
fenghuang community of wenfeng subdistrict: promoting the construction of green ecological civilization through multiple measures


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china jiangsu news network: recently, fenghuang community of wenfeng street actively responded to the national call for ecological civilization construction and launched a series of activities with the theme of "green environmental protection into thousands of homes, i participate in ecological civilization" to effectively enhance residents' understanding of garbage classification knowledge and improve the environmental quality and civilization level in the jurisdiction.
in the "garbage classification, environmental protection concept enters people's hearts" activity, the community organized the "classification new fashion, green sharing" theme publicity activities for young people and children of enterprise employees in the area to promote garbage classification, enhance residents' awareness, and promote resource recycling. at the event site, volunteers explained garbage classification knowledge in detail, and also set up knowledge quizzes and fun experience games. through practical operations, the children intuitively understood the standards and importance of garbage classification.
in order to accurately convey environmental protection information, community environmental inspectors and grid members formed a publicity team to conduct door-to-door publicity. they went deep into shops along the street and residents' homes to carry out one-on-one environmental protection publicity, carrying environmental protection brochures, energy-saving and emission-reduction tips, and recyclable items classification guides and other materials, patiently explained environmental protection knowledge, answered residents' daily environmental protection questions, and collected residents' opinions and suggestions on community environmental protection work.
in the "patrol and protect the river, green action shows results" activity, community grid workers widely publicized the importance of patrolling and protecting the river and the action plan through a combination of online and offline methods, attracting residents, volunteers and veterans in the area to actively participate. on the day of the activity, volunteers and veterans carefully cleaned up the garbage along both sides of the river with tools in hand, and promoted environmental protection knowledge to passers-by without fear of the scorching heat. after a day of hard work, dozens of kilograms of various types of garbage were cleaned up, and the environment on both sides of the river was significantly improved.
this series of activities not only enhanced residents' environmental awareness and sense of responsibility, but also promoted harmony and unity in the community. the relevant person in charge of fenghuang community said that the community will continue to uphold the concept of green development, constantly innovate environmental protection publicity methods, guide more residents to participate in the construction of ecological civilization, and jointly protect the green home. (ding tingting)