
ministry of natural resources: strictly adhere to the red line of land management policy and never cross the red line under the pretext of reform


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on september 10, 2024, villagers in changliang village, miaoyu town, wushan county, chongqing were busy harvesting rice. visual china photo

according to the ministry of natural resources on september 11, the ministry of natural resources recently held an experience exchange meeting on comprehensive land improvement in chongqing, requiring the learning and application of the experience of the "10 million project", comprehensive deployment and high-quality promotion of comprehensive land improvement in the whole region, optimization of rural production, living and ecological space, promotion of livable, business-friendly and beautiful villages, and strong support for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

the meeting arranged to promote the steady and long-term comprehensive land remediation in an orderly manner. we must adhere to the policy red line, fully and accurately understand and grasp the major policies of the party central committee, adhere to the correct direction of land system reform, strictly adhere to the land management policy red line, and never use the excuse of reform to break through the land management policy red line. we must strengthen organizational leadership, implement the main responsibilities at all levels, focus on the joint efforts of departments, and improve and perfect policies, systems and work mechanisms. we must emphasize adapting to local conditions and accurately formulate policies based on the actual conditions of different resource endowments, different development conditions, and diverse actual needs in various places. we must strengthen full-process supervision, establish and improve the full-process supervision mechanism at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and strengthen supervision of all links such as project application, implementation, acceptance, and post-maintenance.

since 2019, the ministry of natural resources has deployed and carried out pilot projects for comprehensive land remediation in the whole region with townships as the basic units. more than 1,500 pilot projects have been implemented in 25 provinces, with an investment of more than 670 billion yuan, and a total remediation scale of more than 7.2 million mu, with an increase of 660,000 mu of cultivated land and a reduction of 160,000 mu of construction land, achieving significant economic, social and ecological benefits. comprehensive land remediation in the whole region has become an important work platform for guarding the red line of cultivated land protection, activating rural industrial land elements, improving rural living environment, and promoting common prosperity between urban and rural areas.

the meeting required that the new theories, new viewpoints and new methods contained in the experience of the "ten million project" be deeply understood and learned. we must adhere to the principle of putting people first, building and sharing together, take the fundamental interests of the broad masses of farmers as the starting point and the end point, respect public opinion, safeguard the interests of the people, and strengthen people's management. we must adhere to innovation-driven and green development, coordinate the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands in rural areas, jointly promote the improvement of rural living environments, and continuously broaden the path of transforming green mountains and clear waters into gold and silver mountains. we must adhere to overall coordination and highlight key points, comprehensively consider the overall situation of county economic and social development, natural geographical patterns and natural resource endowments, coordinate the implementation units, and reasonably arrange the implementation sequence and stage tasks. we must adhere to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions and implementing policies in a classified manner, fully consider the actual situation at the grassroots level, and closely combine the wishes of the masses, resource endowments, and financial conditions to determine different remediation methods. we must adhere to strengthening leadership and improving mechanisms, and establish a working mechanism with government leadership, departmental coordination, top-down linkage, and public participation in accordance with the principle of provincial overall responsibility, municipal supervision, and county and township implementation. we must persist in our efforts and work hard for the long term, firmly establish a correct view of political achievements and development, and anchor our efforts on the established goals.

the meeting stressed the need to accurately grasp the key to promoting comprehensive land consolidation in the whole region with high quality. we must coordinate the county, plan first, and make local adjustments to optimize the spatial layout of rural areas. we must maintain the seriousness of the results of the demarcation of the "three zones and three lines". we must not carry out spatial "big shifts" in the name of comprehensive land consolidation and layout optimization in the whole region. we must implement the bottom-line control requirements such as no reduction in the amount of cultivated land, improvement in quality, no increase in the area of ​​construction land, no breakthrough in the expansion multiples of urban development boundaries, and no reduction in the red line target for ecological protection. we must protect the quantity, quality, and ecology of cultivated land in a "three-in-one" manner and promote the concentrated and contiguous consolidation of agricultural land. we must coordinate and make good use of the two policy tools of linking the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land and the entry of collective commercial construction land into the market to implement the consolidation of construction land. we must coordinate the whole region and all elements to protect and restore the natural ecological background. we must give full play to the main role of the masses, achieve co-construction, co-governance, and sharing, fully respect the wishes of farmers, and effectively safeguard the rights and interests of farmers.