
who will attack the school if they say something bad about it? this kind of "school love education" has gone too far!


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jimu news commentator qu jing

on september 21, the principal of puning school affiliated to south china normal university in puning city, guangdong province, publicly warned parents at a parent meeting that "anyone who dares to speak ill of the school will be attacked by the public." on the morning of the 23rd, a staff member of the puning municipal education bureau responded to reporters that after investigation, the situation was true and the principal had been asked to review and apologize to the parents.

why did the topic of "speaking ill of the school" suddenly start during a parent-teacher conference? photos show that the theme of the parent-teacher conference was "home and school work together to build and share together". yang chulong of puning school affiliated to south china normal university talked with parent representatives about school development and child training. on another ppt page, it was stated that love for the school should start from the family and parents. "anyone who dares to speak ill of the school will be attacked by the group. internal problems should be solved internally, and no one else is allowed to make irresponsible remarks." (jimu news, september 23)

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the principal's "grand speech" seems to be sonorous and powerful, and has a bit of gangster style, but in fact, the logic is confusing, full of loopholes, and it is very easy to arouse disgust. first of all, how to define "speaking bad about the school"? does it count only as false information, slander and rumors, or does it count as all criticisms against the school? if it is the latter, how can parents and society effectively supervise the school's teaching quality and management? as a public service institution, the school should accept reasonable feedback and criticism from all parties as a driving force to improve its work and solve practical problems. if all voices that raise opinions and suggestions about the school are regarded as "bad words", and parents are mobilized to "cover their mouths" in the name of "loving the school", it is tantamount to closing the window for the school's self-improvement and depriving parents and society of the right to participate in education supervision. to do so is simply to cover one's ears and steal the bell, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the school and also undermines its credibility.

secondly, from what position does the principal or the school ask parents to "gang up" on those who "speak ill of the school"? the relationship between school and family should be based on the principle of equal cooperation, not a superior-subordinate relationship. parents participate in their children's education process for the better growth and development of their children, not to maintain the face or interests of the school. if the school takes advantage of parents' concern for their children's academic performance and forces them to participate in "attacks" against critics, then this is undoubtedly kidnapping private emotions to public affairs, violating the essence and purpose of education, and making the home-school relationship lose its due purity and equality, becoming distorted and alienated.

if we think about it more deeply, whether in real life or in cyberspace, it is unacceptable to "gang up on" others just because of different opinions. it is not only an infringement of individual rights, but also more likely to become the fuse of cyber violence. as an important place for imparting knowledge and cultivating personality, schools should guide students and parents to establish correct values ​​and learn to face different voices in a rational way, rather than encouraging extreme measures to suppress different opinions. this practice not only runs counter to the civilized social values ​​of rational communication and respect for differences, but also has a negative impact on students' mental health.

considering the context, the reason why the principal made such remarks may be because he cares about public opinion and the image of the school. he hopes that parents can stand with the school and "keep the family's dirty laundry private." however, a truly good image is never established by "blocking" negative voices, but by doing everything well. only by daring to face up to problems and actively seeking solutions can we truly win trust and respect. in this incident, the education authorities asked the people involved to review and apologize to the parents. this is not only a correction of the wrong behavior of the parties involved, but also a wake-up call for the entire education system - any "school-loving education" that deviates from the correct track will eventually backfire. as a principal, it is a good thing to have a sense of honor, but if the way to maintain a sense of honor goes astray, it will ruin the reputation of the school.

this incident exposed that some school administrators lacked the right mindset and scientific methods when dealing with home-school relations and responding to public opinion. to fundamentally solve the problem, it is necessary to change management methods, update educational concepts, and establish a more scientific and reasonable supervision and feedback mechanism to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the educational environment. only in this way can we truly realize the beautiful vision of "home-school unity, co-construction and sharing".

(source: jimu news)

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