
5 fitness exercises that you can do at home, which can easily exercise your whole body without spending any money. Try it now!


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The Paris Olympics, a global sports event, is in full swing. Olympic athletes are fighting hard and challenging themselves, showing the limits and tenacity of human beings. Their outstanding performance is not only the result of talent and training, but also the testimony of their long-term persistence in sports.

However, in this fast-paced era, we always put exercise and fitness on hold because of busy work and various trivial matters. Don't be discouraged, fitness doesn't have to be done in the gym. As long as we master the right method, we can still exercise effectively and shape our ideal self even in the small space of home or office.

Today, August 8th, is the 16th National Fitness Day in my country. We have prepared severalFitness Action, they are not only simple and efficient, but also easy to do whether you are at home or in the office.

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5 sets of simple exercises that you can practice at home!

1Seated arm abduction

Difficulty level:★★☆☆☆

Suitable for the crowd:People with stiff neck and heavy shoulders

Movement parts:Upper back muscles

Image source: Photographed by the author

Key points:

1. Keep your upper arms parallel to the ground and your lower arms as vertical as possible to the ground.

2. Feel the contraction of the upper back muscles and stay at the end for 3 to 5 seconds

3. 10 times/set, 3 sets/day


Difficulty level:★★★☆☆

Suitable for the crowd:People with low back pain

Movement parts:Arms, abdomen, thighs

Image source: Photographed by the author

Key points:

1. Extend your arms to 90°, parallel to the ground.

2. Land lightly

3. The faster the better

4. Alternating legs counts as 1 time, 20 times/set, 3 sets/day

3Incline alternating high leg raises

Difficulty level:★★★★

Suitable for the crowd:People with low back pain

Movement parts:Abdominal core, lower limbs

Image source: Photographed by the author

Key points:

1. Tighten your abdominal muscles and keep your navel close to your spine

2. Lift one leg up, while lifting the heel and knee of the supporting leg, stretching upward

3. Try to keep the body midline unchanged

4. Alternating feet counts as 1 time, 10 times/set, 3 sets/day

4Horse stance center of gravity transfer

Difficulty level:★★★★

Suitable for the crowd:People with weak back and lower limbs

Movement parts:Buttocks, lower limbs

Image source: Photographed by the author

Key points:

1. Sit back with your hips, keep your knees and second toes in a straight line, and try not to let your knees go past your toes.

2. When shifting your center of gravity, keep it horizontal and don’t lift your body up.

3. Hold the position for 5 seconds and feel the force in your buttocks and thighs.

4. 10 times/side, 3 sets/day

5Lunge Twist

Difficulty level:★★★☆☆

Suitable for the crowd:People with stiff spine

Movement parts:Spine, lower limbs

Image source: Photographed by the author

Key points:

1. The legs should not be separated too far apart. You can increase the width appropriately to maintain overall stability.

2. Follow the movement of your hands with your eyes to maximize the flexibility of your spine

3. 10 times/side, 3 sets/day

The above 5 sets of movements are fitness training that can be completed in the office or at home, basically covering the muscles and joints of the whole body. Spread these training throughout the daily time, such as getting up every 2 hours to do a set, and you can easily complete all the training in a day.

Working out in the office or at home does not require complicated equipment or a lot of time, but only requires a heart that cares about health. If you take a few minutes every day and stick to these simple movements, you can stay in good shape at work and meet challenges with a fuller spirit and a stronger body.

Special tips:The above exercises are suitable for people with normal physical examinations and no chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Pregnant women or people with chronic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and people with poor balance and stability are not recommended to follow the exercises. These exercises have certain requirements for cardiopulmonary capacity and balance and stability. Everyone should practice according to their own situation!

Brisk walking is a good exercise for the elderly

forFor the elderly or people with chronic diseases, the recommended fitness exercise is brisk walkingBrisk walking is a very suitable exercise for the elderly for the following reasons:

1Moderate intensity

Compared with running or high-intensity aerobic exercise, brisk walking has relatively low intensity and will not put too much burden on the heart and respiratory system of the elderly.


The hip and knee joints of the elderly usually have a certain degree of wear and tear and degeneration. Brisk walking has less impact on the joints, which can reduce the risk of joint injury, strengthen muscles, and provide more protection for the joints. Just like for the elderly with arthritis, brisk walking can maintain joint flexibility and strength without aggravating joint pain.

3Easy to stick to

Finally, it is easy to stick to. Brisk walking does not require special venues or equipment and can be done anytime and anywhere. Whether in a community garden or a park, the elderly can practice brisk walking.

Copyright images in the gallery. Reprinting and using them may lead to copyright disputes.

For brisk walking training time, it is recommended to chooseMorning or evening, when the temperature is relatively suitable. The intensity of each brisk walk should not be too high, and the speed should be60 to 100 steps per minute is appropriate, which is 1 to 2 steps per second. Elderly people with good physical fitness can maintain about 100 steps per minute, and elderly people with weaker physical fitness can start with 60 steps per minute, which is also a good intensity.

every timeExercise time: 20 to 40 minutes is recommendedStart with 20 minutes and gradually extend it to allow the body to gradually adapt to the exercise load. As your physical fitness improves and you adapt to the exercise, you can increase the time by about 5 minutes per week.

Heart rate monitoring is also an important indicator of intensity.When elderly people are walking fast, it is generally safer to control their heart rate at 50% to 60% of their maximum heart rate (220 - age).For example, a 70-year-old man has a maximum heart rate of about 150 beats per minute, and it is more appropriate to keep the heart rate between 75 and 90 beats per minute when walking fast.

Before starting brisk walking exercise, it is best for the elderly to consult a doctor, especially those with chronic diseases or physical discomfort. At the same time, if you experience discomfort such as palpitations, dizziness, and difficulty breathing during brisk walking, you should stop immediately and seek medical help.

On National Fitness Day, exercising, no matter how intense it is, is a good start. What are you waiting for? Take action now!

Planning and production

Author: Zhao Qian, an expert in rehabilitation medicine and rehabilitation therapist

Audit丨Ji Gang, deputy chief physician of orthopedics, the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University

Planning丨Wang Mengru

Editor: Wang Mengru

Proofread by Xu Lailinlin
