
gansu province published a typical case of illegal salt production. a business unit refused to make corrections and was fined 6,000 yuan


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on september 11, the gansu provincial market supervision administration announced a number of typical cases of illegal salt sales, including selling salt that does not meet iodine content standards, purchasing salt from entities and individuals other than designated salt wholesalers, and using salt that does not meet food safety standards to process and sell food.

among them, a business department in kangle county failed to provide valid qualification certificates of suppliers and other relevant certification documents for the salt products it was selling, and was ordered to make corrections. afterwards, law enforcement officers conducted a "look back" inspection on the above issues and found that it still could not provide valid qualification certificates and other relevant qualification certificates for the products, so they imposed administrative penalties on the business department: ordering it to correct its illegal behavior and fined it 6,000 yuan.

the 10 typical cases announced this time are as follows:

a trading company in li county, longnan city, sells salt that does not meet the iodine content standards of gansu province

after investigation, it was found that in april 2024, a certain longnan trading company in honghe town, li county, sold kangshengjing brand refined edible salt and china salt brand iodized refined salt produced by china salt yulin salt chemical co., ltd. the iodine content marked on the outer packaging was 18-33 mg/kg, which did not meet the national standard of iodine content of 21-39 mg/kg for iodized salt in gansu province.

the company's behavior violated the provisions of article 16, paragraph 1 of the "regulations on the administration of iodine-fortified salt to eliminate the hazards of iodine deficiency". in accordance with the provisions of article 26 of the "regulations on the administration of iodine-fortified salt to eliminate the hazards of iodine deficiency", the li county market supervision bureau imposed administrative penalties on the company in accordance with the law, including confiscation of the salt involved in the case, confiscation of illegal gains, and a fine of 14,200 yuan.

a non-staple food wholesale department in yongchang county, jinchang city purchased salt from units and individuals other than designated salt wholesale enterprises

after investigation, in may 2024, the purchase receipt of the china salt brand refined edible salt produced by china salt xingan salt chemical co., ltd. and sold by a non-staple food wholesale department in zhuwangbao town, yongchang county showed that the supplier was a non-designated salt wholesale enterprise.

the company's behavior violated article 16 of the "salt monopoly measures". in accordance with article 28, item 2 of the "salt monopoly measures", the yongchang county market supervision bureau imposed an administrative penalty on the company, confiscating the salt involved and imposing a fine of 8,600 yuan.

a shopping mall in tianshui city failed to establish and comply with food purchase inspection records and purchased salt from entities and individuals other than designated salt wholesale enterprises.

after investigation, it was found that in april 2024, the xuetian brand iodized refined salt produced by chongqing sote salt chemical co., ltd. and sold in a shopping mall in pingnan town, qinzhou district failed to provide purchase receipts, valid qualification certificates of suppliers and other relevant supporting documents on site, nor did it establish and comply with the purchase inspection record system as required.

the company's behavior violated the provisions of article 53, paragraph 2 of the food safety law of the people's republic of china and article 16 of the salt monopoly measures. the tianshui municipal market supervision bureau issued an administrative penalty of warning, confiscating the salt involved, and fining the company 6,120 yuan in accordance with article 126, paragraph 3 of the food safety law of the people's republic of china and article 28, paragraph 2 of the salt monopoly measures.

a business department in kangle county, linxia prefecture, failed to establish and comply with food purchase inspection records

after investigation, it was found that in january 2024, a business department in kangle county failed to provide the supplier's valid qualification certificate and other relevant certification documents for the salt products it was selling on site, and failed to establish and comply with the purchase inspection record system as required, in violation of the provisions of article 53, paragraph 2 of the "food safety law of the people's republic of china". the kangle county market supervision and administration bureau issued a "notice of correction", gave a warning and ordered the business department to correct it.

afterwards, law enforcement officers from the kangle county market supervision and administration bureau conducted a "follow-up" inspection on the above issues and found that the business department still could not provide valid qualification certificates and other relevant product qualification certificates, and its actions violated the provisions of article 53, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the "food safety law of the people's republic of china".

in accordance with article 126, item 3 of the food safety law of the people's republic of china and article 32, item 1 of the administrative penalty law of the people's republic of china, the kangle county market supervision bureau imposed an administrative penalty on the business department, ordering it to correct its illegal behavior and imposing a fine of 6,000 yuan.

a trading company in longxi county, dingxi city, purchased salt from entities and individuals other than designated salt wholesale enterprises.

after investigation, in june 2024, the chaka brand salt produced by qinghai salt industry co., ltd. and the zhuhai brand salt produced by yibin fengyuan salt industry co., ltd. sold by a certain trading company in longxi county, the purchase receipts showed that the supplier was not a designated salt wholesale enterprise.

the company's behavior violated article 16 of the "salt monopoly measures". in accordance with the provisions of article 28, item 2 of the "salt monopoly measures", the longxi county market supervision bureau imposed an administrative penalty on the company, confiscating the salt involved and imposing a fine of 5,824 yuan.

a catering service store in jishishan county, linxia prefecture, used salt that did not meet food safety standards to process and sell food.

after investigation, it was found that in april 2024, a catering service store in jishishan county used salt that did not meet food safety standards to process and sell food.

the store's behavior violated article 34, item 1 of the food safety law of the people's republic of china. the jishishan county market supervision bureau imposed an administrative penalty of 5,000 yuan on the store, ordering it to correct its illegal behavior, in accordance with article 32 of the administrative penalty law of the people's republic of china and article 126, item 1, item 1 of the food safety law of the people's republic of china.

a trading company in anning district, lanzhou city purchased salt from entities and individuals other than designated salt wholesalers and sold uniodized salt without authorization.

after investigation, in may 2024, a certain trading company in anning district, lanzhou city sold haiying brand non-iodized salt produced by tangshan nanbao development zone jiyan salt co., ltd. and xuetian brand non-iodized salt produced by hunan xiangli salt chemical co., ltd. the purchase receipts showed that the supplier was not a designated wholesale enterprise for salt.

the company's behavior violated the provisions of article 16 of the "salt monopoly measures" and the relevant provisions of article 16, paragraph 1 of the "regulations on the management of iodine-fortified salt to eliminate the hazards of iodine deficiency". in accordance with article 16 of the "salt monopoly measures" and article 26 of the "regulations on the management of iodine-fortified salt to eliminate the hazards of iodine deficiency", the lanzhou anning district market supervision bureau imposed administrative penalties on the company in accordance with the law, including confiscation of the salt involved in the case, confiscation of illegal gains, and a fine of 3,700 yuan.

a seafood seasoning store in huan county, qingyang city, sold salt that did not meet the iodine content standards of gansu province, and purchased salt from units and individuals other than designated salt wholesale enterprises.

after investigation, it was found that in may 2024, a seafood seasoning store in mubei town, huan county sold china salt brand refined edible salt produced by china salt yulin salt chemical co., ltd. the iodine content marked on the outer packaging was 18-33 mg/kg, which did not meet the national standard of iodine content of 21-39 mg/kg for iodized salt in gansu province. the store failed to provide valid qualification certificates and other relevant supporting documents for purchasing salt from designated salt wholesale enterprises.

the store's behavior violated article 16, paragraph 1 of the "regulations on the administration of iodine-fortified salt to eliminate the hazards of iodine deficiency" and article 16 of the "salt monopoly measures". based on article 26 of the "regulations on the administration of iodine-fortified salt to eliminate the hazards of iodine deficiency" and article 28, paragraph 2 of the "salt monopoly measures", the huan county market supervision bureau imposed administrative penalties on the store, including confiscation of the salt involved in the case, confiscation of illegal gains, and a fine of 500 yuan.

the salt storage of a condiment and non-staple food wholesale and retail store in tongwei county, dingxi city does not comply with the requirements of the food safety law of the people's republic of china

after investigation, it was found that in june 2024, a condiment and non-staple food wholesale and retail store in pingxiang town, tongwei county stored motor vehicles in the warehouse where salt and other foods were stored. no rat guards were set up, and salt and other foods were stacked everywhere.

the store's behavior did not comply with the requirements of article 33, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the food safety law of the people's republic of china. the tongwei county market supervision bureau issued a "notice of correction" in accordance with the law, ordering the store to complete the rectification of the salt warehouse within 7 days in accordance with the food storage requirements.

a shopping mall in cheng county, longnan city, sold uniodized salt without authorization

after investigation, it was found that in april 2024, a shopping mall in xiaochuan town, cheng county sold bingling brand pickling salt produced by yanchang petroleum dingbian salt chemical co., ltd. without iodine.

the company's behavior violated the relevant provisions of article 16, paragraph 1 of the "regulations on the administration of iodine-fortified salt to eliminate the hazards of iodine deficiency". in accordance with article 26 of the "regulations on the administration of iodine-fortified salt to eliminate the hazards of iodine deficiency", the cheng county market supervision bureau imposed administrative penalties on the company in accordance with the law, including confiscation of the salt involved in the case, confiscation of illegal gains, and a fine of 210 yuan.