
can you really buy a house with "zero down payment" or "ultra-low down payment"? reporter's investigation


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this year, with the continuous adjustment and optimization of real estate policies, many real estate developers and real estate agencies have introduced preferential policies, which have achieved certain results in some cities. however, the reporter noticed that in recent times, some developers and intermediaries have introduced "zero down payment" and "ultra-low down payment" and other operations to attract home buyers. in response to this situation, relevant departments in many places across the country, including zhengzhou, nanning, shandong, etc., have recently issued risk warnings. so, what exactly is "zero down payment" and "ultra-low down payment"?

the truth and risks of buying a house with “zero down payment”

so-called"zero down payment" "ultra-low down payment"buying a house generally refers to the situation where the buyer relies on real estate developers or intermediary agencies to advance the loan without making a down payment or making a down payment far lower than the policy-specified ratio, or by inflating the price of the house and then obtaining a down payment from the bank in the form of a mortgage loan.

recently, the zhengzhou housing security and real estate administration bureau and the nanning housing and urban-rural development bureau have issued risk warnings specifically for "zero down payment". since september, the shandong financial regulatory bureau has also issued a special warning, clearly pointing out that some real estate developers and intermediary agencies have introduced the "zero down payment" home purchase strategy to attract buyers, but behind this seemingly attractive offer,often hides huge financial risks, infringing on consumers' property security and legal rightssince then, the sichuan banking association has also issued a convention requiring that consumers should not be misled by marketing gimmicks such as "zero down payment and zero monthly payment".

the secret operation of changing the down payment from 170,000 to 20,000

in may this year, the people's bank of china and the state financial supervision and administration bureau issued the "notice on adjusting the minimum down payment ratio policy for personal housing loans", which stipulates that for resident households who take out loans to purchase commercial housing, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for the first home is adjusted to no less than's all prohibited by policy.. so, can you really buy a house with “zero down payment” or “ultra-low down payment”?

recently, on many social platforms, searching for "zero down payment to buy a house" or "ultra-low down payment to buy a house" can reveal many related pages, involving real estate projects in many cities across the country. do these "zero down payment" and "ultra-low down payment" house purchases really exist? in order to verify these news, the reporter followed the introductions on the internet and visited several real estate projects in zhengzhou in the name of home buyers.

according to my country's current requirements, the down payment ratio for the first home must be no less than 15%, and the down payment ratio for the second home must be no less than 25%. currently, most cities are implementing this ratio requirement. the minimum down payment ratio for the first home in beijing, shanghai and other places is no less than 20%.

the reporter found through interviews that there are indeed some real estate projects in zhengzhou that promise "ultra-low down payments" of less than 15%. some sales staff even directly offered a down payment of 20,000 yuan after learning that the reporter did have the intention to buy.

according to the salesperson, the premise of a down payment of 20,000 is that the total price of this apartment of 970,000 yuan must be based on the total price of 1.14 million yuan to sign the contract and invoice.signing a shady contract and inflating the total price, you can increase the bank loan limit, which is equivalent to directly "loaning" the down payment, and there is no need to worry about any problems in the operation.

real estate salesperson:this is not the first case. others have already obtained the property deeds several years ago. don't worry, because your contract and invoice are consistent. what can you find out after checking?

a real estate agency:he doesn't charge you more, and he still gives you an invoice, and he gives you such a high invoice. if he dares to say this to you, it means he must have a successful case.

is “zero down payment” really “zero cost”?

developers or intermediaries offer discounts simply to attract buyers and speed up sales to recover funds. allowing buyers to buy a house at zero cost or at the lowest cost is the biggest gimmick of "zero down payment" and "ultra-low down payment". but in fact, is there really no cost for buyers?

the reporter found that the most direct impact of using "zero down payment" or "ultra-low down payment" on home buyers is:monthly payments and interest have increased significantly.according to the house price shown to the reporter by the salesperson, after paying a 15% down payment on the original price of 970,000 yuan, the remaining loan is 824,500 yuan, which is repaid in 30 years. based on the latest lpr interest rate of 3.85% for more than 5 years, the monthly repayment amount for equal principal and interest is 3,865.32 yuan. if the real estate salesperson recommends that the entire 970,000 yuan house price be used as a loan, the monthly repayment amount for equal principal and interest is 4,547 need to pay an additional 682 yuan per month, the increase is 17.6%; if the repayment is made in equal installments, after paying the down payment normally, the total interest paid in 30 years is 477,471 yuan, and the total interest after the high loan amount is 561,731 yuan,more than 84,000 yuanin addition, since the house price marked in the contract and invoice is higher than the actual price, additional taxes and fees will be incurred during the house purchase process.

lou jianbo, director of the real estate law research center of peking university:"zero down payment" will not really reduce the payment burden of home buyers. the final payment is the same. if the loan interest is added, the final payment will definitely be more than the down payment.

"zero down payment" and "ultra-low down payment" have many risks

the "zero down payment" and "ultra-low down payment" currently promoted by developers and intermediary agencies seem to help home buyers "get on board early", but in actual operation, they are full of risks.

mr. tian from guangdong had previously taken a fancy to a house in huizhou. he was eager to settle down, but he did not have the ability to buy a house. he followed the salesperson's advice to use "zero down payment" and thought he could "get on the bus first and then buy the ticket" and solve the repayment problem in the future. so, after actually paying only a few thousand yuan, mr. tian signed the purchase contract. however,although there is no down payment required, the monthly repayment amount is much higher.because he impulsively used "zero down payment" to buy a house and lacked a plan for subsequent repayments, he soon became overdue on his mortgage.

the reporter found that the "zero down payment" method can easily increase home buyers' misjudgment of their own purchasing ability, greatly increasing the risk of default.

so, is it possible for the bank to find out the problems with house prices during this series of processes, so as to avoid such a phenomenon? to this end, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of the bank branch that originally handled the loan for mr. tian.

mr. ye, head of loan business at a bank's huizhou daya bay branch:if there is no such requirement for review, it is like going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. who will review the price? as both parties to the transaction, the contract price shall prevail.

in fact, according to the commercial bank law and other laws of our country,commercial banks have a legal obligation to review the borrower's loan qualifications, guarantee conditions, loan purposes, the same time, the industry already has a relatively mature mechanism for reviewing housing prices.

zhao xiu chi, vice president of beijing real estate law society:the bank will definitely review the value of the house. because the mortgage is secured by the house, the value of the mortgage must be reviewed. when evaluating, it is generally compared with the market price, the house price in the surrounding area, and of course the house structure and other aspects must also be considered, and then a comparison is made to determine a reasonable housing price.

relevant people said,the risks of “zero down payment” for banks should not be underestimated. a few banks have issued loans for "zero down payment" home purchases due to lax audits, which seems to have increased business volume. but in fact, since "zero down payment" is often accompanied by fraudulent loan methods such as submitting false information to the bank, the loans flow to people who do not have the ability to buy a house, which also exacerbates the financial leverage effect, increases the uncertainty brought about by market fluctuations, and makes banks more likely to suffer losses due to borrowers' inability to repay or abandonment of loan repayments, increasing the risk of bad debts. therefore, before issuing loans, banks should also verify the authenticity of the source of the down payment through methods such as reviewing bank statements, interviews, and visits.

lou jianbo, director of the real estate law research center of peking university:from the perspective of overall financial security, the money that banks lend to home buyers is actually the money that ordinary people deposit in banks. if the money cannot be recovered, the interests of depositors will be harmed in the end.