
The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance issued the "Implementation Rules for Subsidies for New Energy City Buses and Power Battery Renewal"


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Cailianshe reported on August 1 that the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance issued the "Implementation Rules for Subsidies for New Energy City Buses and Power Battery Updates", which mentioned that urban bus companies will be given a fixed subsidy for updating new energy city buses and replacing power batteries. It is encouraged to reasonably select the type of new energy city bus length to be replaced in combination with changes in passenger flow and the development of the urban bus industry. The average subsidy for each vehicle is 60,000 yuan, of which 80,000 yuan for updating new energy city buses and 42,000 yuan for replacing power batteries. Local governments shall formulate local subsidy standards based on the subsidy funds arranged by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport and the performance targets issued.

Notice of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Implementation Rules for Subsidies for New Energy City Buses and Power Battery Renewal

To the Departments of Transportation (Bureaus, Commissions), Departments of Finance (Bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and local regulatory bureaus of the Ministry of Finance:

In order to implement the spirit of the "Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Action Plan for Promoting Large-Scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods" (Guo Fa [2024] No. 7), and in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the Ministry of Transport and 13 other departments on Issuing the Action Plan for Large-Scale Equipment Renewal in Transportation" (Jiao Gui Hua Fa [2024] No. 62), to better implement the subsidy policy for the renewal of new energy city buses and power battery equipment, the "Implementation Rules for Subsidies for the Renewal of New Energy City Buses and Power Batteries" are now issued to you. Please implement them conscientiously.

Ministry of Transport Ministry of Finance

July 29, 2024

Implementation details of subsidies for new energy city buses and power battery renewal

Chapter I Subsidy Scope and Standards

Article 1 A fixed subsidy will be granted to urban public transport enterprises (hereinafter referred to as applicants) for updating new energy urban buses and replacing power batteries. It is encouraged to reasonably select the type of new energy urban buses to be replaced in combination with changes in passenger flow and the development of the urban public transport industry. The average subsidy for each vehicle is 60,000 yuan, of which 80,000 yuan will be provided for updating new energy urban buses and 42,000 yuan for replacing power batteries. Local governments shall formulate local subsidy standards based on the subsidy funds arranged by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport and the performance targets issued.

Article 2 The urban buses referred to in these rules are vehicles that have obtained public transportation operation qualifications in accordance with the law and provide public transportation passenger services within the scope determined by the municipal people's government, and are specifically identified by the local transportation department.

The term "updating new energy city buses" as mentioned in these rules refers to scrapping old city buses and purchasing new energy city buses that are included in the "Catalogue of Energy-Saving and New Energy Vehicle Models Enjoying Vehicle and Vessel Tax Reduction and Exemption", "Catalogue of New Energy Vehicle Models Enjoying Vehicle Purchase Tax Reduction and Exemption", and "Catalogue of Recommended Models for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles".

The replacement of power batteries referred to in these rules refers to the full replacement of power batteries for old new energy city buses. The replaced power batteries should be produced after January 1, 2024, with a warranty period of no less than 5 years, and meet the mandatory national standard requirements of GB38031-2020 "Safety Requirements for Power Batteries for Electric Vehicles", and comply with the announcement requirements of the industry management department on the replacement of power batteries for new energy city buses.

Article 3 The subsidy funds support the renewal of urban buses with a vehicle age of 8 years or more, that is, those registered before December 31, 2016 (including that day, the same below), and the replacement of power batteries of new energy urban buses.

Article 4 Local transportation authorities should adhere to the combination of market dominance and government guidance, and equipment updates and resource conservation, guide applicants to choose to update vehicles or replace power batteries according to local conditions, and guide the update of miniaturized, low-floor and low-entry urban buses.

The replacement of power batteries for new energy city buses should be carried out under the premise of ensuring the safety of the entire vehicle. New energy city bus operating companies and power battery replacement service providers should follow the principle of "whoever advocates, whoever is responsible; whoever replaces, whoever is responsible" and strictly implement the main responsibility for safety.

Chapter II Subsidy Application, Review and Payment

Article 5 Applicants who intend to apply for subsidy funds should submit subsidy application to the local transportation authority in a timely manner after completing the renewal of new energy city buses and power batteries. The deadline is January 20, 2025.

For the renewal of new energy city buses, the first registration time of the scrapped vehicle, the vehicle identification code, the "Scrapped Motor Vehicle Recycling Certificate" and the "Motor Vehicle Cancellation Certificate" should be provided, as well as the identification code, vehicle model, "Motor Vehicle Sales Unified Invoice" and "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" of the newly purchased vehicle and other information and supporting materials.

For the replacement of power batteries, the information such as the vehicle identification code of the vehicle whose power battery is replaced, the number of old power battery packs, the old power battery pack code, the number of replaced power battery packs, the power battery pack code, the production date, etc. should be provided, as well as supporting materials such as the power battery replacement contract (including power battery safety compliance requirements) and acceptance certificate.

The above-mentioned "Certificate of Scrapped Motor Vehicle Recycling", "Certificate of Motor Vehicle Cancellation", "Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales", "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate", and the acceptance certificate for replacement of power batteries should be obtained between July 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. Among them, the "Certificate of Scrapped Motor Vehicle Recycling" should be issued by a qualified scrapped motor vehicle recycling and dismantling enterprise, and the deadline for submission of the "Motor Vehicle Cancellation Certificate" and "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" may be extended to January 15, 2025 as appropriate.

Article 6 After receiving the application information, the transportation authority of the applicant's place of residence shall promptly review and feedback the review results. If the information submitted by the applicant is true and complete and meets the requirements of these rules, it shall be reviewed and approved; if the information is incomplete or unclear and unrecognizable, the review department will inform the applicant of the information correction requirements, and the applicant shall correct the relevant information before February 10, 2025 as required.

Article 7 Local transportation authorities at all levels shall timely summarize the information on new energy city buses and power battery updates that meet the subsidy conditions, determine the subsidy amount, and submit funding applications to the financial authorities at the same level. Local financial authorities at all levels shall allocate subsidy funds in accordance with the funding arrangement suggestions put forward by the transportation authorities at the same level and in accordance with the procedures.

Chapter III Subsidy Fund Management

Article 8 The subsidy funds for new energy city buses and power battery renewal shall be shared by the central and local governments at a ratio of 90:10, and the specific sharing ratio shall be determined by region. Among them, the eastern provinces shall share the subsidy at a ratio of 85:15, the central provinces shall share the subsidy at a ratio of 90:10, and the western provinces shall share the subsidy at a ratio of 95:5. The provincial governments shall arrange supporting funds in proportion to the allocation of central funds.

Article 9 Based on the number of new energy city buses in each province at the end of 2016, the Ministry of Finance will pre-allocate 60% of subsidy funds to each province to support local governments in launching related work, and will increase pre-allocated funds as appropriate.

After the policy implementation period ends, the central and local governments will conduct liquidation in accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Several Measures on Further Supporting Large-Scale Equipment Updates and Consumer Goods Trade-ins".

Before February 28, 2025, each provincial-level transportation administration department shall fill in the local new energy city bus and power battery update status through the "Urban and Rural Road Passenger Transport Fuel Consumption Information Reporting and Subsidy Management System" (, and export the report from it (see Attachment 1-3 for the format), and submit it to the Ministry of Transport with the official seal.

Chapter 4 Performance Management and Supervision

Article 10 The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance shall, in accordance with their respective responsibilities, guide relevant local departments to implement performance management and supervision of subsidy funds for new energy city buses and power battery renewal. Provincial-level transportation authorities shall perform performance target management, performance monitoring, annual performance self-evaluation and other tasks as required. The Ministry of Transport shall be responsible for conducting performance evaluation on the overall use of subsidy funds, and the Ministry of Finance shall organize key performance evaluations in a timely manner according to work needs.

Article 11 Provincial-level transportation authorities and financial departments may formulate specific implementation rules for the renewal of new energy city buses and power batteries based on these implementation rules and in combination with the actual conditions of their regions, clarify the subsidy standards for new energy city buses of different lengths, and the specific performance targets for the renewal of new energy city buses and power batteries in various cities within their jurisdiction. For the renewal of low-floor and low-entry new energy city buses, appropriate preference may be given when arranging subsidy funds. Provincial-level transportation authorities should actively work with relevant departments to organize bus manufacturers, power battery manufacturers, power battery replacement service companies and applicants to strengthen supply and demand docking and give play to scale advantages.

The transportation authorities of various regions shall carefully review the subsidy applications submitted by applicants and be responsible for supervising the use of subsidy funds. The local financial departments shall supervise the disbursement of funds to ensure the safety and timely payment of funds. The Ministry of Finance shall organize the local supervision bureaus of the Ministry of Finance to conduct verification of the use and liquidation of subsidy funds in a timely manner. Local governments shall not require the sale of scrapped buses and scrapped power batteries to designated enterprises, and shall not set up subsidy catalogs or enterprise lists with regional or technical product orientations.

Article 12 If any illegal acts such as using improper means (including forging or altering relevant materials to engage in false transactions, colluding with others to provide false information, etc.) to defraud subsidy funds are discovered, the relevant local departments shall deal with them seriously in accordance with the law and regulations.

Article 13: The relevant departments shall handle the sale, forgery or alteration of the "Certificate of Scrapped Motor Vehicle Recycling" in accordance with the "Regulations on the Management of Scrapped Motor Vehicle Recycling" (State Council Order No. 715).

Article 14: The relevant departments shall handle the units and individuals who misappropriate or defraud subsidy funds in accordance with the "Regulations on Punishment and Discipline for Fiscal Violations" (State Council Order No. 427) and other relevant laws and regulations.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 15 These rules shall come into effect on the date of publication.

Article 16 The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for interpreting these rules in accordance with their duties.