
the construction of ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools under the background of "internet"


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□guo sheng (changsha children's palace)
internet technology has changed people's lives. it has integrated "internet +" into various fields and promoted the development of all walks of life. nowadays, the internet is gradually becoming popular in campuses across the country. both rural and urban schools are connected to the internet. in primary and secondary school teaching, ideological and political education courses, as courses that affect people's lives, run through school education from beginning to end. the implementation of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor in education is inseparable from moral education. primary and secondary school teachers should make reasonable use of "internet +" to break the limitations of time and space, explore innovative paths for ideological and political education, and better carry out moral education.
1. the importance of ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools under the background of "internet +"
enrich educational resources and means.the internet has enriched the diversity of ideological and political education resources and means in primary and secondary schools. through the internet, students can access a large number of ideological and political education resources, making the educational content more vivid, vivid and specific. at the same time, teachers can also use internet tools such as online classrooms, micro-classes, moocs, etc. to carry out flexible and diverse teaching activities to stimulate students' interest and enthusiasm in learning.
broaden educational horizons and space.under the background of "internet +", ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools is no longer limited to traditional classroom teaching. students can learn ideological and political knowledge anytime and anywhere through the internet, participate in online discussions and exchanges, and exchange and merge ideas with people from different regions and cultural backgrounds. this cross-time and space learning method helps broaden students' educational horizons and cultivate their cross-cultural communication skills.
enhance educational interactivity and participationthe internet provides a powerful interactive platform for ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools. teachers can not only interact with students in real time through the online platform and answer students' questions and doubts in a timely manner, but students can also communicate and discuss with teachers and classmates through the online platform and share their learning experiences and feelings, thereby enhancing the sense of participation and belonging of primary and secondary school students.
ii. measures for the construction of ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools under the background of “internet +”
innovate the traditional ideological and political education model."internet +" has further promoted the progress and development of ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools. teachers should conduct in-depth research based on existing problems and innovate traditional ideological and political education models in ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools. teachers can create an online communication platform, so that students can express their ideas and opinions on teachers' teaching and school management on the platform; teachers should also create a psychological counseling network station, regularly publish relevant psychological lectures based on teachers' understanding of students' psychology, and guide students' thinking and views from the perspective of students, so as to help primary and secondary school students solve problems and difficulties encountered in their growth and help students grow up physically and mentally. in addition, teachers can also formulate questionnaires that meet the age of students, understand the dynamics of students' psychology and thinking perspectives, and formulate targeted teaching content based on students' thinking perspectives. at the same time, teachers should also communicate with each other, jointly explore and formulate teaching models suitable for ideological and political education of primary and secondary school students, and guide primary and secondary school students to establish correct thinking perspectives.
make teaching more colorful with the help of online props. under the background of "internet +", many teachers in primary school ideological and political education still tend to "black and white" in their classrooms. boring explanations, strict requirements and stressful classrooms can easily make students feel bored. therefore, teachers should use network props scientifically to make "internet +" a real boost to teaching, add luster to the classroom, and allow primary and secondary school students to enjoy colorful learning in colorful classrooms. in the past, teachers organized teaching methods mostly boring narration and blackboard writing. through actual teaching research, it can be found that primary school students prefer exciting, stimulating and interesting factors, and the internet just has these positive aspects. therefore, teachers should use multimedia technology, micro-class videos and other network props to enrich teaching content and improve students' learning attention. in the ideological and political education of primary and secondary schools, multimedia courseware has the characteristics of static and dynamic coexistence. the rational use of multimedia courseware can make ideological and political teaching turn from "spitting" to "illustration", stimulate students' imagination and mobilize students' enthusiasm. in addition, there are many interesting elements in multimedia courseware, and the use of such interesting elements can also effectively create a good classroom atmosphere.
focus on teaching in the form of practical activities.ideological and political education does not just stay in the classroom, but can also be "moved" to the playground and "moved" outside the school. after implementing the double reduction policy, many schools have set up activity clubs during the after-school service period. relying on these rich and diverse clubs, various moral education practice activities are carried out to integrate cultural education into ideological and political education, so as to improve the quality level of primary and secondary school students and achieve the basic goal of ideological and political education. teachers should actively collect and integrate high-quality moral education teaching resources on the internet, such as micro-classes, video cases, e-books, etc., to enhance the fun and interactivity of learning. in addition, relevant theme class meetings should be designed based on current social hot news, and students should be guided to pay attention to social phenomena, think about moral issues, and cultivate their sense of social responsibility and civic awareness through video presentations, group discussions, etc. in addition, it is necessary to break the space limitations of traditional classrooms and optimize the combination of internal courses and external resources. by introducing distance learning, online education platforms and other means, students can be exposed to more diversified teaching content and teaching methods. at the same time, teachers can also cooperate with teachers or experts from other regions to jointly develop cross-regional and cross-disciplinary ideological and political courses to achieve sharing and complementarity of high-quality educational resources.
improve teachers' comprehensive abilities and qualities.first, increase knowledge reserveswhen teachers carry out ideological and political teaching activities in primary and secondary schools, they should put themselves in a dominant position, take students as the main body of the classroom, scientifically and reasonably guide students to actively participate in ideological and political education, pay attention to the information that students are concerned about, think about what students think, and be close to students' needs. in this way, when facing some special students who are easily ignored by teachers of various subjects, they can timely discover the problems of students in their growth, communicate with students and their parents in time, and help students get rid of psychological problems.second, innovative teaching methods. teaching method is an art full of wisdom. the interaction between teachers and students and the results generated in the classroom are valuable gains. in particular, ideological and political education courses require more student participation. teachers should constantly improve their teaching level in their daily work and learn the advanced experience of outstanding teachers from all over the country through the internet; schools should carry out regular and systematic training for teachers. these trainings should not be limited to teaching skills and methods, but should include educational concepts, information literacy, media use and other aspects, so that they can skillfully use online moral education teaching resources, combine classroom teaching with social practice, and make ideological and political education more vivid and effective. at the same time, teachers should be organized to observe and learn from excellent schools. through field visits and exchanges, they can understand the excellent practices and innovative measures of their peers, so as to broaden their horizons and improve their comprehensive professional quality.third, master communication skillsthe role of teachers in ideological and political education is very important. teachers should fully master the skills of moral education, make full use of the internet to communicate with students and parents, and form a joint force in education. in the context of "internet +", teachers' words and deeds are always under people's attention. therefore, whether in the classroom or in life, teachers should communicate well with students and parents with a positive image.
in summary, in primary and secondary schools, students are easily affected by the external environment and experience fluctuations in their thoughts, psychology, and emotions. therefore, primary and secondary school ideological and political teachers should scientifically utilize the positive factors of "internet +" technology, and through scientific guidance and reasonable teaching arrangements, realize the cultivation of students' healthy moral character and the construction of efficient ideological and political classrooms.