
five-star hotels prohibit new energy vehicles from entering underground parking garages, but "fuel vehicles are allowed"! hotel response


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original title: five-star hotels prohibit new energy vehicles from entering underground parking garages, but "fuel vehicles are allowed"! hotel: for fire safety reasons! data shows: electric vehicles have a lower fire rate than fuel vehicles

recently, a netizen posted a post complaining that he went to a five-star hotel in xiaoshan to stay and eat, and found that his new energy vehicle could not enter the hotel's underground parking garage. the hotel did not allow new energy vehicles to enter the underground garage, while fuel vehicles could enter the underground parking garage. the netizen complained: "there are only 8 parking spaces in front of the main entrance of the hotel. even if all new energy vehicles are parked, it is not enough. in hot weather, no one wants to park their car under the sun."

some netizens questioned the hotel's "discrimination against new energy vehicles" because fuel vehicles can also spontaneously combust; others said that this was for the sake of new energy vehicle owners. there are many luxury cars in five-star hotels. once a new energy vehicle catches fire and affects neighboring cars, the insurance will not be enough to compensate.

statistics show that in fact, the fire rate of new energy vehicles is lower than that of fuel vehicles. however, once the battery of a new energy vehicle catches fire, it will catch fire very quickly and it will be more difficult to extinguish.

01 five-star hotels prohibit new energy vehicles from entering the basement

response: for fire safety reasons

according to chengshi interactive, recently, the reporter went to the hotel mentioned by netizens to verify the situation and happened to see a lady who drove a new energy vehicle to the hotel for dinner being stopped by security guards.

the lady's surname is liu. she wanted to drive into the underground parking garage from the right side of the hotel, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. the security guard said that new energy vehicles cannot be parked in the underground parking garage. ms. liu said that she came to the hotel last week and there was no such rule at that time. after that, the security guard guided ms. liu to park her car in the parking lot behind the takes about 5 minutes to walk back to the hotel.

at the hotel entrance, i met another new energy vehicle owner, mr. li. he was a little dissatisfied with the fact that new energy vehicles were not allowed to be parked in the underground parking garage. he believed that from the perspective of fire safety, fuel vehicles also had the possibility of spontaneous combustion.

the reporter saw a blue warning sign at the entrance of the underground garage. the sign read: because the underground parking lot is relatively closed, and out of consideration for the safety of parking new energy vehicles, and to ensure the safety of your property, the hotel has set up special wide-body parking spaces. please park your car in the designated area. thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

the reporter walked around the underground parking garage and indeed did not see a new energy vehicle, as the parking lot was full of fuel vehicles. the reporter came out of the underground parking garage again and asked the security guard where to park the new energy vehicle. the security guard pointed to the back of the hotel and said there was a special parking lot for electric vehicles, which was wider and had a carport. the reporter followed the security guard's instructions and went to the back of the hotel, and indeed saw a covered parking space.

hotel staff told reporters that this regulation started in september this year. for fire safety reasons, only fuel vehicles are allowed to park in the underground parking garage for the time being.because the incidence of spontaneous combustion of new energy vehicles is relatively high, and we have paid attention to the news of spontaneous combustion of new energy vehicles many times, in order to ensure the property safety of other customers, this regulation was issued.

at present, 300 parking spaces have been opened behind the hotel. they are converted from a former factory building and covered with a shed. all of them are wide-body parking spaces. if guests drive new energy vehicles, our security guards at the door will guide them to the parking lot. please understand. the security guards directing vehicles at the door told reporters that most car owners can understand.

according to chao news, "compared with oil truck fires, new energy vehicle fires have the characteristics of fast ignition speed, great difficulty in extinguishing, and high energy at the moment of ignition. based on the characteristics of new energy vehicle fires and our hotel's own firefighting capabilities,we think it is safer not to allow new energy vehicles to enter the underground garage."manager sha, who is in charge of security at the hotel, said that in addition to guests staying in the hotel, there are also office workers in the building where the hotel is located. it is conservatively estimated that there are 2,000 to 3,000 people every day. "we have to ensure the safety of so many people, and fire safety cannot be underestimated."

in this regard, the reporter interviewed zhu jueming, an equity partner of zhejiang zhelian law firm. zhu has been deeply involved in legal affairs in the field of production safety. "according to the provisions of the production safety law, as a parking lot operator, the hotel has the statutory responsibility and obligation to take fire safety and hidden danger elimination measures." zhu believes that it is necessary and correct for the hotel to take safety measures to prevent accidents such as new energy vehicle fires. however, he believesas long as consumers use new energy vehicles legally and there are no real safety hazards when entering and exiting the underground garage, consumers have the right to enter and exit the underground garage."hotels and other business units should prevent accidents such as spontaneous combustion of new energy vehicles by equipping fire-fighting equipment and taking safety measures, while also ensuring consumers' rights to enjoy hotel parking services normally," he said.

02 statistics show:

the fire rate of new energy vehicles is lower than that of fuel vehicles

so, are new energy vehicles really more prone to fire than fuel vehicles?

according to cctv news, the distribution of new energy vehicle fire accidents reported by companies in the past six years shows that june to august are the peak periods of fires, and the fire time distribution is relatively even, with relatively more and more fires occurring between 7:00 and 9:00 and 13:00 and 18:00 every day. the average interval from the appearance of open flames on the outside of the vehicle to the fire in the cab is only 64 seconds.

zhang liang, associate researcher at the tianjin fire research institute of the ministry of emergency management, said: "because of the high temperature and high humidity, including the rainy season in summer, there may be corresponding risk factors. regular maintenance and inspections should be carried out to check whether the chassis has been bumped. during the charging process, try not to overcharge. in the event of a fire, escape from the vehicle as soon as possible, then call the police and wait for professional fire rescue personnel to rescue."

experts have repeatedly stressed that new energy vehicles basically have a safe escape time after catching fire, so you must leave the vehicle as soon as possible and do not attempt to extinguish the fire by yourself.

according to statistics on the number of new energy vehicles and fires in china in the past three years, the fire rate of new energy vehicles has dropped from 1.85 per 10,000 in 2021 to 0.96 per 10,000 in 2023. at the same time, the fire rate of fuel vehicles is around 1.5 per 10,000. overall,the current fire rate of new energy vehicles is even lower than that of fuel vehicles

in addition, according to international public data, norway, the country with the highest sales ratio of new energy vehicles in the world,gasoline and diesel vehicles have a fire rate four to five times higher than new energy vehicles

dong yang, chairman of the china automotive power battery industry innovation alliance, said:the accident rate of electric vehicles catching fire should be lower than that of gasoline vehicles. this is statistically, but we don’t have as much experience as we do with gasoline cars in dealing with accidents involving electric cars.”

however, although the probability of new energy vehicle fires is not higher than that of fuel vehicles, battery fires are more difficult to extinguish than gasoline fires and have a higher re-ignition rate, which has also made new energy vehicle fires a focus of attention.

03 the ministry of industry and information technology intends to require that any fire will be disqualified

specializehome: will comprehensively improve the safety of new energy vehicles again

so, what is the cause of fire in new energy vehicles?

research has found that the probability of a fire after a collision of a new energy vehicle is only about 10%, while the proportion of fires during charging or static state exceeds 50%, which is often called "spontaneous combustion". in addition to traffic accidents, bottom collisions and other situations, the most battery-related fire cause is called battery thermal runaway. thermal runaway of power batteries is an uncontrollable phenomenon of temperature rise during use, because some improper charging behaviors, including during use, some bottom support, scratches, and long-term soaking in water, may trigger the phenomenon of thermal runaway of power batteries.

however, according to the latest report from the ministry of industry and information technology, current batteries can already technically avoid fire and explosion after thermal runaway.that is to say, although thermal runaway cannot be completely avoided, fire can be

this year, the ministry of industry and information technology issued a "safety requirements for power batteries for electric vehicles" (draft for comments), proposing three tests to trigger thermal runaway of battery cells: needle puncture, external direct heating, and placing heating plates inside the battery cells. it is proposed that if the battery pack or battery system catches fire or explodes after thermal runaway is triggered, the battery does not meet the safety requirements for power batteries. in other words,if there is fire, it will fail

experts said that currently, the technology of preventing fire and explosion after thermal runaway has begun to be applied to new cars, which is also an important reason for the gradual reduction of the probability of fire in new energy vehicles. when the new standard is officially implemented, it will once again comprehensively improve the safety of new energy vehicles.

experts said that the strict standard of "if there is a fire, it will fail" is the highest in the global new energy vehicle management. not only has it put forward higher requirements in the battery production and manufacturing process, but my country has also recently issued the "electric vehicle fire safety evaluation procedure", which has formulated testing and evaluation methods specifically for the fire safety of new energy vehicles, forming a safety guarantee system for the entire life cycle and the entire industrial chain of new energy vehicles.

dong yang, chairman of the china automotive power battery industry innovation alliance, said: "the development of new energy vehicles in china is different from that in the world. we have adopted a full life cycle approach to jointly manage safety issues. first of all, we are based on the fact that electric vehicle data must be connected to the internet, and the safety status of electric vehicles at any time is monitored by the background. another thing is that the battery cells themselves must be safe. now we have safety technologies for battery packs and vehicle designs that can be promoted as global experience."