
What should patients with scoliosis pay attention to when wearing braces for treatment?


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In treatmentScoliosishour,BracesAs a non-surgical intervention, therapy is an important choice for many adolescent patients to delay disease progression and correct spinal morphology.

However, in order to achieve the best effect of brace treatment, children and parents need to pay enough attention to every detail of the treatment process, especiallyBrace customization, wearing and effect evaluationThese links are closely linked and none of them can be missing.

Image source: Visual China

Precise assessment of brace making and initial wear

The type, degree and physical condition of each scoliosis patientAll are different, therefore, the customization of the brace must be based on individualized measurement and evaluation.

Professional brace technicians will carefully design and produce braces with a high degree of fit based on the patient's X-rays, body surface measurements and body shape. In this process, precision is crucial because any slight deviation may affect the corrective effect of the brace.

The brace technician uses 3D scanning technology to measure the data of scoliosis patients

After the brace is customized,X-rays are needed to see the effect of brace correction.Take an X-ray after wearing it for 1 hourThe effect at this time is the effect of brace correction. At the same time, you can also feel whether the brace is suitable. If you feel uncomfortable, you can ask the brace therapist to adjust it.

Orthotist adjusts the brace for a scoliosis patient

Regular review to understand changes in scoliosis

in addition,Regular reviewIt is also an integral part of brace treatment.

Before the follow-up examination, the patient should4 hours in advanceTake off the brace so that the patient's current scoliosis degree can be truly reflected.After taking off the brace, the degree of myopia will rebound, but the degree of rebound is different for each person. What you need to look at in the follow-up examination isThe actual degree after rebound

By comparing X-rays before and after wearing the brace, doctors can clearly see the correction effect of the brace and adjust the treatment plan as needed. If the brace correction effect is found to be poor or ineffective, the brace should be replaced or adjusted in time to avoid the physical and mental burden of ineffective treatment on the patient.

Image source: Visual China

Precautions for daily brace wearing

1. Time Management: Wear the brace strictly according to the doctor's instructions. Usually, you need to wear it all day and only remove it at specific times such as bathing and sleeping. Insufficient wearing time will affect the treatment effect.

2. Skin care: Prolonged contact between the brace and the skin may cause discomfort or pressure sores.After taking a shower every day, you can apply aloe vera gel to the friction or brace stress points. If the skin is damaged, you should consult a doctor immediately and stop wearing the brace until the damaged area heals before wearing it again.

Image source: Visual China

3. Activities and exercise: While wearing the brace, patients can still engage in moderate physical activities and exercise, but should avoid strenuous exercise or collision to prevent damage to the brace or increase the burden on the spine.

4. Psychological support: Long-term wearing of braces may bring psychological pressure to patients. Parents and doctors should give enough understanding and encouragement to help patients develop a positive attitude towards treatment.

Image source: Visual China


Scoliosis brace treatment is a long-term and patient process that requires the joint efforts and cooperation of children, parents and medical teams. From the customization of the brace, accurate evaluation of the first wearing to daily management and regular review, every link is important.

(Some of the pictures in this article are from "Visual China")