
This seemingly healthy drink not only makes you fat, but also damages your blood vessels!


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"Have a bottle when you are tired or sleepy, or have a bottle when driving late at night"

This is a common slogan for many energy drinks.

In recent years

Functional beverage market is developing rapidly

Many people think they are healthier than regular sweetened drinks

It is also the spiritual support for workers who are forced to stay up late

However, there are recent reports that:

Drinking too much energy drinks may cause anxiety and insomnia

Is this true?

Should we drink energy drinks on a regular basis?

Can drinking functional drinks refresh you and fight fatigue?

For modern workers, staying up late is a common thing. Some people may think that although staying up late is harmful to health, functional drinks are "nutritious" and you can have a bottle when you stay up late to refresh your mind and fight fatigue!

So what is this drink like?

According to the provisions of GB/T 10789-2015 General Rules for Beverages, functional drinks are a type of special purpose beverages. Functional drinks do not contain alcohol, but contain caffeine,VitaminsAs well as a series of "functional ingredients" such as taurine, ginseng, and guarana.

Caffeine can excite the sympathetic nerves, stimulate the brain to wake it up, and promoteBlood circulation, improve attention, enhance alertness, thereby relieving fatigue; taurine can quickly remove free radicals, regulate calcium ion transport, and also play an anti-fatigue role; other ingredients also help to reduce the effects of fatigue.

So, if you look at it from this perspective, drinking functional drinks while staying up late may indeed have a certain anti-fatigue effect.

But here comes the problem

So what is the cost?

Do energy drinks have “side effects”?

Energy drinks generally taste good

This makes it easy to drink too much

Some people even treat it as a normal drink.

Bottle after bottle

This leads to excessive intake of caffeine and sugar

Excessive caffeine intake

Excessive intake of caffeine can be harmful to health, and can easily cause symptoms such as insomnia, panic, and anxiety. It may also cause people to become dependent, and drinking more functional drinks will be helpful, so the caffeine intake will increase.

Studies have shown that drinking 250 ml of energy drinks a day will increase the risk of anxiety andDepressionRisk of occurrence. AdolescentsmetabolismThe ability of caffeine is weaker than that of adults. If you drink energy drinks frequently, it will not only increase the risk of depression, but also reduce the sleep time of teenagers, leading toSleep disorders

In addition, excessive intake of energy drinks can lead to changes in endothelial function and cause acute endothelial disorders. It was reported that a 14-year-old boy drank energy drinks for 5 consecutive days and participated in a running competition. He felt chest pain and discomfort.ElectrocardiogramCheck the displayAtrial fibrillationThere was also a 28-year-old man who was in good health but drank 7-8 cans of energy drinks before participating in a motocross race, which caused his heart to stop beating.

The Scientific Consensus on Coffee and Health recommends:

Daily caffeine intake for an average adult

Should be controlled within 400 mg

General energy drinks

Caffeine content is 50~504 mg/can or bottle

If you can't control your drinking

Excessive caffeine intake

As shown in the picture below, this brand of functional beverage that is commonly consumed by everyone has a bottle labeled as containing 50 mg of caffeine per can.

Figure: E-commerce platform

Some brands of energy drinks

Although there is no caffeine content on the bottle

But that doesn't mean there's no caffeine.

It may also contain high levels of


Someone once evaluated a number of functional drinks on the market and found that among the six common functional drinks on the market tested, the lowest caffeine content was 41 mg and the highest was 83.49 mg. The one with the highest content did not have the caffeine content marked on the bottle.

Excessive sugar intake

Excessive intake of functional drinks can also lead to excessive sugar intake. The "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" recommends that the daily sugar intake per person should be controlled within 25 grams, and functional drinks generally have a high sugar content.

The review mentioned above shows that among the six common functional drinks tested on the market, the lowest sugar content is 1.32 grams per can, and the highest is 37.62 grams per can. Drinking just one can exceeds the 25-gram standard.

Excessive sugar intake will not only increase the risk ofDental cariesThe risk will increaseobesityAccording to statistics, in 2017 alone, nearly 13,000 deaths in my country were attributed to sugary drinks.Coronary heart diseaseand diabetes.

Therefore, don’t drink functional drinks recklessly just because you think they can refresh your mind and contain some nutrients. You need to control the amount to make better use of them.

Can everyone drink functional drinks?

Although drinking energy drinks can make you energetic and blood

But this is not recommended for everyone.

The following 5 types of people should especially control the amount

Do not drink if you feel unwell:



1. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women

The labels of most energy drinks will state that they should not be consumed by pregnant women or breastfeeding women to avoid affecting the health of the fetus and baby.

2. Children and adolescents

This group of people has a lower ability to metabolize caffeine, and excessive drinking will cause greater harm.

3. Patients with gastrointestinal diseases

Caffeine stimulates stomach acid secretion, which may cause discomfort.

4. People who take medication

People who are taking certain medications should not drink functional drinks without authorization. It is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid affecting the efficacy of the medication.

5. Drinking people

Do not drink energy drinks while drinking alcohol, as it will make people so excited that they don’t realize they are drunk, and thus drink more alcohol, increasing damage to the body.

Functional drinks are not medicine and cannot cure diseases!

Editor's reminder

You can occasionally refresh yourself with a bottle

But don't use it to prolong your life!

Drinking energy drinks in moderation

It can cheer you up

But if you drink too much

On the contrary, it increases the risk of anxiety, depression, obesity,

Risk of chronic disease and sleep disturbances

Do you like energy drinks?

How much do you drink in a week?

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Source: Newsroom compiled from Science Popularization China