
how slow is the right pace for jogging? help you find your own "optimal pace"


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running is a good whole-body exercise that can help people exercise and improve their cardiopulmonary function. among all running activities, jogging is considered the essence of running.

experts interviewed

gu xiaoming, running instructor of the chinese track and field association

liu xin, researcher at shanghai institute of sports science

the pace is wrong, the more you run, the more tired you become.

some people feel that they can't move their legs, their heart rate soars, and they feel obviously tired when running. this may be due to thepacesomething went wrong.

pace is the time it takes to run 1 kilometer. when running, muscles consume energy, most of which is lost as heat, raising the body's core temperature. generally speaking, the body regulates its temperature mainly through sweating and heat dissipation from the skin surface.

if the ambient temperature and humidity are high, sweat will easily accumulate on the surface of the skin, evaporate slowly and have low heat dissipation efficiency, making it more difficult to maintain body temperature within a safe range, which may lead to a series of problems such as reduced exercise endurance and efficiency, increased heart rate, fatigue, dizziness, dehydration, and even heat stroke and difficulty breathing.

in this case, scientifically adjusting the running pace can fully ensure the comfort and safety of exercise.

how to calculate the "golden pace" for jogging

the best jogging speed is the lowest running speed that is most suitable for runners, combining heart rate and health conditions. this speed varies from person to person and will also change as the jogger's physical fitness improves.

  • beginners who have no sports foundation can adopt the walking and running method, running for 1 minute and walking for 1 minute.the speed is controlled at 8 minutes to 12 minutes per kilometerit is best not to feel strenuous when running.

  • for people who have a good foundation in sports, runningcannot exceed70%~80% of maximum heart rate (220-age)for example, for a 30-year-old runner, the maximum heart rate should be controlled at around 150 beats per minute. if it exceeds this number, it is recommended to slow down or choose brisk walking.

when running, in addition to paying attention to heart rate,temperatureandhumidityproperly adjusting your pace can make running more efficient and safer. the specific steps are as follows.


determining the dew point temperature

dew point temperature refers to the temperature at which water vapor in the air reaches saturation and begins to condense into dew or water droplets. it is the most useful indicator for measuring the moisture saturation in the air.

some weather apps will display the dew point temperature. you can also combine the air temperature and relative humidity to find the corresponding dew point temperature through the table below.

dew point temperature table corresponding to different air temperatures and relative humidity


calculating weather factor values

add the air temperature and the dew point temperature to get the weather factor value. for example, at 35°c and 70% relative humidity, the dew point temperature is 28.7°c, and the weather factor value is 35+28.7, or 63.7°c.


query the pace adjustment factor and calculate the new pace

use the "pace adjustment coefficient lookup table" to find the pace adjustment coefficient corresponding to the weather factor value, and based on the original pace and formula "new pace = original pace × (1 + pace adjustment factor)” calculate the new pace.

pace adjustment factor query table

the larger the pace value, the slower the speed.if the weather factor value is 63.7℃, the corresponding pace adjustment coefficient is 8%~10%; when the original pace is 6 minutes/kilometer, the new pace should be 6.48~6.6 minutes/kilometer, that is, 6 minutes 29 seconds~6 minutes 36 seconds per kilometer.

correct running posture makes running easier

learning the correct running posture can not only reduce running injuries, but also improve running efficiency.

head and shoulders stability

when running, the head and shoulders should remain stable and avoid shaking the head. the eyes should be focused forward and the shoulders should be appropriately relaxed.

stand straight

the body trunk from the neck to the abdomen should be kept naturally upright, without hunching or deliberately straightening, and the swaying range from side to side should not be too large. this posture helps to maintain smooth breathing, body balance and coordinated stride.

front and rear swing arms

when running, it is very important to swing your arms naturally. the left and right swing of your hands should not exceed the midline of your body, and the up and down swing should not be higher than your chest.

during the arm swing, your fingers, wrists and arms should remain relaxed, with your elbows bent about 90 degrees and close to your body.

lightly clench your fist

when running, keep your hands lightly clenched. clenching your fists too tightly will cause your forearm muscles to tighten, which will hinder normal shoulder movement.

do not hold a mobile phone or a drink bottle in your hands, otherwise it will cause your body to sway and you will not be able to maintain a correct upright posture, increasing the chance of injury.

short steps

if your strides are too big, you will feel like you are stretching your feet forward when running. this will create destructive pressure and can easily cause sports injuries.

the strides of daily running do not need to be too big, and each footstep should be about 33 cm in front of the body. suddenly increasing the stride can easily cause achilles tendon injury.

moving forward

when running, it is best to avoid lateral leg movements, as swinging your legs sideways can easily lead to knee injuries. the correct posture should be for your thighs to move straight forward.

slight hip twist

during running, the hip twist range is about 5 to 7 degrees. if the hip twist range exceeds 10 degrees, it is easy to cause problems such as iliotibial band syndrome (lateral knee pain) or hamstring strain.

doing some warm-up exercises before running can help the body get into shape quickly. jogging on the spot for 10 minutes and doing high leg raises for 5 minutes are good choices. you can also do some dynamic stretching, such as alternating arm circles and lunges.

after running, don't stop immediately. it's best to walk for 10 to 20 minutes and take deep breaths to give your body some buffer time. you can also do some static stretching exercises, such as lunge leg stretching, side leg stretching, etc.

editor of this issue: wu mengyao