
geng shuang: china has not provided weapons to any party in the russia-ukraine conflict and has always strictly controlled dual-use items


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according to the website of the chinese permanent mission to the united nations on september 13, ambassador geng shuang spoke when the security council was discussing the issue of providing weapons to ukraine.

the full text is as follows:


i thank senior representative zhong manquan for his briefing.

the ukrainian crisis is still dragging on, and a large amount of weapons and ammunition continue to flow into the battlefield. the variety and scope of weapons are constantly expanding, and their lethality and lethality are constantly increasing. the risk of leakage and proliferation is accumulating, which is worrying. the continued influx of weapons will only further escalate the situation, bring more innocent casualties, and have a wide range of negative impacts on international and regional peace and security.

china is deeply concerned about the increasingly fierce war over a period of time. we believe that the top priority is to abide by the three principles of "no spillover of the battlefield, no escalation of the war, and no escalation of the war" and promote the cooling of the situation as soon as possible.

we call on the parties to the conflict to demonstrate political will, meet each other halfway, cease fire and end fighting as soon as possible and start peace talks. we call on the international community to create favorable conditions and provide practical assistance. all parties concerned should put peace and humanity first and devote resources and energy to diplomatic efforts to cease fire and end fighting.


the us representative spread false narratives in his speech just now, once again distorting and slandering china's position on the ukraine issue. i must respond.

china is not the creator of the ukrainian crisis, nor is it a party to it. china has not provided weapons to any party to the conflict and has always strictly controlled dual-use items. we carry out normal economic and trade cooperation with countries around the world, including russia and ukraine.

china's position on the ukrainian issue is objective and fair. we do not support anyone, nor do we favor anyone. after the outbreak of the war, we put forward the principle of "four shoulds", the first of which is that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected. the second is that the purposes and principles of the un charter should be observed. for more than two years, china has been working for peace and promoting talks. we have maintained contacts with both russia and ukraine, and have frequently exchanged views with european countries and the united states. the chinese government's special representative for eurasian affairs has visited relevant countries four times to conduct mediation diplomacy. we have only one purpose in doing this, which is to promote an early ceasefire and achieve peace.

in may this year, china and brazil jointly issued the "six-point consensus" on the political solution to the ukrainian crisis, which reflects the greatest common denominator that the international community can reach around the ukrainian crisis and has received positive responses from many countries. in addition to the "six-point consensus" proposed by china and brazil, african countries have also put forward "ten-point peace proposals" to resolve the crisis. some other "global south" countries have also put forward similar initiatives. this fully demonstrates that diplomatic negotiations and political solutions meet the common expectations of most countries and are what the international community wants. we hope that the united states will not continue to turn a deaf ear to these calls for peace, continue to smear and obstruct the diplomatic efforts of china and other relevant countries, continue to undermine international solidarity, create divisions and confrontations, and provoke camp confrontations, and truly play a constructive role in ending the war and achieving peace as soon as possible.

thank you, mr. chairman.