
recycling school uniforms and exchanging small for large is worth exploring


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text|chang ying

recently, beijing municipal education commission issued the "opinions on further strengthening the management of school uniforms for primary and secondary school students".it is proposed that primary and secondary school uniforms should be purchased voluntarily by students, and schools can explore the recycling of student uniforms, innovate school uniform recycling mechanisms such as exchanging old for new and small for large to reduce waste of resources.

as soon as the news came out, it sparked heated discussions among uniforms often play a very important role in students' academic career.on the one hand, uniform dress facilitates standardized school management and strengthens the school's overall image; on the other hand, school uniforms are also one of the carriers of campus culture, carrying the youthful memories of generations of students and showing the students' unique spirit and vitality.

it can be said that school uniforms are a necessity during the school years.because of this rigid demand, there is often a hidden business chain behind the purchase of school uniforms in some schools. according to some media reports, many parents have suffered from school uniforms for a long time, either because of the inconsistent quality of school uniforms, complex styles and types, and rapid update frequency, or because the school forced them to buy and the designated school uniform manufacturers were general, the controversy regarding school uniforms mainly focuses on the cost-effectiveness and purchasing of school uniforms.

the voluntary purchase principle proposed by the beijing municipal education commission responds to real concerns and addresses real problems.while not forcing students to buy school uniforms, the opinion allows students to choose and make school uniforms according to the style and color of their school uniforms. each district's education administrative department will formulate school uniform management and procurement methods, formulate standardized procedures for the selection and procurement of school uniforms in the district based on the principle of student voluntariness, and clarify the implementation standards, procurement time and number of sets, pricing mechanism, and charging requirements for school uniforms.

for growing students, a set of well-fitting school uniforms may not last for more than one or two years before the sleeves and trouser legs are too uniforms are not everyday clothes, and customizing multiple sets of school uniforms to suit one's body shape can easily lead to a waste of social resources.the school uniform recycling model proposed by the beijing municipal education commission has achieved the reuse of school uniforms through innovative recycling mechanisms, such as exchanging old for new and small for large. this not only reduces resource waste, but also cultivates students' environmental awareness and social responsibility.

at the xi'an xinzhi primary school uniform inheritance activity, the teacher instructed the third-grade students to pass on their smaller uniforms to their first-grade classmates. photo by yang xilong, xinhua news agency

in the past two years, many places have begun to make efforts in school uniform reform and explore new school uniform reform measures. in june this year, the guangdong provincial department of education issued the "guiding opinions on strengthening the management of school uniforms for primary and secondary school students (draft for comments)" and solicited public opinions. the draft for comments clearly stated that students and parents should not be forced to buy school uniforms in any way. not long ago, shenzhen school uniforms, which are of high quality, simple and fashionable, and can be purchased anytime and anywhere, became popular again because of their good quality and low price.

many attempts at school uniform reform have shown that school uniforms should return to their original purpose of serving the healthy growth of students.the purchase of school uniforms is no longer mandatory, which is a respect for students' individuality and freedom, an active practice of the concept of green development, and provides useful reference and inspiration for the standardized management of school uniforms in other parts of the country.

in the heated online discussion about this matter, parents are eagerly looking forward to the "non-compulsory purchase" of school uniforms, but there are also certain doubts: will the school really give students the right to choose? how can the "non-compulsory" policy be implemented without obstacles? these issues still require regular self-examination and self-inspection by the school, and timely supervision and intervention by relevant education departments, while unblocking the channels for social complaints and feedback to ensure openness and transparency in all links. at the same time, how to promote the recycling of school uniforms and how to deal with the problems of disinfection, cleaning, hygiene and safety that may arise in the process of reusing school uniforms still face new solutions at the practical level.

school uniform is the "second skin" of students during their study this sense, how to make non-compulsion a consensus and how to make voluntary choice the norm still requires continuous innovation and exploration by local education departments.