
our army's first jet bomber! the maximum bomb load is 3 tons, and the naval version can also carry two heavy torpedoes


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during the war of liberation, our army looted a large number of aircraft left behind by the japanese army in the northeast battlefield, and also seized a number of american/british aircraft from the kuomintang air force.

by the time the people's republic of china was founded, our army already had a small number of b-25, mosquito, ki-48 "99 double light explosion" and other bombers. however, these aircraft were too few, lacked spare parts, and were in poor condition, so they could only undertake training tasks.

▲our army seized some bombers from the japanese and kuomintang air force. the picture above is a captured b-25 bomber.

in order to form a bomber unit, on july 27, 1949, the chinese communist party delegation went to the soviet union for negotiations, and finally managed to import 434 aircraft, including 23 tu-2 bombers. in july 1950, the first bomber unit was officially established - the 12th bombing regiment of the 4th mixed aviation brigade.

although the tu-2 performed well on the korean battlefield, it also suffered certain losses. more importantly, this bomber developed during world war ii was completely unable to adapt to the combat requirements of the jet age.

the soviet union had already begun developing a new generation of front-line tactical bombers, which later became the il-28, and made its first successful flight on july 8, 1948. on may 1, 1950, 25 il-28s were publicly unveiled at the moscow military parade.

▲the tu-2 bomber equipped by our army, but the old aircraft from world war ii can no longer adapt to air combat in the jet age.

▲the il-28 of the soviet air force entered service in 1950 and was provided to my country two years later.

the il-28 adopts the traditional straight-wing shape and is equipped with two vk-1 turbojet engines, each with a thrust of 2,700 kg. it is 17.6 meters long, 21.4 meters wide and 6 meters high.

the empty weight of the il-28 is 12.9 tons, the maximum take-off weight is 23.2 tons, the maximum flight speed is 900km/h, the maximum range is 2180 kilometers, and it can carry 3 tons of bombs, such as 4 500kg bombs, or 12 250kg bombs. in addition, there are also racks under the wings.

in order to cope with the complex war situation, my country ordered 60 il-28s from the soviet union in september 1952. the soviet union acted quickly and completed the delivery at the end of october. all the aircraft arrived in qiqihar and were equipped with the 8th air division.

the second batch of 60 il-28s also arrived in china from july to october 1953. during the national day military parade that year, 45 il-28s flew over tiananmen square, demonstrating the strength of our bombers to the world.

▲our army is equipped with a large number of il-28 bombers, and our bomber force has entered the jet age.

the il-28 in china soon faced the test of actual combat. in the battle to liberate yijiangshan island from late 1954 to early 1955, the il-28 and tu-2 bombed the kuomintang positions on the island and covered our army's landing operations. this was the first actual combat of the il-28.

in addition, a few il-28s were converted into electronic warfare aircraft. in november 1959, three il-28s of the 10th air division were converted into one electronic reconnaissance aircraft and one electronic jammer under the guidance of soviet experts. they also converted one into an electronic jammer on their own.

during the use of the il-28, a series of failures occurred. in order to solve the overhaul problem, my country purchased a complete set of manufacturing technical data for the aircraft from the soviet union and began to try to repair it on its own.

the harbin aircraft manufacturing plant was responsible for this work. by 1957, it had gradually built a complete maintenance system and gradually mastered the aircraft's technological characteristics and manufacturing technology of some major parts during the maintenance process.

▲in the battle to liberate yijiangshan island, tu-2 and il-10 were the main bombing forces, while la-11 and mig-15 served as escorts. it is said that il-28 also carried out the mission.

in the late 1950s, my country and the soviet union were at odds. faced with the possibility of being strangled at any time, the imitation of the il-28 was put on the agenda.

in 1963, my country decided to reverse-engineer the il-28, and harbin aircraft manufacturing factory was responsible for this task. in response to the problems exposed in the use of the il-28, my country made corresponding improvements, with the amount of changes based on the original aircraft reaching 40%.

the main changes include changing the original two-halves of the fuselage into a common structure, reducing weight by 110 kilograms; the onboard equipment is made as compatible as possible with the h-6 copied at the same time, such as using the tail turret of the h-6; and the domestically produced turbojet-5a engine is replaced.

on september 25, 1966, the h-5 made its first successful flight, and in april 1967, the h-5 began mass production. compared with the il-28, the h-5 not only lost a lot of weight, but also replaced a new sight to improve bombing accuracy.

▲the h-5 and il-28 are similar in appearance, but their internal structures and aviation equipment are very different.

the h-5 has three crew members, the navigator is in the nose, the pilot is in the bubble cockpit, and the communications gunner is in the tail. the bomb bay is in the middle of the fuselage, with a normal bomb load of 1,000 kg and a maximum bomb load of 3,000 kg. it can carry four 500 kg bombs or 12 250 kg bombs.

based on the h-5 platform, our army has many modifications, and the h-5 is one of them. in 1965, my country began to modify the h-5 for reconnaissance purposes. by 1970, the air force decided to continue modifying it based on the h-5a.

the main modification project is to add two large medium and high altitude aerial cameras hangjia 12-75 with image shift optical compensation mechanism in the ammunition bay, increasing the number of large photographic equipment of the h-5 aircraft to four. in addition, a radar camera can be installed. the camera can be operated by a swing frame to take aerial photos of 2 to 3 tracks.

in addition, fuel tanks were added to the left and right wings, increasing the aircraft's maximum range to 3,000 kilometers, its combat radius by 50%, and its endurance to four and a half hours. the design of the h-5 was finalized in 1977.

▲distribution map of il-28 crew members, the h-5 is similar to it.

another important modification of the h-5 is the torpedo bomber. in 1965, the naval aviation felt that the h-5 was good and proposed to allow it to carry torpedoes. the main modification goals were: to be able to carry three torpedoes or two large torpedoes outside the aircraft and to install auxiliary fuel tanks in the original bomb bay.

this work went smoothly. by 1980, a total of 35 h-5 torpedo models had been delivered to the navy, and 100 il-28s had been modified, with good feedback from the pilots.

however, our army was equipped with yu-2 torpedoes at that time. although the speed was as high as 60 to 70 knots, the range was only 5,000 meters. it was very dangerous for the h-5/il-28 to penetrate enemy ships at low altitude, so the hit rate in actual combat might not be high.

▲the h-5 of the navy aviation force is mounting the yu-2 torpedo.

▲the h-5 over the sea. at the request of the navy, the torpedo version of the h-5 was launched, but its actual combat effect may not be good.

as my country's first jet bomber, the il-28/h-5 played an important role in the early days of the people's air force. as a front-line close support aircraft, it was inexpensive and could be mass-produced, meeting the combat needs of our army within a certain period of time.