
3 months makes you 2.5 years younger! nature's sub-publication: fasting like this, just 3 months, significantly slows down aging


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written by | song wenfa

fasting-mimicking diet(FMD), a cyclical, intermittent fasting dietary regimen that triggers the body's self-repair and regeneration mechanisms by restricting caloric intake and mimicking a fasting state, resulting in a variety of health benefits.

the fmd typically lasts for 1 month, with 5 days of continuous dietary intervention that mimics the same effects of a water-only fast while still providing people with the nutrients they need, including a plant-based, low-calorie, and low-protein diet, followed by 25 days of normal eating.

early research suggests that periodic fasting-mimicking diets can protect normal cells while killing damaged cells, including cancer cells and autoimmune cells, reduce inflammation, promote multisystem regeneration, and extend lifespan.

recently, the united statesuniversity of southern californiaof researchers in " Nature Communications "the journal published an article entitled"Fasting-mimicking diet causes hepatic and blood markers changes indicating reduced biological age and disease risk "research paper.

this clinical study showed thatjust three cycles of a fasting-mimicking diet were associated with reduced insulin resistance, other prediabetes markers, reduced liver fat, a more youthful immune system, and a 2.5-year reduction in biological age, regardless of weight loss.

studies provide support for the beneficial effects of fmd on multiple cardiometabolic risk factors and biomarkers of biological age.

in this study, the researchers conducted a secondary exploratory analysis of blood samples from a randomized clinical trial, including 100 participants aged 18-70 years, who were randomly assigned to either the fmd group or the normal diet group. the control group followed a normal diet for 3 months, while the fmd group started an fmd cycle. after 3 months, the control group participants were transferred to the fmd intervention group.effects of fmd intervention on metabolic syndrome and aging-related biomarkers.

the fmd group had a five-day dietary intervention each cycle that mimicked the effects of fasting while providing the nutrients people needed, followed by a normal diet for 25 days, while the control group participants either ate a normal diet or a mediterranean diet.

analysis of blood samples revealed thatparticipants in the fmd group had less insulin resistance and lower glycated hemoglobin, indicating a lower risk of diabetes.

magnetic resonance imaging shows thatparticipants in the fmd group had reduced abdominal fat and liver fat, improvements that suggest a lower risk of metabolic syndrome

also,participants in the fmd group had an improved lymphocyte-to-bone marrow ratio, an indicator of a more youthful immune system.

fmd reduces liver fat, diabetes risk markers, and increases lymphoid to bone marrow ratio

importantly, further analysis revealed thatthe biological age of participants in the fmd group decreased by an average of 2.5 years, independent of weight loss, indicating that participants who completed 3 fmd cycles were biologically younger than at baseline.

the biological age of the fmd group decreased by an average of 2.5 years

the researchers say the study is the first to show evidence of reduced biological age across two different clinical trials, as well as evidence of restored metabolic and immune function.without requiring a long-term diet or major lifestyle changes, fmd offers a simpler alternative to traditional fasting, making it a viable strategy for improving health.

previous studies by the researchers have shown that short, cyclical fmd cycles are associated with a range of beneficial effects, including boosting stem cell regeneration, alleviating chemotherapy side effects, and reducing signs of dementia in mice. in addition, fmd cycles can reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes,heart disease, risk factors for age-related diseases.

not only that, previous studies have also shown that 1-2 5-day fmd cycles can extend the health span and lifespan of mice eating a normal diet or a western diet.

taken together, the results suggest that just three cycles of a fasting-mimicking diet are associated with reduced insulin resistance, other prediabetes markers, reduced liver fat, a more youthful immune system, and reduced biological age.

this provides additional support for the potential of fmd as a short-term, regular, achievable dietary intervention that can help people reduce disease risk and improve health outcomes without requiring extensive lifestyle changes.

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