
The ancient Chinese self-introduction amazed the parents, the Hangzhou junior high school teacher was full of creativity


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Qiu Yina, reporter of Chao News Client
As the school term was about to start, the parents of Class 13, Grade 7 of Hangzhou Xinda Foreign Language School received a special self-introduction in the DingTalk group.
Zhang Yun’s self-introduction Photo provided by the interviewee
The self-introduction comes from the head teacher and Chinese teacher Zhang Yun, "I like ancient Chinese literature very much, and hope to use this method to impress parents and children."
A lot of thought went into this 200-word ancient Chinese introduction
Zhang Yun took half an hour to write a self-introduction of just over 200 words, which contained a lot of clever ideas.
At the beginning, she pointed out the time point of Beginning of Autumn.
The beginning of autumn has just arrived. The Guanzi says, "Autumn is the time when all things are harvested," and the Shuowen Jiezi explains, "Autumn is the time when grains are ripe." The beginning of autumn is the time when the yang energy is withdrawn and the yin energy is growing. All things then become lush and ripe as the yang energy sinks. The growth period of my son and daughter is also like the solar terms after the beginning of autumn.
"At the beginning of autumn, all things in nature grow vigorously and gradually mature. And the children who have just entered the first grade of junior high school are gradually moving from innocence and ignorance to maturity." Teacher Zhang Yun said that Chinese classical literature is inseparable from the three expression methods of "fu", "bi" and "xing", so at the beginning of her self-introduction, she used analogies to point out the children's current stage of growth, and used this as a starting point to introduce the following text.
The next few paragraphs show his attitude as a class teacher and Chinese teacher.
"During the first three years of junior high school, we, the teachers who trusted us, accompanied him from the beginning to the end. We were secretly lucky, but also very cautious. We did not have the erudition of Confucius, who inspired Yan Hui's wisdom in the alley; we did not have the magical power of Zhou Tong, who helped Yue Fei to be as powerful as a thunderbolt; nor did we have the plain book of Huang Shi, who helped Zhang Liang to plan and strategize.
However, we will treat him as our own child and teach him everything we know."
Teacher Zhang Yun has been teaching Chinese for more than 30 years. She feels that today's children are no longer "waiting for teachers to teach them knowledge". They have many channels to acquire knowledge, and even have richer knowledge reserves in some areas than their teachers.
So, she used three allusions to Yan Hui, Yue Fei and Zhang Liang to express her attitude, "I hope to use a more humble attitude to tell parents and classmates: As a teacher, I am not omnipotent and omniscient. I just hope to teach children everything I know in the learning process and be a companion for them on their growth path."
Zhang Yun is visiting a family. Photo provided by the interviewee
There is a passage in "Preface to Farewell to Ma Sheng of Dongyang" by the Ming Dynasty writer Song Lian, which describes the situation when he asked his senior teachers for advice: I stood by their side, helped them with doubts and questions, leaned over and listened attentively; if they scolded me, I would become more respectful and polite, not daring to utter a word in reply; when they were pleased, I would ask again.
The general meaning is: he would accompany his teacher, raise questions, inquire about the truth, and ask for his advice with his head bent; sometimes when he was scolded by him, he would be more respectful and polite, not daring to reply a word; when the teacher was in a good mood, he would ask for advice again. As a student, Song Lian was very cautious and trembling in front of his teacher.
However, Zhang Yun did not want to be the strict and condescending teacher described by Song Lian, so he rewrote it as: always by his side, answering his questions and doubts, leaning over to teach with all his heart; when he hesitated, his expression became more gentle, his voice became softer, and he would answer them one by one in detail.
"After so many years of teaching, I have never felt that the relationship between teachers and students is a distant or even antagonistic one. In this era, teachers and students stand on an equal footing, forming a common learning body, and teachers can be designers and instructors of learning."
I hope that children will fall in love with classical Chinese and use it
Teacher Zhang introduced that the school has always had the tradition of teachers writing letters to freshmen. This paragraph is not only a self-introduction but also a small letter. "Every child entering a new school must have great expectations. I also hope to use this method to make parents and children's eyes light up and gain their affirmation at the first time."
This self-introduction also received praise from the parents of Class 13, Grade 7.
Feedback from parents (Photo provided by interviewees)
As a Chinese teacher, Zhang Yun loves classical literature very much. She used many poems to record every detail of her students. For example, during military training, she wrote, "The sun and wind gather the energy and solidify it, and the freshmen are trained to hone their talents. They sweat a lot and make raincoats dirty, their skin is as black as lead, but their spirits are not broken." During evening reading, she wrote, "At dusk, I turn off the lights and go to the room, open the book and read the interesting books. Outside, the earth hibernates are chirping, and inside the window sits a diligent student. Annotate, annotate, and leave a few words of my understanding."
Zhang Yun used poetry to record the little things in the class. Photo provided by the interviewee
She hopes to use this method to arouse students' interest in excellent traditional culture, "facing classical Chinese, inheriting and studying it. Trying to use classical Chinese to record life is also a very wonderful experience."
That day, Xinda Education Group released a video on its video account. The content of the video was very simple. The camera followed a teacher back and forth, and listened to the teacher calling out the names of students in the class one by one. The teacher was Zhang Yun, and she took half a day to remember the names of all the students in the class. Many graduates and parents liked the video in the comment area.
This year, there is a pair of twins in the new seventh grade class 13. Photo provided by the interviewee
Screenshot of comments under the video from the video account of Xinxinda Education Group
Zhang Yun said that she is about to reach retirement age, and this may be the last class of students she will teach from the first to the third grade of junior high school. However, her sincere desire to give students the most sincere and wonderful companionship has never changed, just as she said in her self-introduction: treat them as her own children and teach them everything she knows.
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