
The weather becomes cooler and drier after the Beginning of Heat, and the National Health Commission issues health tips


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Today is the End of Heat in the 24 solar terms.

Chushu means "out of summer heat"

The heat will soon pass

The summer is coming to an end

The National Health Commission held a press conference yesterday

Introducing the relationship between seasonal solar terms and health

Xiaowu will take you to learn more

After the end of summer, dry air begins to form

It’s a good time to nourish

Mi Feng, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the National Health Commission and spokesperson, said that although it is hot during the daytime during the Beginning of Heat, it gradually becomes cooler in the mornings and evenings, and people begin to feel the changes of autumn. After the Beginning of Heat, the rainfall decreases, and dry air begins to form, which can easily cause dry skin, mouth and nose. This is a good time to nourish the body. At the same time, the Beginning of Heat is still in the midst of the three hottest days of summer, and the daytime heat is prevalent. The temperature difference between day and night gradually increases, which can easily cause colds, coughs, and throat discomfort. Good hygiene habits should be maintained, indoor and outdoor air circulation should be maintained, and physical exercise should be strengthened.Improve immunity.

Eat a light diet

Protect the spleen and stomach

After the Beginning of Heat, the weather gradually cools down, but the dampness still exists. How can we remove dampness and strengthen the spleen through traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy?

Liu Qingquan, president of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine affiliated to Capital Medical University, said that during the End of Heat solar term, the heat gradually subsides and the autumn coolness gradually rises, which is an alternating stage between cold and heat. However, the subsidence of summer heat is a gradual process. Summer heat can easily turn heat into dryness. The weather may suddenly become very hot during the End of Heat, commonly known as the "autumn tiger". During the summer heat, the spleen and stomach function is relatively weak, because the summer heat and sweating damage the spleen and stomach. Some people like to eat cold foods to cool off, which can also cause damage to the spleen and stomach. In addition, when autumn dryness strikes, respiratory symptoms are also prone to occur, such as dry throat and sore throat.

During the period of the Beginning of Heat, people should eat a light diet to protect the spleen and stomach. For example, people should eat more foods that are both medicinal and edible, such as lotus seeds, Euryale ferox, coix seeds, and winter melon, to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and eat less cold drinks. "I recommend two recipes: one is to stew pork ribs with lotus roots. There are many kinds of lotus roots, and Hubei is rich in lotus roots. Lotus roots are cool in nature, while pork ribs are tonic in nature. After stewing, they can strengthen the spleen. The other is to stew soup with lily, lotus seeds, and old duck, which also protects the spleen and stomach," said Liu Qingquan.

Eat less spicy food

Reduce exposure to and inhalation of pollen

The weather is dry in autumn, which can easily lead to nosebleeds, chronic pharyngitis, allergic rhinitis, etc. How can we prevent and treat them?

Wang Quangui, chief physician at Peking University First Hospital, said that the number of people with nosebleeds increases in autumn and winter. There are mainly the following reasons: dry air stimulates the nasal mucosa for a long time, making the nasal mucosa dry, increasing the fragility of the nasal mucosa capillaries and causing bleeding. Some patients have bad habits, such as picking their noses, blowing their noses hard, or shaving their nose hairs very cleanly, which can directly or indirectly damage the nasal mucosa and easily lead to nosebleeds. High pollen concentrations lead to an increase in allergic rhinitis. Rubbing the nose and sneezing can cause rupture and bleeding of the nasal mucosa capillaries. In addition, nasal tumors, blood system diseases, cardiovascular diseases, vitamin deficiencies, liver and kidney diseases, etc. can all induce nosebleeds.

To prevent nosebleeds, keep the nasal cavity moist. In clinic, ointment containing vaseline is often used for application. Oily nose drops such as paraffin oil and compound peppermint oil can also be used. Bad living habits such as picking and rubbing the nose should be avoided.

Wang Quangui said that the incidence of pharyngitis is relatively high in autumn and winter. The main reason is that the dryness in autumn can easily irritate the throat mucosa, resulting in a decrease in the body's defense function. At the same time, the temperature changes greatly between day and night, and the body's resistance will also decrease, which can easily induce inflammation of the throat. In addition, after the onset of allergic rhinitis, a large amount of nasal mucus backflow will irritate the pharynx and cause pharyngeal discomfort. Coupled with the swelling of the nasal mucosa, the patient feels nasal congestion. After the nasal congestion, the patient opens his mouth to breathe. Unclean and dry air directly stimulate the throat and cause inflammation of the throat. In addition, some bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and eating spicy food can easily cause pharyngitis. Therefore, it is necessary to improve living habits, quit smoking and drinking, eat less spicy food, and eat more lung-moisturizing food. Don't stay up late, combine work and rest, exercise appropriately, and reduce upper respiratory tract infections.

Wang Quangui said that there are two reasons for the onset of allergic rhinitis, one is allergic constitution, and the other is contact with allergens. Contact with inhaled allergens, such as dust mites, house dust mites, fungi, animal dander, pollen, cockroaches, etc., can easily induce allergic rhinitis. In the north, spring and autumn are the seasons for the dispersal of pollen, which is conducive to the floating and dispersal of pollen. There are many people who are allergic to pollen, which is called "hay fever" in medicine. How to distinguish between allergies and colds? Allergic rhinitis sneezes in paroxysmal, one in a string, usually 3-10 sneezes or even more than 10, and clusters of paroxysmal attacks are its characteristics. Colds are less likely to sneeze. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are a lot of clear watery mucus. Colds usually turn into sticky mucus in 1-3 days. Allergic rhinitis will have clear watery mucus as long as it contacts allergens, and it will flow throughout the pollen period. The itching feeling of a cold is not too severe, while allergies are mainly itchy. Therefore, allergic rhinitis has four major symptoms: itchy nose, runny nose, paroxysmal sneezing and nasal congestion.

To prevent allergic rhinitis, you must first avoid contact with pollen. Try to reduce going out during the pollen spreading period, and wear protective masks and goggles when going out to reduce contact and inhalation of pollen. After going out, change clothes and wash your hands and face in time when you return home. Wear smoother clothes when going out to reduce pollen adhesion and alleviate pollen allergy symptoms. Indoors, it is best to open windows for ventilation at night when the pollen concentration is relatively low. It is encouraged to use air purifiers in the room to purify the indoor air and reduce symptoms caused by high pollen concentrations.

"Our country has a vast territory, rich vegetation, and many types of pollen. The pollen concentration in each residential area is different. Therefore, we must pay attention to the pollen concentration in residential areas and take preventive medications one to two weeks before the pollen is spread, so as to delay the onset of allergic rhinitis symptoms and alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis." Wang Quangui said.

Go to bed early and get up early

The principle of "midnight nap" is to take a deep sleep at midnight and a short nap at noon.

During the Beginning of Autumn, how should we arrange our daily routine, especially nap time?

Liu Qingquan said that after the beginning of summer heat, the yang energy in nature changes from being vented to being restrained. At this time, the work and rest schedule should follow the concept of harmony between man and nature and conform to the changes in nature. It is recommended to go to bed early and get up early to ensure adequate sleep, and sleep an hour more than the average in summer. Going to bed early can avoid the damage caused by the killing energy in autumn. At the same time, getting up early helps to stretch the lungs and relieve the damage caused by dryness and heat. Chinese medicine pays great attention to the "midnight nap". Midnight is from 11 pm to 1 am, and midday is from 11 am to 1 pm. Midday naps are very beneficial, which can avoid the invasion of summer heat and achieve the effect of nourishing the mind and replenishing the heart energy. The basic principle of "midnight naps" is to sleep deeply at midnight and take a short nap at noon. At midnight, you should get enough sleep and sleep well. The sleep time at noon should not be too long. Generally speaking, half an hour is enough. If the time is too long, it will disrupt the balance of yin and yang in the human body, thus affecting health.

After the Beginning of Heat, how to reasonably adjust the diet and avoid autumn dryness hurting the lungs? Liu Qingquan said that following the solar terms and adjusting the diet are important principles of TCM health preservation. After the Beginning of Heat, moistening and nourishing yin is the most basic method and principle. Eating more pears or honey drinks can relieve dry skin, dry mouth and throat. Autumn is the season of convergence. Pay attention to less spicy and more sour food in the diet, avoid eating spicy foods such as peppers, peppers, ginger, etc., as well as barbecued and fried foods, and eat more fresh fruits, such as oranges, grapes and other acidic foods. Use heat-clearing foods appropriately, such as mung beans and bitter melon, but try to avoid eating too much ice cream or iced fruits. Increase foods that nourish yin and moisturize dryness and replenish body fluids, such as white fungus, lily, lotus seeds, snow pears, sugarcane, and polygonatum. Chrysanthemum and honeysuckle can be used to clear heat and detoxify, while moisturizing the skin.

Control your total food intake

Eat until you are 80% full

Summer vacation is the peak season for parents to take their children out. Many people find that they gain weight while enjoying delicious food. How can they lose weight effectively?

Wang Zhihong, a researcher at the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that food should be diverse and reasonably matched. Children of different ages have different energy requirements, and the total food intake should be controlled. For children who are already obese, the energy intake should be reduced by 20%, and they should basically eat until they are 80% full. At the same time, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and increase the proportion of whole grains and beans in the staple food. This dietary structure can enhance satiety, reduce hunger, and control total energy intake. Eat less oil and salt, eat light food, and reduce the intake of raw, cold, spicy, high-oil, high-salt, and high-sugar dishes. Ensure regular meals, eat three meals a day at regular times and in fixed quantities, do not overeat, and do not be picky about food. Eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. Pay special attention to not eating too much for dinner, not taking in too much energy, and do not eat after 9 o'clock in the evening. At the same time, healthy snacks are preferred. When going out for fun, you can choose fresh fruits, original nuts, and dairy products between meals. These are all healthy snacks and can be used as a suitable supplement to the main meal, but the total energy should also be controlled.

How can you eat healthy meals that are both delicious and nutritious when dining out or ordering food on a platform? First of all, the food should be diverse and reasonably matched. It is encouraged to consume more than 12 kinds of food every day, including four major categories of food: cereals, potatoes, beans, vegetables and fruits, soy nuts, and livestock, poultry, fish, eggs and milk. It is also necessary to pay attention to reasonable matching, matching meat and vegetables, coarse and fine, and color. In other words, both meat and vegetables should be eaten, and refined grains, whole grains, and beans should also be reasonably matched. Color matching not only refers to dark vegetables and fruits, but also coarse grains, such as black rice and millet. Less salt and oil, light diet. When going out to play, pay attention to reducing raw, cold or spicy food, order less high-oil, high-salt, and high-sugar dishes when ordering, eat light and warm food, and try to choose foods with high nutritional value and natural original flavor. Eat regularly and ensure work and rest.

Click at the end of the article"Read original text"View the press conference held by the National Health Commission on "Seasonal Terms and Health" (text transcript)

Source: Healthy China, People's Daily
Editor: Song Xiaoguang
Proofreading: Li Yuan

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