
7-year-old boy wakes up with facial paralysis. This fan has hidden risks


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Summer is hot, high temperatures are coming

Lightweight and portable neck-hanging fan

Loved by many people

However, if this fan is used improperly

There may be security risks↓↓

7-year-old boy sleeps with a neck fan

I woke up with facial paralysis

According to reports, a 7-year-old boy in Nanning, Guangxi,I slept with a neck fan on and woke up with facial paralysisAfter more than half a month of treatment, the situation improved.

The doctor said that the boy had facial paralysis becauseThe fan blows air to the same part of the human body for a long time, which can cause poor blood circulation in the meridians.. Generally speaking, there is no big problem with using a neck-mounted fan for a short period of time.

There are design flaws

The neck-hanging fans currently on the market are mostly made of plastic.Some products have large gaps in the grille, so that the hair can easily touch the rotating fan blades, eventually leading toHair is caught, thus damaging the scalp.

There is a risk of fire

The market price of neck-hanging fans often ranges from 20 to 30 yuan to nearly 100 yuan. The price difference mainly lies in the inconsistent quality of the lithium batteries they are equipped with.Fake lithium batteryThe fan will faceBattery explosion or fireserious security risks.

Easy to hurt children

In terms of product appearance, many neck-hanging fans use cartoon images and colorful shells, which are easy toMistaken as a toy by childrenIf a child accidentally touches the switch, his fingers may touch the rotating fan blades and get injured.

It should be noted that according to the provisions of my country's "Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances",The shape and decoration of the appliance casing should not make it easy for children to mistake the appliance for a toy.

Causes neck disease

Hanging a fan around your neck may cause the physiological curvature of the cervical spine to become straight, which may have a certain impact on the cervical spine and the nerves and blood vessels in the neck. A doctor said, "The most commonNeck and shoulder pain, cervical spondylosisIn severe cases, it can also cause vasoconstriction and reduced blood flow in the neck, leading toCerebrovascular diseasehappened."

How to choose and use it correctly?

1. Purchase through formal channels and observe the product carefullyIs the surface smooth and flat? Are there risks in the fan cover gaps?

2. If you findSmoke, abnormal noiseIn case of abnormal situations, the power should be cut off immediately.

3. Avoid prolonged use.Prevent diseases caused by cold neck and face.

4. AvoidWater or metalReach inside the fan to prevent a power short.

5. UseOriginal charger, do not replace other charging devices at will.

In addition to the neck fan

When using cooling appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators

Also need to pay special attention

Learn together↓

Hot summer

Don't let your home appliances "work with problems"

Let electrical appliances rest at the right time

In hot weather, some electrical equipment and linesLong-term overload operation can easily cause overheating or short circuit failure, causing fire. High-power electrical equipment such as air conditioners should not be used for too long.

Pay attention to old sockets and wiring

Replace old sockets and wires in time, so as to avoid short circuit and fire.

Find a cool spot for electrical appliances

In summer, the sun is strong, so household appliances should be placed in a cool place without direct sunlight.Maintain good ventilation

Safety is no small matter

Neck-hanging portable fans carry hidden risks

Be careful when choosing, purchasing and using

While enjoying the cool

Don't forget to yourself and your family

A safe protection

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