
president wang yonggui of zhejiang university of finance and economics sent a message to freshmen: be the best version of yourself and bloom the infinite beauty of youth!


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chao news client correspondent liao jiaqi reporter qiu yina
on the morning of september 15, zhejiang gongshang university held an opening ceremony for 4,914 freshmen of the 2024 undergraduate class. president wang yonggui delivered a speech entitled "be the best version of yourself and bloom the infinite beauty of youth" at the ceremony, and sent a message to all freshmen of zhejiang gongshang university. zhejiang gongshang university is a century-old institution that is committed to being first-class. it adheres to the original mission of "building an outstanding university based in zhejiang, serving the country, and contributing to mankind", accelerates the construction of a high-level university, and provides a stage for every student to pursue their dreams. he hopes that students will use the platform of zhejiang gongshang university to have the courage to "break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly", the perseverance to "transform and sublimate", and the confidence to "bloom with excellence", interpret responsibility and commitment with practical actions, and write a magnificent reform answer sheet with the pen of youth.
wang yonggui, president of zhejiang gongshang university. photo provided by the school
the following is an excerpt from president wang’s speech:
dear class of 2024,
hello everyone! today we solemnly held the opening ceremony for the 2024 freshmen, witnessing 4,914 undergraduates officially becoming a member of the glorious zhejiang business school family. this year's opening ceremony is different from previous years. in addition to the new students from the xiasha campus, there are also new students who will start a new campus life at the jiaogong road campus. as you start a new chapter in your life, on behalf of the school, i would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone! your arrival will surely inject new vitality and hope into this century-old institution that is committed to being first-class. at the same time, i would like to extend my most sincere greetings and high respect to your parents, teachers and friends who have accompanied you all the way to struggle and grow up!
this year marks the 113th anniversary of the founding of zhejiang gongshang university. it is a critical year for our university to plan and set off again after it was successfully selected as a "double first-class 196 project" university in zhejiang province and launched the "jiaogong road campus revitalization plan" to implement the dual-campus collaborative development strategy. with the concerted efforts of all faculty and staff, this old campus, which carries the school's long history and profound cultural heritage and is located on the banks of west lake and in the city center, has been rejuvenated with new vitality. the jiaogong road campus will not only welcome you with its brand-new look, but will also become a warm home for zhejiang business students to quickly integrate into university life and study with peace of mind.
as one of the earliest specialized business schools in china, zheshang university has always adhered to the original intention of "serving the country through business and continuing the cultural tradition" and the school motto of "sincerity, perseverance, diligence and simplicity". after the unremitting efforts of several generations, it has now developed into the only modern institution of higher learning in the country jointly built by the people's government of zhejiang province, the ministry of commerce and the ministry of education. the school became a key university in zhejiang province in 2017; in 2023, the school was successfully selected as a "double first-class 196 project" university in zhejiang province.
in recent years, the school has also continuously strengthened the construction of china's independent knowledge system of philosophy and social sciences, as well as the construction of big statistics, big management, big economics and advantageous and distinctive engineering disciplines, and strived to implement the original mission of building "an outstanding university based in zhejiang, serving the country and contributing to mankind", accelerate the construction of our school into a high-level university, and build zhejiang gongshang university into an important talent center and innovation highland of "educating people for the party and cultivating talents for the country".
"education, science and technology, and talent are the fundamental and strategic support for china's modernization." the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee opened a new chapter for further deepening reform in an all-round way. at present and in the future, it is a critical period for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with china's modernization. students, you are witnesses of this great historical process, and you are also participants, practitioners, and promoters who are moving forward in the same direction as the new era.
"reform leads the youth, and reform is for the youth." you who have just entered the university campus are about to embark on a new journey of life. you who have dreams and aspirations have infinite possibilities and potential, and the stage for you to display your talents is also very broad, and the prospect of realizing your dreams is even brighter. university study and life is not only an experience full of hope, opportunities and challenges, but also an important stage for shaping a new self and achieving a gorgeous transformation. how to make full use of this precious time, let yourself gradually grow into a wise, ambitious, and responsible young man of the new era, be the best version of yourself, and bloom the infinite beauty of youth, is an important topic that we need to think deeply about and work hard for.
today, i would like to express my deepest wishes to you using the metaphors of the three stages of "breaking out of the cocoon", "metamorphosis" and "blossoming".
zhejiang university of business and economics is a new starting point for “emerging from cocoon to butterfly”
i hope that each of you students can have the courage to "break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly", constantly discover yourself and challenge yourself at all times. "the difficulty of ambition is not to defeat others, but to defeat yourself." the real challenge is not to defeat others, but to surpass yourself. this process is not to passively wait for external forces to break through, but to actively inspire strength from the depths of your heart and achieve a leap in self-innovation. each of you must bravely step out of the familiar "comfort zone" and move towards those unknown new fields full of opportunities.
today, you who have just entered the university may be living independently for the first time, facing the breadth and depth of academics for the first time, and thinking about your future career and life direction for the first time. this process will inevitably face many difficulties and challenges, but "the challenges in life are not to make you stop, but to help you discover yourself and know yourself", giving you the opportunity to break through yourself, surpass yourself, and discover your unlimited potential. in the just-concluded paris olympics, the young athlete pan zhanle, the world record and olympic record holder in the men's 100-meter freestyle, won wide attention with his dazzling performance. in an interview with the people's daily, he said: "the goal of all athletes is to challenge the impossible and surpass themselves. this is what athletes should do." students, although you are not professional athletes, the sports spirit of the athletes in the olympic arena who challenge themselves, surpass their limits and have firm beliefs all convey to us the positive power of striving and persevering. zhejiang university of business and economics has always been a warm harbor that encourages students to break through themselves. whether it is the continuously optimized and innovative teaching and training system, or the harmonious teacher-student relationship and class atmosphere, they will become a strong backing and important help for students to display their talents and realize their dreams.
zhejiang university of commerce is the best time to "transform and sublimate"
i hope that each of you can have the perseverance to "transform and sublimate", constantly hone yourself and improve your skills. "without learning, you cannot broaden your talents, and without ambition, you cannot achieve learning." there is no shortcut to growth. only by constantly seeking truth, understanding the truth, and practicing the truth in learning and practice, and working hard to accumulate and grow, can you become a pillar of society that can be of great use and shoulder heavy responsibilities. dear students, university is an important "transformation and sublimation" period for you to improve and transform your personal abilities and ideological cognition.
zhejiang university of commerce has brought together excellent teachers and rich teaching resources from home and abroad, providing you with a broad learning platform and unlimited development space. we encourage every student to dare to dream, explore and practice based on the stage of zhejiang university of commerce.
in the early days of the people's republic of china, with extremely backward equipment and technology, academician huang xuhua, the "father of china's nuclear submarine", used abacus and old-fashioned scales to calculate thousands of key data of nuclear submarines. he said, "every little thing in everyone's hands ultimately comes down to the performance of my country's first generation of nuclear submarines. if you are not careful, it may cause irreparable losses." he obtained key information from model toys that are easily overlooked. he said, "the most advanced things are developed and innovated on the basis of conventional equipment, and they are not that mysterious." academician huang xuhua and his colleagues overcame one technical difficulty after another with extraordinary perseverance and wisdom, creating a miracle in the development of china's nuclear submarines.
today, you are standing at a higher starting point in the new era, with a more superior learning environment and resource conditions than your predecessors, but it is accompanied by a faster knowledge update speed and ever-changing contemporary issues, increasingly refined social division of labor, and endless emergence of new technologies, new models and new formats. these changes have put forward new and higher requirements for the ability and quality of each of you. students, "a short rope cannot draw water from a deep well, and shallow water cannot support a large boat." "transformation and sublimation" is a process of continuous accumulation, which requires you to continuously adjust and enrich yourself in learning and practice with patience and perseverance, "learn extensively, question carefully, think carefully, discern clearly, and practice diligently", constantly improve your knowledge system, exercise your innovative thinking, shape your sound personality, and strive to cultivate skills and talents, broad vision and good moral character that meet the needs of the development of the times.
photo provided by the school at the opening ceremony
zhejiang university of business and economics is a big stage for "blooming excellence"
i hope that each of you can have the confidence to "bloom with excellence", constantly show your new self and achieve the future. "young people are full of vigor and will strive for success at their own time". when you have overcome various challenges with unremitting efforts, accumulated rich knowledge, and cultivated excellent moral character and ability, it is the critical moment to show your style with confidence and realize your unlimited potential. this is not only a milestone in your personal growth, but also the starting point for you to contribute your wisdom and strength to society.
from hangzhou secondary commercial school to today's zhejiang gongshang university, in the course of a century of running the school, the spirit of self-improvement and dedication to serving the country has never changed. whether in the difficult years or in today's prosperous development, generation after generation of zhejiang gongshang students have demonstrated outstanding talents in all walks of life with unremitting efforts and innovative spirit, and have made indelible contributions to promoting social progress and national prosperity.
students, the new era is an era in which the young generation has great potential, and dreams and responsibilities are equally important; the new era is also an era in which china is increasingly moving to the center of the world stage and making greater contributions to mankind. let us join hands and continue to inherit this precious spiritual wealth, integrate our personal ideals into the overall development of the country, deeply practice the school motto of "sincerity, perseverance, diligence and simplicity", interpret responsibility and commitment with practical actions, and write a magnificent reform answer sheet with the pen of youth.
dear students, a new life and new experiences are about to unfold before you. to a large extent, these four wonderful years of university life will determine your life. i sincerely hope that students can cherish every minute and every second of the present, do not covet temporary comfort, do not be afraid of challenges and hardships, and must have the courage to bid farewell to the old self, temper themselves, and show the new self. in promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, show the youthful deeds of zhejiang university of commerce, highlight the youthful style of zhejiang university of commerce, and contribute the youthful power of zhejiang university of commerce! finally, i want to say that "breaking the cocoon and becoming a butterfly" and "sublimating excellence" are not the end, but a new beginning. in the days to come, i hope you can all have a heart that dares to explore, a pair of wings that dare to fly, bravely face challenges, work hard to improve your skills, and confidently show your style. no matter where you go, you will bloom your own happiness and youthful brilliance, which is the eternal smile and beauty of zhejiang xiaoshang.
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