention to the fact that the root of their problem is that children do not adequately evaluate their own abilities, and parents should patiently help their children understand their own strengths.
yuan junliang said that in outpatient cases, some children are particularly hardworking. parents said that their children study until 12 o'clock at night before going to bed, and they will use any little time to study. although the children really work hard, their grades just can't improve. parents are confused and children are anxious. such children generally have inferiority complex. when a person is under too much pressure, it will hinder intellectual development. we should guide children to pay more attention to their own strengths and give full play to their potential. parents should learn to discover their children's strengths and shining points from every little bit, and help them build self-confidence. start with small things and see the process of children's efforts.
“i don’t know why i should study, and i don’t know what the meaning of studying is.”
parents should first let their children imagine what kind of life they want to live and what kind of efforts they need to make to live such a life. if parents do not help their children to sort out their goals, their children's goals are likely to become fantasies.
after clarifying the goal, we will choose the corresponding tools and the corresponding path to take, so that children can clearly see their future, thus awakening their learning motivation. in adolescence, inspiration is like a rope. parents who make good use of this rope can provide a strong boost for their children's growth.
"it's not that i don't want to learn, it's that i really can't learn."
some children feel that other students can easily rank in the top of the class, but they can’t see any results no matter how hard they study. at this time, the children will attack themselves and feel that they are stupid. such children will put their psychological energy into coping with the pressure from their parents instead of studying. in fact, “not being able to learn” is the reason for “not being able to learn”, and “not being able to learn” is the result of “not being able to learn”.
at this time, parents should help their children find their own learning methods and build their own knowledge system.
in short, parents should feel the emotional changes of their children in time and provide psychological comfort to their children. you can try: 1. self-motivation method. tell your child when you see something good. 2. language suggestion method. for example, if the child wants to learn mathematics, parents can say: you can give it a try. 3. environmental adjustment method. for example, changing the color of the curtains to make the house look brighter; or raising flowers, cats, dogs, etc., all have a soothing and regulating effect. music, exercise, etc. are also effective methods.
liu qi emphasized that when problems arise, we should actively seek medical treatment and treatment. diseases are not formed overnight, and neither is treatment. understanding the various risk factors of emotional disorders is for early prevention. "it takes ten years to grow a tree, and a hundred years to cultivate a person." for humans, a rich natural environment, a good attachment relationship, a nutritious diet, adequate sleep, proper exercise, and supportive social relationships are all effective ways to promote the orderly development of individual mental and psychological development and buffer stress. the microenvironment for individual growth varies greatly, and every family needs to take it seriously.
source: china women's news