
Among the 365 days in a year, why should we take a nap during the dog days of summer?


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If you don’t take a nap at noon, you will collapse in the afternoon. Taking a nap allows the body to repair itself, helps restore energy and relieve fatigue.

Traditional medicine believes that naps are more necessary 365 days a year, especially on hot days, especially in the dog days of summer. Even if you can’t sleep, closing your eyes and resting for 10 minutes will be beneficial.

Why is a nap more recommended during the dog days of summer?

In general, the dog days should be especially noonsleep, mainly to protect the heart and reduce the loss of body fluids.

HelpfulNourishing the Heart

Although we have ushered in the Beginning of Autumn, it does not mean the beginning of autumn, as it is still the dog days. In meteorology, autumn is considered to have truly arrived when the average daily temperature drops below 22°C for five consecutive days.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes "following the four seasons and adapting to cold and heat", and emphasized that "summer dayHealth preservation focuses on nourishing the heart”。

Peng Yuqing, chief physician of the Sub-Health Department of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Oriental Hospital, said,In traditional Chinese medicine, the "heart" is the monarch organ, which is responsible for both blood circulation and mind.When it is hot, people are prone to symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, palpitations, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.One of the ways to nourish your heart is to take a proper nap.

Preventing excessive yang energy

Hao Wanshan, a famous Chinese medicine teacher in the capital and professor at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, said that summer is the time when the human body's yang energy is at its peak; noon is the time when the yang energy is at its peak.When.two"The most intense time"When the heat is at its peak, it is not suitable for outdoor activities. You need to avoid the summer heat and return to the room to rest.

A nap isReduce body fluidsIt is a good way to lose and protect the heart. It can calm the body and mind and draw the Yang Qi inward to prevent it from being too hyperactive and causing excessive loss of body fluids.

If you can't sleep, closing your eyes and resting your mind is also effective

To have a high-quality nap, it is best to start with the following 3 details.

  • opportunity: The ancients emphasized sleepMidday nap", where "noon nap" refers to 12:00~13:00. After 3 pm, no matter how sleepy you are, it is not suitable to take a nap.

  • posture: In the eyes of doctors, the most recommended nap posture is lying down, and the least recommended is lying on your stomach. Office workers can buy a lightweight folding bed to help protect the spine.

  • DurationA 10-30 minute nap is most recommended., it is not recommended to exceed half an hour.

Even if you can't sleep, closing your eyes and resting your mind is also effective

During lunch break, you don’t have to worry too much about whether you fall asleep or not. Just close your eyes and relax.It can nourish the heart and reduce the loss of body fluids.The effect of consumption.

To rest your mind with eyes closed, as the name suggests, is to close your eyes, concentrate your mind and focus your attention in order to preserve your essence, energy and spirit.The "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" records: "Those who gain the spirit will prosper, and those who lose the spirit will perish." The ancients have always attached great importance to nourishing the mind and spirit, believing that the fullness and depletion of the spirit is related to a person's youth and aging, and that health preservation should include nourishing the spirit.

In addition to taking a nap, there are 4 things you need to do to nourish your heart

Whether it is taking a nap or closing your eyes to rest, the essence is to calm the body and mind, prevent excessive yang energy, reduce the loss of body fluids, and thus protect the heart.

Professor Deng Tietao, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, often said during his lifetime: "To maintain health, one must first nourish the heart." Many thinkers, medical scientists, and health experts in the history of our country have regarded "Nourishing the Heart"Put it first in health preservation.

How to nourish the heart? Wu Wei, director of the Department of Internal Medicine at the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, has been engaged in clinical work for nearly 40 years. Combining his clinical experience with Professor Deng Tietao's methods, he recommends the following tips.


Combination of static and dynamic

Everything should be done in moderation. Moving or lying down for too long will hurt your Qi. To nourish your mind, you need to combine movement and stillness. Recommended methods include Ba Duan Jin, Tai Chi, and rubbing Yongquan.(located at the forefoot of both feet), brisk walkingwait.

Deng TietaoI have loved Ba Duan Jin all my life. The whole set of movements is soft and continuous, with orderly tightness and looseness, which is suitable for daily practice.How to do Ba Duan Jin specifically?World martial arts champion and associate professor Liu Xiaolei from Beijing Sport University will demonstrate it to you.


Keep soaking your feet

There are 6 meridians running through the human foot.Foot soaking can stimulate local acupoints, help calm the liver and suppress yang, nourish the heart and soothe the mind, and is especially suitable for people with insomnia and autonomic nervous system dysfunction.


Have a regular routine

Deng Lao is veryPay attention to the importance of daily life.Arrange your daily work, study, exercise, diet, daily life and other activities reasonably, stick to it for a long time and form a regular pattern to make your lifestyle healthier.


Develop a hobby

Deng TietaoGrantEven in my eighties,NoStudy intermittently and read 4 to 5 newspapers every day.Being diligent in thinking and having one or two hobbies are very helpful for nourishing the mind.For example, stick to calligraphy, reading, and diary writing.

Editor of this issue: Zheng Ronghua