
smooth the development of hydrogen energy vehicles


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original title: many places waive highway tolls —— (lead)
smooth the development of hydrogen energy vehicles (theme)
china economic net reporter ma hanming and zhang yi
according to incomplete statistics, as of now, shaanxi, shandong, jilin, sichuan and ordos, inner mongolia autonomous region have introduced measures to exempt hydrogen-powered vehicles from highway tolls.
at present, many domestic and foreign companies have launched hydrogen fuel cell vehicle products and put them into use. in the future, hydrogen energy vehicles are expected to become a new growth pole for new energy vehicles and even the entire automotive industry.
according to incomplete statistics, as of now, shaanxi, shandong, jilin, sichuan and ordos, inner mongolia autonomous region have introduced measures to exempt hydrogen-powered vehicles from highway tolls.
zhong weiping, secretary general of the commercial vehicle committee of the china automobile dealers association, said that exempting hydrogen-powered vehicles from highway tolls is an important attempt to promote the transformation of vehicle purchase subsidies to operating subsidies. promoting the development of hydrogen-powered vehicles in the form of vehicle subsidies is also a measure to further implement the country's comprehensive promotion of new energy development.
jing chunmei, director of the research and information department of the china center for international economic exchanges, believes that exempting hydrogen vehicles from highway tolls can effectively reduce the cost of use for hydrogen vehicle users, thereby strongly promoting the use and promotion of hydrogen vehicles and effectively driving the development of the overall hydrogen energy industry.
since 2020, documents such as the "new energy vehicle industry development plan (2021-2035)", "medium- and long-term development plan for the hydrogen energy industry (2021-2035)", and "guiding opinions on accelerating the green development of the manufacturing industry" have been issued one after another, clarifying the energy attributes and strategic position of hydrogen energy. in 2023, six departments including the national standards committee, the national development and reform commission, and the ministry of industry and information technology jointly issued the "guidelines for the construction of the hydrogen energy industry standard system (2023 edition)", which is the first national-level guide for the construction of a hydrogen energy full industry chain standard system. it is regarded by the industry as the top-level operating manual for the standardization of my country's hydrogen energy industry. in august this year, the "opinions on accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development" issued by the cpc central committee and the state council clearly proposed to promote the development of the entire chain of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation and use.
jing chunmei introduced that previously, my country's application of hydrogen has been concentrated in the chemical industry. the development and application of hydrogen energy vehicles started later than electric vehicles, and the two formed a "misaligned and complementary" pattern. relevant parties continue to promote the application of hydrogen energy in automotive products. at present, many domestic and foreign companies have launched hydrogen fuel cell vehicle products and put them into use.
saic motor launched the phoenix no. 1 fuel cell vehicle project as early as 2001. currently, saic's jeh technology has successfully launched the jeh qiyuan m4h fuel cell stack. currently, saic maxus mifa hydrogen has a market share of 70% in the domestic fuel cell passenger car market.
hyundai motor's sentuki hydrogen fuel cell light truck received a large number of orders immediately after it was launched on the market; in june this year, a number of hydrogen fuel cell light trucks used as logistics vehicles were delivered in batches.
in the field of commercial vehicles, saic maxus has launched a large number of fcv90 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in foshan, guangdong in 2017, which are used as commuter buses in the local development zone.
during the 2022 beijing winter olympics, baic foton will provide 515 auman hydrogen fuel cell buses to provide service support for the beijing yanqing and zhangjiakou competition zones.
according to the data from the china automobile association, from january to july this year, the cumulative sales of domestic fuel cell vehicles reached 3,476, an increase of 8% year-on-year. the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles has now entered a benign development stage with the industry taking shape and product layout being improved.
however, opportunities and challenges coexist. it is understood that the volume concentration of hydrogen explosion limit is 4.1% to 74.2%, which requires more measures to ensure safety in the production, transportation, storage and use of hydrogen. the cost of hydrogen preparation, transportation and hydrogen refueling station construction is also high. at present, the number of hydrogen refueling stations is insufficient, and it is relatively inconvenient for hydrogen car users to refuel.
jing chunmei said that these problems have many causes, including problems in the research and development and production of core raw materials and components, as well as problems in the lack of technological breakthroughs in manufacturing, transportation and storage.
a relevant person in charge of hyundai commercial vehicles said that it is inevitable to encounter problems in the early stages of the industry's development. with the implementation of various favorable policies, hydrogen-powered vehicles will enter a faster development track. by then, the number of hydrogen-powered vehicles will continue to increase, and the costs of the entire industry chain will drop significantly, and the user's use and procurement costs will inevitably decrease accordingly.
"with the continuous breakthroughs in hydrogen energy technology, the procurement and application costs of hydrogen energy vehicles will definitely decrease, and the application scenarios will become more and more extensive. in the future, hydrogen energy vehicles are expected to become a new growth pole for new energy vehicles and even the entire automotive industry." zhong weiping said.
source: economic daily