
doing the right exercise can extend your life by more than 8 years? doctors say


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chao news client reporter he lina correspondent liu qi
recently, researchers from the european institute of biology of ageing published a study of nearly 100,000 people in the journal gerontology, analyzing 95,210 athletes from 183 countries and 44 sports categories to analyze the association between exercise type and life expectancy.
the data found that among men, pole vaulting and gymnastics are the best sports to extend life, extending life by 8.4 and 8.2 years respectively, followed by fencing and shooting, which are associated with an increase in life by 6.6 and 6.2 years respectively, followed by racket sports, race walking, running, etc. among women, golf and net games are the best sports to extend life, extending life by 3.2 and 2.8 years respectively.
considering the popularity and difficulty of comprehensive sports, for ordinary people, regardless of gender, the best life-prolonging exercise is still cricket sports.
image source: visual china
based on the above research results, net sports (tennis and badminton) are associated with a 5.7-year longer lifespan for male athletes and a 2.8-year longer lifespan for female athletes.
chen tianxiao, deputy director of the rehabilitation medicine department of hangzhou first people's hospital, said that table tennis is a sport that often requires the mobilization of multiple muscle groups in the body. it can not only effectively enhance the strength of the shoulder and arm muscles, but also exercise the muscles of the whole body, especially the leg muscles. this can be easily seen from the "solid" muscle lines and "diamond legs" of the table tennis team members.
however, chen tianxiao reminded everyone that although playing table tennis has many benefits, we should also pay attention to the way of exercise to avoid sports injuries.
1. warm up well before exercise. focus on the joints, waist, etc. pay attention to moving joints, including cervical vertebrae, shoulder joints, lumbar vertebrae, hip joints, knee joints, ankle joints. then stretch the back muscles, waist and abdominal muscles, etc. the warm-up time should generally not be less than 10 minutes. such as jogging, leg stretching, rubbing joints, stretching muscles in various parts, etc. stretch well after exercise.
2. choose the right equipment. it is recommended that beginners choose a table tennis racket with moderate weight to make themselves feel comfortable and at ease when hitting the ball.
3. control the time and intensity of exercise. swinging sports 2-3 days a week and once a day is good for health. each exercise should last about 60 minutes. young and middle-aged people can play for about 2 hours, with appropriate breaks in between. middle-aged and elderly people tend to exercise more for fitness, so it is better to slow down the speed of swinging the racket. it is better to sweat slightly when doing swinging sports, and you should feel relaxed and comfortable after exercise.
4. pay attention to the standard of action. correct and standard table tennis action can not only improve the chance of getting on the table and the quality of hitting the ball, but also avoid the harm to the body caused by wrong action. if necessary, you can ask a professional coach for guidance.
5. proper hydration before playing table tennis, you should drink enough water to ensure the safety of the activity. you should also drink enough water during the game to avoid mild dehydration of the body due to lack of water, and early onset of sports fatigue. of course, you should also avoid drinking too much water at one time, which may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and increase the burden on the body.
6. strengthen nutrition and ensure adequate rest. the purpose of playing table tennis is to exercise the body. therefore, after exercise, you should strengthen nutrition, eat something good, replenish the energy consumed, and maintain adequate sleep and rest, so that the body can enter a healthy and virtuous cycle.
7. pay attention to the protection of your body. although table tennis does not involve direct physical confrontation between the two parties, its characteristics of rapid start and braking determine that the flexibility of the human ankle is relatively high. wearing a pair of comfortable table tennis shoes is a good way to solve this problem. everyone knows the central role of the waist in table tennis. pay attention to warming up before exercise. don't exert force suddenly when you start playing. wait until your body adapts before exerting force, otherwise the waist is prone to injury. many athletes in the national table tennis team have trouble with waist injuries. in addition, tennis elbow is also a phenomenon that many friends experience after a large amount of exercise. to avoid tennis elbow, you must pay attention to the mechanism of force. you cannot simply rely on contracting your forearms to play. pay attention to turning your waist and using the strength of your body will be better.
in addition, people with severe cardiovascular diseases such as angina pectoris and heart failure, people with rotator cuff injuries, osteoporosis, and severe scoliosis are not suitable for racket sports. middle-aged and elderly people with underlying diseases need to be examined and evaluated before exercising to determine whether they can participate in racket sports, and it is best to exercise under the guidance of a doctor.
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