
elderly friends, please take note: the doctor is telling you to do strength training! | exercise is good medicine


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many elderly friends have the good habit of daily activities, such as walking, brisk walking, jogging, etc. however, there is a type of exercise that has been neglected by everyone, and it is strength training.strength training can improve muscle strength, muscle mass and bone density, and enhance athletic helps control blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, improve body composition, vascular function, immune system function, etc.

elderly friends can prepareresistance bands, dumbbells or water bottles,as a strength training equipment. during the training process,adjust the resistance/weight to your ability.under,take elastic band as an example.introducing strength training methods suitable for the elderly.

upper body strength training



one-arm press

place the elastic band flat on a chair, sit down, and keep your body upright. press one end of the elastic band with your thigh, and wrap the other end around your left hand to keep it fixed. grab the elastic band with your left hand, slowly pull it up, and push your left arm to make the elastic band taut. then, slowly return to the initial position. this is a complete movement. 8 to 12 times/group, do 3 groups, then switch to the right arm and repeat the above process.

action points:keep your elbows straight and focus your force through the back of your arms and shoulders.


arm push forward

wrap the elastic band around your back, under your arms, and wrap the tail end around your hands. keep your body straight and pull the elastic band forward until your arms are straight. then, slowly return to the starting position. this is a complete movement. 8 to 12 times/group, do 3 groups.

action points:push your arms forward horizontally, focusing your force on your chest and the back of your arms.


arm pull-down

wrap the elastic band around a fixed object such as a horizontal bar in front of the body, and wrap the two ends around your hands. sit upright, slowly pull the elastic band down with both hands until the elastic band is tight. then, slowly return to the initial position. this is a complete movement. 8 to 12 times/set, do 3 sets.

action points:stretch your arms straight and pull the elastic band down behind you, focusing your force on your shoulders, back, and arms.


straight arm pullback

sit down, place the elastic band in front of your body, and wrap the two ends around your hands. keep your body straight, pull the elastic band with both hands, and slowly do horizontal abduction movements until the elastic band is taut. then, return to the initial position. this is a complete movement. 8 to 12 times/group, do 3 groups.

action points:the force is concentrated on the back of the arms and the back of the shoulders.

lower limb strength training



dynamic half squat

with your back against a wall (you can also place a foam roller between your back and the wall so that it rolls with your body), place your feet shoulder-width apart. slowly lower yourself to a half squat, with your thighs higher than your knees, stay for a while, and then return to the initial position. this is a complete movement. do 8-12 times/group, and do 3 groups.

you can also practice the following moves:8 to 12 times/set, do 3 sets.

action points:the force is concentrated on the front of the thighs and buttocks.


heel raises

spread your feet apart and place your hands on the wall or handrails to ensure balance. slowly lift your heels, stay for a while, and then return to the initial position. this is a complete movement. 8 to 12 times/group, do 3 groups.

action points:the force is concentrated on the back of the calf.


double leg hip bridge

lie flat on the mat, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on both sides of your body. slowly lift your hips upwards, pause for a while, and then return to the initial position. this is a complete movement. 8 to 12 times/group, do 3 groups.

action points:concentrate your force on the buttocks and the back of your thighs, and do not exert excessive force on your waist.

kind tips

the above movements can be done 8 to 12 times per set, 3 sets per day, and exercise 2 to 3 days a is recommended that you consult a physical therapist first to conduct a safety assessment. after eliminating potential unsafe factors, develop a strength training plan based on the strength assessment results and perform strength training under the guidance of a professional.elderly friends can make adjustments according to actual conditions.

it should be reminded that strength training should grasp four principles:

1. targeted muscles in different parts of the human body have different functions, so muscles (groups) should be exercised through different movements (such as specific exercises of the upper and lower limbs).

2. overload the intensity of exercise needs to exceed the capacity of the muscles themselves, otherwise the muscles will be content with the status quo and will not have any exercise effect.

3. progressive the intensity of exercise should be increased gradually. when strength training reaches a certain level, the intensity can be appropriately increased.

4. persistence strength training requires long-term persistence. you can't just give it a try and stop. if you stop exercising for a long time, all your previous efforts will go to waste.

source: senior health news

author: hu yuekong and jia chengsen, department of rehabilitation medicine, west china tianfu hospital, sichuan university

reviewer: huang xiaoli, member of the national health science expert database and chief physician of west china hospital of sichuan university

image courtesy:west china tianfu hospital of sichuan university

planning: zheng yingfan, wang ning

editor: wang qianhui

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