
guangzhou issued four warnings in one month. dengue fever prevention and control should be done well in rainy and hot weather


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(reporter shi mengzhu and wang aibing from the people's daily health client) since august, the guangzhou center for disease control and prevention has issued four dengue fever transmission risk alerts. the alert issued on august 23 stated that since may, guangzhou city, guangdong province has reported a number of local and imported dengue fever cases. as of august 22, some areas are carrying out dengue fever epidemic management.

cai weiping, chief expert of the infectious department of the eighth municipal hospital affiliated to guangzhou medical university, said that dengue fever will be prevalent every 3-5 years. the guangzhou disease control center reminded that it has entered the dengue fever epidemic season and citizens should actively participate in dengue fever prevention and control and do a good job in mosquito prevention and control.

the disease is most common in summer and autumn, with a major epidemic occurring every 3-5 years.

on august 26, lu hongzhou, director of shenzhen third people's hospital, told the reporter of people's daily health client that dengue fever is a systemic disease with complex and diverse clinical manifestations. in the past, the "three reds and three pains" were used to vividly summarize the patient's performance. the "three reds" refer to red face, red eyes, and red body. the skin is a congested rash all over the trunk, limbs, head and face, and the eyes are congested. "three pains" refer to headache, eye pain, and body pain. bleeding tendency is manifested as bleeding gums, bleeding nasal mucosa, subcutaneous bleeding spots, and ecchymosis at the injection site. there are also some atypical symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms. in addition to the obvious aggravation of the above symptoms, patients with severe dengue fever may also experience abnormal consciousness, coma, internal bleeding, and even shock.

lin minggui, director of the infectious disease department at tsinghua chang gung memorial hospital, said that dengue fever is an acute infectious disease caused by the dengue virus, which is mainly transmitted through the bites of aedes aegypti or aedes albopictus. dengue fever is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. "after infection with the dengue virus, the incubation period is generally short, usually 3 to 14 days, usually 5 to 9 days, and the incubation period generally does not exceed two weeks." lin minggui said.

aedes albopictus picture from the national animal specimen resource bank

"every summer and autumn are the peak seasons for dengue fever. usually, there are imported cases from southeast asia first, and then local cases appear. the increase in local cases is mainly related to the breeding cycle of the mosquito vector that spreads dengue fever, the aedes albopictus. because of the decrease in herd immunity, there will be an epidemic every 3-5 years." cai weiping told the people's daily health client reporter.

"dengue fever mostly occurs in tropical and subtropical climate areas. in my country, it is more common in guangdong, guangxi, hainan, fujian and zhejiang." lu hongzhou said that the high incidence of dengue fever is closely related to weather and climate. from may to october every year, most areas enter summer, with rising temperatures and high humidity. this warm and humid environment is very suitable for the reproduction and spread of dengue virus.

the increase in rainfall will also lead to more water on the ground, providing an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes, thereby increasing the risk of dengue virus transmission.

in addition, dengue fever is mainly transmitted by aedes mosquitoes (such as aedes albopictus and aedes aegypti). these two mosquitoes are active in summer and have strong reproductive capacity. in a high temperature and high humidity environment, the reproduction cycle of aedes mosquitoes is shortened and the number of reproduction increases sharply, increasing the chances of biting humans and spreading the virus, further promoting the spread of dengue fever. summer is the peak tourist season, and people travel frequently, which can easily bring dengue fever viruses from epidemic areas to non-epidemic areas, thus causing new epidemics.

there is no specific antiviral drug, so mosquito prevention and control is necessary on a daily basis

"the clinical manifestations of dengue fever are fever, body aches, rash (diffuse congestion and petechiae), and some patients will have symptoms such as organ bleeding. there is no specific antiviral drug for dengue fever, and it can usually heal itself in 1-2 weeks. patients with severe conditions are recommended to be hospitalized for symptomatic supportive treatment." cai weiping introduced that the focus of dengue fever prevention is mosquito prevention. mosquito sprays or mosquito nets can be used for prevention. in addition, attention should be paid to the cleaning of stagnant water in the home to prevent the breeding of mosquito larvae, which is the key to mosquito prevention.

lu hongzhou said that the principle of dengue fever treatment is early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. early identification and timely treatment of severe cases are the key to reducing the mortality rate. symptomatic supportive treatment is the main treatment. there is currently no effective antiviral treatment drug. generally, antipyretic, rehydration, sedative and analgesic methods are used to relieve symptoms. patients need to rest in bed and avoid strenuous exercise to prevent the burden on the body. at the same time, give a light and easily digestible diet, ensure adequate water intake, and pay attention to mosquito isolation to prevent the condition from worsening or spreading to others. if suspected severe symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately and be hospitalized for diagnosis and treatment.

zhou hao, deputy director of the infection management department of zhujiang hospital of southern medical university, reminded that in daily life, residents need to clean up stagnant water in and around their homes, keep the environment clean, install screen doors and windows, use mosquito nets and mosquito repellent products; when going out, try to avoid wearing short-sleeved clothes and pants, and apply mosquito repellent to exposed skin; reduce going out during mosquito-prone times (7-10 a.m. and 4-7 p.m.), and if you need to go out, avoid staying in dark and humid places such as shade for too long. finally, pay close attention to the dengue fever prevention and control dynamics information released by the cdc and cooperate with mosquito control.

"if you have symptoms such as fever, rash, muscle and joint pain, or if you have the above symptoms within 2 weeks after traveling, please go to a regular hospital for medical treatment immediately, inform your travel history, and actively state your residential area. cooperate with dengue fever-related examinations to avoid delays in the disease and the occurrence of severe illness." zhou hao said.