
a brigade of the 77th group army introduced a dynamic evaluation system for military training management


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a brigade of the 77th group army introduced a dynamic evaluation system for military training management——
helping to organize and implement training more accurately and scientifically
■ jiang rui, liberation army daily special correspondent li jiahao
carrying the gun on his shoulder and moving forward quickly... in early autumn, at the training ground of a firepower company of a brigade of the 77th army group, peng yuxiang, the platoon leader and coach of the mortar platoon, was explaining and demonstrating his "hard skills" to several soldiers - simple shooting of a single gun. not far away, other soldiers of the mortar platoon were holding simulated sights to learn how to set various parameters, or conducting intensive training on basic subjects such as gun mounting and retracting operations.
while they are practicing the "hard skills" of combat, they are also laying the foundation. on the same training ground, soldiers in the same platoon have very different training courses. what's going on?
"based on the concrete and visual charts generated by the military training management dynamic evaluation system, we group officers and soldiers based on different training foundations and tailor the training content." hong yabin, a cadre of the firepower company, told reporters that this system introduced by the brigade to promote the transformation and upgrading of military training has become their "electronic monitoring staff" for organizing and implementing training, effectively improving the level of refinement of daily training management.
according to reports, the brigade leaders found in previous surveys that some grassroots units did not pay attention to studying the special requirements and training rules of different professions, lacked overall planning for training, and had extensive planning arrangements. the training was "marching in step" and "cooking in one pot", resulting in idle venues, equipment bystanders, and personnel missing training. to this end, they combined practice to guide battalions and companies to try group training and graded training, which effectively alleviated the above situation. however, as the practice gradually deepened, group and graded training gradually exposed some problems.
"in the past, whether soldiers could transfer from the current training course to the next one was mainly determined by their assessment results." hong yabin said that the firepower company alone has more than 10 specialties, including hundreds of courses. organizing too many and too frequent assessments will not only distract the leadership, but also burden the grassroots soldiers. therefore, when determining whether to transfer courses, the company cadres and backbones rely more on experience and feelings. too much subjectivity will inevitably affect the scientific nature of the training.
"the arrival of the electronic information system has effectively solved this problem." as he spoke, hong yabin took the reporter to the company headquarters, where he clicked the mouse to open the military training management dynamic evaluation system. as the cursor moved, information such as the company's trainees in each subject, training time, training quality and effectiveness, and equipment use were displayed on the screen one by one. then, he double-clicked a soldier's "training data information" with the mouse, and multiple pie charts, bar charts, and polygon charts appeared one by one.
"these charts are automatically drawn by the system based on the personal training data of officers and soldiers. the content covers training progress, individual course evaluation, comprehensive effect analysis, etc." hong yabin said that based on this information, the backbone cadres of the battalion and company can accurately grasp the training situation of each officer and soldier and each course, and then formulate targeted supplementary training and strengthening training plans, which effectively improves the overall training quality and effectiveness.
during the interview, the reporter met yang shuxun, a cadre of the brigade who is responsible for system operation and maintenance. according to him, during the operation of the system, they updated and entered a large amount of information many times in combination with the training process, including dozens of professional training outlines, thousands of groups of trainees' information and tens of thousands of training assessment results. on this basis, they finally realized the automatic calculation and analysis of training data and dynamic evaluation of training effects through scientific calculation and modeling demonstration.
is the evaluation of electronic information systems accurate? with this question in mind, the reporter came to the brigade's applied shooting training ground, where the second infantry company was organizing officers and soldiers to carry out light weapons shooting training.
"bang, bang, bang!" the guns fired and the targets fell. after wang chaojie and wang tao checked their guns, they returned to the shooting starting line again. at this time, the voice of the target reporter came from the intercom. both of them achieved a good score of 7 out of 10. however, the electronic information system gave different training suggestions: wang chaojie was asked to "make up lessons" because his training results fluctuated too much and continue to carry out intensive training; wang tao achieved "promotion" due to his stable results and could move on to the next subject training.
"are you convinced that you are being arranged to undergo 'make-up lessons' and intensive training?" the reporter asked when seeing the training suggestions given by the electronic information system.
"i am convinced! after intensive training, i am confident that i can achieve 'promotion'." wang chaojie said that although he failed to smoothly switch to the next training subject this time, compared with the same period last year, his training results in recent months have improved greatly, and his enthusiasm for training is getting stronger and stronger.
the training performance statistics table seen by the reporter at the brigade headquarters confirmed wang chaojie's statement. statistics show that since the military training management dynamic evaluation system was put into use, the training excellence rate and pass rate of officers and soldiers in the brigade have gradually increased, and many companies have completed all the courses in the training plan ahead of schedule and "skipped" to carry out subsequent training.
short review
first-class management supports first-class training
■tian haijun
president xi stressed the need to strengthen training management, optimize management models and processes, strengthen the construction of relevant laws, regulations, systems and standard means, and improve the level of full-cycle and refined training management. as we all know, military training and management are the two wheels of a car and the two wings of a bird for generating combat effectiveness. with the continuous deepening of actual combat training, only by continuously improving the operation management of military training and strengthening the refinement and scientificization of training management at all levels can we effectively support first-class training with first-class management and promote the continuous improvement of combat effectiveness.
in recent years, the troops at all levels have focused on training and preparation for war, and the troops have been managed for war. the training management model has been continuously optimized and the mechanism has been continuously improved, which has effectively promoted the rapid generation of combat effectiveness. however, it should also be noted that some units still have unscientific methods and relatively backward means in training management. some do not pay attention to dynamic management and are accustomed to "marching in step" in training time arrangements; some do not have fine management, and the training of subjects that officers and soldiers have mastered is "standing still", but there is no targeted supplementary training or strengthening training for subjects that have not met expectations; others have extensive management, scattered resources, unclear responsibilities, and low efficiency. if these problems are not effectively solved, it will not only restrict the improvement of training level, but may even lead to new drawbacks.
the key to training troops is to manage them. to solve the many problems in the training management of the troops, it is urgent to accelerate the promotion of the military management revolution with efficiency as the core, improve the management system oriented to precision, and implement the principle of precision throughout the entire process of training management. the reform of training management is an important starting point and way to truly achieve precise planning, precise organization, precise evaluation, and precise guarantee. in practice, attention should also be paid to distinguishing between subjects, levels and personnel, scientifically setting training content, promoting the transformation of training management from extensive and empirical to refined and information-based, and comprehensively improving the level of training and preparation of troops.
(source: china military network-liberation army daily)