
new regulations on passenger car energy consumption will be implemented! this type of car has a chance


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recently, the equipment industry department of the ministry of industry and information technology organized the national automobile standardization technical committee to carry out the formulation and revision of two mandatory national standards, namely "passenger car fuel consumption evaluation methods and indicators" (hereinafter referred to as "indicators") and "energy consumption limits of electric vehicles part 1: passenger cars", and decided that the new regulations will be officially implemented on january 1, 2026.

new policy on vehicle fuel consumption
more stringent than current standards
what impact will this have on the automobile consumer market?
it will also affect consumers' car purchase choices
what changes will it bring?

new regulations on energy consumption standards for automobile products

what are the new requirements?

the index provides new fuel consumption standards:

from january 1, 2026,lightweight models(less than 1.09 tons) fuel consumption per 100 kilometersnot more than 2.57 litersmedium weight model(1.09-2.51 tons) fuel consumption per 100 kilometersno more than 3.3 litersheavy vehicles(greater than 2.51 tons) fuel consumption per 100 kilometersno more than 4.7 liters

taking the medium-weight models that account for the largest share of the passenger car market as an example, there are currently few models on the market with a fuel consumption of less than 3.3 liters per 100 kilometers.there are also many statements in the industry that "the development of traditional fuel vehicles is coming to an end." in the eyes of many people, if some models cannot achieve a fuel consumption of 3.3l per 100 kilometers, they may be eliminated from the market.

in fact

this standard is not specific to a single model.

it is the target requirement for car companies.

ye shengji, chief engineer of the china association of automobile manufacturers, said that my country mainly adopts the management method of "single vehicle limit + enterprise average" for passenger car fuel consumption.the standards of the "indicators" are formulated to evaluate automobile companies, and the indicators therein will not affect the listing and sales of any single model.

the reporter learned that there is already a special standard for the fuel consumption standard requirements of a single passenger car, which is"limits of fuel consumption for passenger cars" gb 19578this standard is a mandatory standard for vehicles to be put on the market for sale. this means that vehicles that do not meet this standard will not be able to be put on the market for sale.

wang zhao, chairman of the national automobile standardization technical committee's automobile energy conservation subcommittee, said: "the two standards have different focuses. by continuously tightening the fuel consumption indicators in the two standards, while guiding companies to reduce the energy consumption of each vehicle, they also pay more attention to improving the average energy consumption of the fleet, which has played a positive role in promoting energy conservation and emission reduction in the automobile industry."

according to the calculation of china automotive technology and research center, after the new standard is implemented in 2026, only large fuel suvs, crossover passenger cars and mini cars will meet the standard at a low rate, while the rest will meet the standard at a low rate.the compliance rate of popular small, medium and large suvs and sedans is basically over 90%.however, considering that mini cars have basically achieved pure electrification, the compliance rate of mpv models with larger tonnage and fuel consumption may face certain pressure.

new energy vehicles "have little improvement in range"

for the first time, a mandatory upper limit on the power consumption of electric vehicles is set

the energy consumption requirements also put forward higher energy efficiency requirements for electric vehicles, which is related to the development characteristics of the new energy vehicle market. at present, in actual use, many new energy vehicle owners have reflected a common problem: even if the vehicle's endurance value has been improved, it is not noticeable in actual driving.

it turns out that in addition to its own endurance, the power consumption of the vehicle has a direct and significant impact on the endurance of pure electric vehicles. simply put, under the same endurance, the lower the vehicle power consumption, the smaller the burden on the battery, the power consumption will naturally decrease, and the endurance will increase accordingly. it is not difficult to see that how to reduce the power consumption level of new energy vehicles has an important impact on reducing the overall energy consumption of the automotive industry.

reducing power consumption will become the future development trend of new energy vehicles. photo by wu bofeng

in order to solve the problem of "insignificant improvement in cruising range" reported by new energy vehicle owners, in the field of new energy vehicles, the "energy consumption limits for electric vehicles part 1: passenger cars" that is currently being solicited for comments has rigid entry assessments for single models.

cui dongshu said,taking vehicles with less than three rows of seats and non-four-wheel drive as an example, the energy consumption limit range is 10.1-19.1 kwh/100 km.among them, the curb weight ismodels between 1.09 tons and 2.71 tons, power consumption per 100 kilometerscontrolled within 13.92 kwh

according to the calculation of china automotive technology and research center, the overall compliance rate of vehicle models in the industry exceeds 60% at the current stage. after the implementation of the standard, nearly 30% of the vehicle models can meet the limit requirements through appropriate technical upgrades, and it is expected that about 10% of technologically backward models will be eliminated.

hybrid vehicles have a good opportunity for development

nowadays, more and more consumers are beginning to consider purchasing plug-in hybrid vehicles as a means of transportation.the latest statistics from the china association of automobile manufacturers show that in august, sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles increased by 81.6% year-on-year.

for automakers, especially joint venture brands that have been deeply involved in the field of traditional fuel vehicles, the implementation of the new policy will undoubtedly prompt them to accelerate the introduction of low-fuel-consumption small cars and the application of plug-in hybrid technology to reduce fuel consumption. if they still cannot meet the fuel limit requirements on this basis, they will need to purchase "new energy points" from other automakers to reach the target value, which is undoubtedly a double whammy for joint venture brands that are already facing great pressure.

for this reason, plug-in hybrid vehicles that can maintain the technological advantages of traditional internal combustion engines while significantly reducing fuel consumption are bound to usher in greater development order to avoid a significant increase in production and operating costs, joint venture brands have significantly increased the number of plug-in hybrid models launched in recent times.

as the pace of transformation of the automobile market accelerates, when talking about the future market position of traditional fuel vehicles, cui dongshu, secretary general of the national passenger vehicle market information joint conference, told reporters that fuel vehicles are people's livelihood vehicles. steadily improving their product competitiveness and the huge r&d investment of car companies in the early stage, it is necessary to effectively guarantee the stable confidence of car companies in developing fuel vehicles. the stability of the fuel vehicle industry chain, its huge scale and market contribution are important resource guarantees for the development of new energy vehicles.

cui dongshu believes that the chinese market has great differences between the north and south, urban and rural areas, and industry groups, and the demand for models is diversified. especially in the northern region, where the temperature difference is large, fuel vehicles have their own engine heat source, providing a good driving experience in winter. behind the steady increase in the penetration rate of new energy, it is not possible to simply promote full pure electrification.

produced by the new media editorial department of china consumer news

source/china consumer news·china consumer network

reporter/wu bofeng

editor/li xiaoyu

producer/he yongpeng ren zhenyu

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