
huawei's new employee survival manual, ren zhengfei: we don't approve of you giving orders, inspiring writing


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new employees who graduated have joined the company one after another. many companies are busy with the training and integration of new employees, but they often only focus on the first 15 days, which leads to the peak turnover rate of new generation employees appearing in the sixth month to one year after joining the company, causing companies to lose a lot of costs. huawei's new employee training time is as long as 180 days. generally, new employees can integrate into the company well after three months of joining the company and work like regular employees. combining training with combat and combat is the characteristic of huawei's employee training.


huawei's letter to new employees

(ren zhengfei 2015 edition)

you are fortunate to join huawei, and we are also fortunate to have the opportunity to work with you. we will spend our working years with you on the basis of mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual trust. this respect, understanding and trust is the bridge and bond for us to work together happily.

huawei's common value system is to establish a corporate culture that contributes to the world, society, and the motherland. this culture is open and inclusive, constantly absorbing the world's best culture and management. if this culture is closed, dominated by narrow self-esteem and pride, and excludes other advanced cultures, then huawei will definitely fail. this corporate culture binds all employees together to work together and take the path of collective struggle. with this platform, your intelligence and talents can be fully utilized and achieve something.people who have no sense of responsibility, lack self-critical spirit, are not good at cooperation, and cannot work in a group will lose the opportunity to advance in huawei, and you will waste your precious time.

company management is a matrix system, which is a help network. we hope you can become an open subsystem in this big system, actively and effectively seek help from others and provide support to others at the same time, so that you can make full use of company resources, and you can use the foundation provided by others, absorb their experience, quickly enter the role and make progress.there is nothing shameful in asking for help. it is shameful to do bad things. asking for help is the best way to participate in group struggle.

practice is the foundation for improving your level. it fully tests your shortcomings. only when they are exposed can you make progress. practice again and again is very important, especially for young students. only when you are good at summarizing and summarizing with theory after practice can you make a leap forward. you must put yourself in the right position and not be afraid of playing a small role, so that you can play a big role.

we call for heroes and do not let lei feng suffer any loss, which in itself creates conditions for heroes of all kinds to stand out. the core essence of lei feng's spirit and heroic behavior is struggle and dedication. neither lei feng nor heroes are super pure people, and there is no fixed standard. the standard changes with the times. at huawei, doing your job meticulously is dedication, heroic behavior, and lei feng's spirit.

practice has transformed and created a generation of huawei people. "do you want to be an expert? start from the grassroots level" has been deeply rooted in the company. everything is based on actual ability and sense of responsibility. your personal evaluation and the rewards you deserve mainly depend on your contribution. at huawei, you add a brick to the company, and the company provides you with a ladder to success. i hope you will accept the challenge of fate and move forward unyieldingly. you may get hurt, but without hardships, how can you become a talent!there are only two ways to change your destiny at huawei: one, work hard; two, make good contributions.

the company requires every employee to love their motherland and our nation, which has just begun to revitalize. only by carrying the hope of the nation can we fight hard without regrets. one day, we will occupy a place on the world stage. but no matter when and where, do not do things that are sorry for the motherland and the nation. do not be a person who is sorry for your family, colleagues, and the cause you are fighting for. you must be a model in abiding by the laws and regulations of the country and social morality, and strictly abide by the company's various systems and management norms. you can only disobey unreasonable systems after they are one is above the law and the system. do not embezzle, steal, or be corrupt. be strict with yourself and help others.

sometimes you may feel that the company is not as fair as you imagined. there is no real absolute fairness, so you should not expect too much in this regard. but for those who work hard, opportunities are always equal, and you must be able to bear the injustice of doing good things. "the bird that cannot be burned to death is the phoenix", this is huawei's attitude towards grievances and setbacks and the principle of selecting cadres. without a certain tolerance, how can you be a pillar in the future? in fact, a person's destiny is in his own hands. there will be errors in the evaluation of life, but it will never be so far off the mark. believe deeply that the sun will always rise, even if it is temporarily below the horizon. you may not understand the company and leave temporarily, and we welcome you back.

there are many cases in the world where "more haste, less speed". i hope you will give up the fantasy of quick success and learn from the down-to-earth work spirit of the japanese and the meticulous work spirit of the germans. in real life, it is very difficult to master a certain business. you don't have to work hard on everything, which is even more difficult. do one thing, love one thing, and there will be a top talent in every field. if you want to improve your efficiency and treatment, you can only focus your energy on a limited work surface, otherwise it will be difficult to become proficient with practice. if you want to know everything and do everything, it means that you are not proficient in anything. doing anything is an opportunity for you to learn and improve, and nothing is redundant. if you work hard and get interested, you will naturally get it. we want to cultivate a group of cadres who are proficient in their work through diligence, successful in their actions through thinking, and have real hands-on and management capabilities. opportunities favor down-to-earth workers.

a company will never promote someone without grassroots experience to a senior management position.follow the principle of gradual progress. every link has great significance to your life. you should take any job in your hands very seriously and take every step in your career very must respect your direct leader, even if you are also capable, or even stronger, otherwise your subordinates will not respect you in the future.the waves behind are always pushing the waves ahead. you should make your suggestions systematically and analytically. you are a educated person. if you make hasty suggestions, you will be irresponsible and waste other people's time. especially for newcomers, don't start talking nonsense at the beginning. you should make in-depth and thorough analysis, find out the problems in each link, find solutions, and do it step by step in a down-to-earth manner, and don't just show off.

in order to help employees constantly surpass themselves, the company has established various training centers. training is very important. it is an important means to implement the company's strategic intentions, promote management progress and train cadres. it is an important ladder for huawei to move towards the future and tomorrow. you should make full use of this "big platform" and strive to learn advanced science and technology, management skills, scientific thinking methods and working methods. training is also a ladder for you to succeed. of course, you want to get training, but it is not without conditions.

material resources will eventually run out, only culture can be endless. a high-tech enterprise cannot be without culture, only culture can support its sustainable development. huawei's culture is a culture of struggle. all its cultural connotations come from the world, from various ethnic groups, partners... and even the advanced and reasonable parts of competitors. if huawei does not have its own core culture, then the remaining spirit of struggle and sacrifice is our own! in fact, struggle and sacrifice are also copied from others. someone asked me to describe what huawei culture is in a vivid way. i can't describe what huawei culture is in a vivid way. after watching the movie "kekexili" and the "thousand-handed guanyin" performed by disabled people, i think their spirit is called huawei culture! for a new employee, it takes a difficult process to integrate into huawei culture. every employee must be proactive and down-to-earth in the process of being practical to constantly understand the core values ​​of huawei culture, so as to identify and digest and accept huawei's values, so that they can become huawei people who both identify with huawei culture and create value; only when every batch of new employees can accept and promote huawei's culture as soon as possible can huawei culture be endless.

the characteristic of huawei's culture is service culture. the question of who serves whom must be resolved. the meaning of service is very broad. in general, it is to serve users, but specifically, the next process is the user, who is your "god". you must take every process and every user seriously. at any time and in any place, huawei means high quality. i hope you will always keep this in mind.

huawei's achievements over the years can be summed up in two words: integrity. integrity is the foundation of survival and the source of development. the integrity culture is the company's most important intangible asset. integrity is also the most valuable asset of every employee.

you can arrange some leisure time in your spare time, but you should still read some books in a planned way and avoid improper entertainment activities. in order to become a noble person, i hope you will exercise self-discipline.

we do not encourage you to give advice and write inflammatory present, under the leadership of the communist party of china, the country has political stability and economic prosperity, which provides a good social environment for the development of enterprises. we must cherish it. the 21st century is a rare opportunity for the chinese nation to revitalize itself. the opportunity is not to be missed. the essence of the question "who will the 21st century belong to?" is a contest of national strength. international competition is ultimately between large enterprises. the enhancement of the country's comprehensive national strength requires the support of an industrial group composed of countless large enterprises. the only way for an enterprise to maintain its advantage in international competition for a long time is to have its own competitiveness. how to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, the article is waiting for you to do it.

i hope you can improve yourself faster and grow stronger, and together we will hold up the sun of tomorrow.


180-day training program for new employees

what systematic employee training methods does huawei have for new employees in the first 180 days after they join the company?

phase 1: new employees are hired to learn what they are doing (3-7 days)

in order to allow employees to quickly integrate into the company within 7 days, managers need to do the following seven things:

1. arrange seats and desks for new employees, give them their own places, and introduce them to colleagues around them (each person should be introduced for at least 1 minute);

2. hold a welcome party or dinner to introduce everyone in the department and get to know each other;

3. the direct supervisor should communicate with the new employee individually to let him/her understand the company culture, development strategy, etc., and understand the new employee's professional ability, family background, career plan and interests;

4. hr managers tell new employees their job responsibilities and their own development space and value;

5. your direct supervisor should clearly arrange the work tasks for the first week, including: what to do every day, how to do it, and who are the colleagues and department heads related to the tasks;

6. discover and correct problems in daily work in a timely manner (without criticism), and give timely affirmation and praise (feedback principle); check the daily workload and work difficulties;

7. let old colleagues (who have worked for more than 1 year) interact with new employees as much as possible to eliminate their sense of unfamiliarity and help them integrate into the team as soon as possible.

key point: have lunch together, chat more, and don't talk too much about work goals or put work pressure on yourself in the first week.

phase 2: new employee transition, let him know how to do it well (8~30 days)

transitions are often painful, but necessary. managers need to help new employees transition into new roles in a shorter period of time. here are five key methods:

1. lead new employees to get familiar with the company environment and people in each department, let them know how to write standard company emails, how to send faxes, who to contact when there are computer problems, how to answer internal calls, etc.;

2. it is best to place new employees near their old colleagues to facilitate observation and guidance;

3. observe their emotional state in time, make timely adjustments, and find out whether they are under pressure by asking;

4. teach your own experience to him in a timely manner, so that he can learn in practice. learning by doing and learning by doing are very important to new employees;

5. give timely affirmation and praise for their growth and progress, and set higher expectations. key points: 4c, feedback skills.

phase 3: allowing new employees to take on challenging tasks (31-60 days)

applying appropriate pressure at the right time can often promote the growth of new employees, but most managers choose the wrong way to apply pressure.

1. understand the strengths and skills of new employees, and explain the job requirements and assessment indicators to them;

2. carry out more company team activities, observe their strengths and abilities, and enhance their strengths and improve their weaknesses;

3. give them a chance to improve when they make mistakes, observe their mentality in adversity, observe their behavior, and see their value in training;

4. if someone is really not competent for the current position, see if he/she is suitable for other departments and give him/her more opportunities. it is easy for managers to make a one-size-fits-all mistake.

stage 4: praise and encourage, build mutual trust (61-90 days)

it is easy for managers to be stingy with their words of praise, or lack the skills to give praise, but praise generally follows three principles: timeliness, diversity, and openness.

1. when new employees complete challenging tasks or make progress, they should be praised and rewarded in a timely manner, and the praise and encouragement should be timely;

2. give him more praise and encouragement in various forms. give him more surprises, create more different surprises, and praise and encourage him in a variety of ways;

3. show subordinates’ achievements to colleagues in the company, share successful experiences, and praise and encourage openness.

stage 5: integrate new employees into the team and actively complete work (91-120 days)

for the new generation of employees, they are not lacking in creativity. more often than not, managers need to patiently guide them on how to work in a team and how to integrate into the team.

1. encourage subordinates to actively participate in team meetings and speak in meetings, and praise and encourage them after they speak;

2. hold more meetings to discuss and share incentive mechanisms, team building, task processes, growth, and good experiences;

3. discuss task handling methods and suggestions with new employees, and affirm subordinates when they make good suggestions;

4. if conflicts arise with old colleagues, they should be dealt with promptly.

stage 6: empowering employees with a mission and empowering them appropriately (days 121-179)

after the first three months, new employees will generally become full-time employees, and new challenges will follow.

of course, it can also be said that when new employees truly become part of the company, the manager's task focus should also shift to the following five points:

1. help subordinates to reposition themselves, so that they can re-understand the value, significance, responsibility, mission and height of their work, and find their own goals and directions;

2. always pay attention to new subordinates. when subordinates have negative emotions, you should make timely adjustments and be sensitive to all aspects of subordinates. when subordinates ask negative and naive questions, you should change your approach and solve their problems from a positive perspective. this is a change in the manager's mindset.

3. let employees feel the mission of the company, magnify the company's vision and cultural values, amplify strategic decisions and leadership intentions, focus on rallying people's hearts and implementing culture, focus on correct direction and efficient communication, focus on performance improvement and professional quality;

4. when the company has important events or exciting news, you should encourage everyone to share it. you should motivate your subordinates anytime and anywhere;

5. start to delegate authority moderately and allow subordinates to complete their work on their own, discover the value of the work and enjoy the joy brought by the results. it is not advisable to delegate authority all at once.

phase 7: summary, development plan (180 days)

six months have passed, and it is time to help subordinates make a formal assessment and development plan. a complete performance interview generally includes the following six steps:

1. ensure at least 1-2 formal performance interviews of more than one hour each quarter. conduct a thorough investigation before the interviews and ensure that the interviews are reasonable, well-founded and legal;

2. performance interviews should: clarify the purpose, and employees should self-evaluate (what they have done, what results they have achieved, what efforts they have made to achieve the results, what they have not done well, and what they have not done well compared to other colleagues);

3. the leader's evaluation includes: achievements, abilities, and daily performance. you should first affirm the achievements, then talk about the shortcomings, and when you talk about the shortcomings, you should have real examples to support them (still a feedback skill);

4. assist subordinates to set goals and measures, let them make commitments, monitor and check the progress of goals, and help them achieve the set goals;

5. strive for development and promotion opportunities for subordinates, discuss future development with them, and evaluate subordinates at least once every 3-6 months;

6. give subordinates the opportunity to participate in training, encourage them to study more and read more books, and each person should develop a growth plan and check it in stages.

stage 8: focus on subordinates’ growth in all aspects (every day)

after the first 90 days, new employees will generally be converted to full-time employees, which brings new challenges. of course, it can also be said that the new employees truly become part of the company.

1. pay attention to the life of new subordinates. when they are hit, sick, heartbroken, encounter misfortunes in life, or feel confused, provide more support, communication, care, and help;

2. remember the birthday of every colleague in the department and celebrate together on the birthday; record the department's major events and every breakthrough of colleagues, and give praise and rewards for every progress;

3. organize various forms of team activities every month to increase team cohesion.


interim management measures for comprehensive assessment of probationary employees (example)

chapter i general provisions


article 1: improve the existing evaluation system, clarify the company's value orientation, and continuously enhance the company's overall core competitiveness.

article 2: through assessment and communication with probationary employees, help them understand the company as quickly as possible, clarify job requirements, integrate into the company culture, and provide a basis for deciding whether to stay or leave and whether to convert or regularize new employees.

[scope of application]

article 3: this system applies to all probationary employees at the company headquarters, overseas offices and business units.


article 4: the probation period refers to a period of probation specified in the labor contract. during this period, the employer further examines whether the recruited employee truly meets the employment conditions and whether he can adapt to the company's requirements and work needs. similarly, the employee can also further understand whether the employer's working conditions meet the information provided during the recruitment, whether he is suitable or competent for the work he undertakes, and thus decide whether to continue the labor relationship. the probation period is generally three to six months, and the longest period is no more than six months. the probation period stipulated by the company refers to the three-month on-the-job inspection period after the employee completes the brigade and squadron training, and the maximum period is no more than six months (including the training time).

【basic principles】

article 5: principle of seeking truth from facts: assessment should be based on observation and record in daily management, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, emphasizing speaking with data and facts.

article 6: principle of differentiated treatment: compared with the performance improvement assessment of regular employees, the assessment of probationary employees is a comprehensive assessment, which requires a comprehensive evaluation of their job status, work attitude and work performance.

article 7: principle of combining assessment and evaluation: the assessment of probationary employees shall be conducted through a comprehensive evaluation method combining daily monthly assessment with the final evaluation at the end of the probationary period, striving to be objective, fair and comprehensive.

article 8: efficiency priority principle: for employees whose assessment results prove that they do not meet the recruitment conditions or whose abilities are obviously not suitable for the job requirements and who lack responsibility and initiative in their work, the probation period shall be suspended in a timely manner and the labor contract shall be terminated in accordance with the regulations. if the manager dismisses an employee arbitrarily without following the company's regulations or fails to make a dismissal proposal in a timely manner when the employee meets the company's dismissal conditions, resulting in adverse consequences or adverse effects, the relevant personnel shall bear the corresponding responsibilities.

chapter ii assessment form, cycle and content

【assessment form and cycle】

article 9: the assessment of probationary employees is divided into two forms: monthly assessment and final evaluation at the end of the probation period. monthly assessment is conducted once a month; the final evaluation is conducted at the end of the probation period through written examinations, defense, etc.

【examination content】

article 10: the monthly assessment factors for probationary employees are divided into three categories: work attitude, work ability, and work performance.

1. work attitude: including responsibility, cooperation, initiative, discipline, enthusiasm for self-improvement, basic code of conduct, etc.

2. operational ability: mainly refers to business ability, including: learning ability, problem-solving ability, application creativity, coordination ability and other abilities necessary for the position.

3. work performance: whether employees can complete the assigned work or study tasks on time, with quality and quantity guaranteed, and achieve monthly improvement goals.

article 11: the final evaluation will be combined with the job standards to comprehensively assess the employee's qualifications during the probation period: morality, quality, ability (what they should know and be able to do), performance, and experience.

specific implementation methods and assessment forms can be set by each cadre department (division) according to specific circumstances.

chapter iii related responsibilities

【assessment responsibilities】

article 12: the ideological mentor, supervisor and employee shall jointly bear the responsibility for the assessment. in principle, the ideological mentor is the first-level assessor and is responsible for the fairness and rationality of the assessment results; the employee's supervisor is the second-level assessor and is responsible for supervising and guiding the assessment results. if the second-level assessor modifies the assessment results of the first-level assessor, it should be fed back to the first-level assessor and jointly negotiated and decided.

【feedback responsibility】

article 13: the first-level assessor or the person responsible for the assessment must provide formal face-to-face feedback to the assessee on the assessment results, including affirming achievements, pointing out deficiencies and improvement measures, and jointly formulating the next learning/work goals or improvement plans. feedback is two-way, and the assessor should pay attention to leaving enough time for the assessee to express his or her opinions. both the assessor and the assessee have the responsibility to provide feedback and communicate on the assessment results.

【complaint responsibility】

article 14: when providing feedback, the person being assessed must sign the assessment form regardless of whether or not they agree with the assessment results. signing only means knowing the assessment results, and does not necessarily mean approval.

article 15: if the person being assessed disagrees with the assessor's assessment results and still cannot reach a consensus after communicating with the assessor, he or she may complain to the assessor's superior, the cadre department (division) or the human resources department. the receiver of the complaint must handle it within 10 working days from the date of acceptance and feedback the handling opinions to the complainant.

chapter 4 operating procedures

【operation procedure】

article 16: the steps for comprehensive assessment of probationary employees are as follows:

chapter 5 preparation for assessment and application of results

【assessment information preparation】

article 17: the ideological mentor and supervisor shall comprehensively collect assessment information from various aspects and evaluate the employee objectively and impartially. the sources of information are generally the following:

1. supervisors record key behaviors or events during employees’ work.

2. all employees’ training records.

3. regular work summaries and daily reporting materials for employees.

4. evaluation opinions or supporting materials from members of the same team.

5. feedback or supporting materials from relevant departments or individuals.

6. relevant information accumulated during the communication process between supervisors and employees.

【assessment results】

article 18: regardless of whether it is a monthly assessment, final review or comprehensive evaluation, the assessment results shall include comments and grades (a, b, c, d).

article 19: the definitions of assessment levels (a, b, c, d) are as follows:

a: outstanding. compared with probationary employees, he/she has outstanding performance in all aspects, especially in work performance, which far exceeds the requirements for probationary employees.

b: good. exceeds the target requirements for probationary employees in all aspects.

c: qualified. meets or basically meets the basic requirements for probationary employees.

d: unqualified. does not meet the basic requirements for probationary employees.

[relationship between monthly assessment and final review]

article 20: the comprehensive monthly assessment and final evaluation results will determine the employee's regularization (early regularization, normal regularization, delayed regularization), grading and dismissal.

1. in principle, if an employee receives a "d" grade for two consecutive months during the probation period, his/her probationary qualification will be cancelled and he/she will no longer be able to participate in the final evaluation.

2. those who have received "a" for two consecutive months and have outstanding performance can be arranged by the department to participate in the final evaluation in advance. those who are evaluated as "outstanding" can be given early regularization and grading after the department submits an application and the human resources department approves it.

3. in principle, other situations require candidates to participate in the final evaluation at the end of the probation period. the regularization and grading will be determined based on the results of the final evaluation and monthly assessment.


article 21: with the exception of early regularization and early dismissal as provided for in article 20, the regularization of employees in the probationary period shall be determined mainly by their comprehensive evaluation results.

1. applicants with an overall assessment of "d" will be disqualified from probation in principle and will no longer be employed by the company.

2. for those who are rated as "c" in comprehensive assessment, regular or delayed regularization will be granted according to the actual situation. those who are given delayed regularization will be re-evaluated based on their work performance within the time limit, and the evaluation content and procedures are the same as the above-mentioned relevant regulations.

3. for those with an overall assessment of a or b, the company will grant them regular employment.


article 22: the position and salary level of a probationary employee shall be determined mainly based on the assessment of his/her qualifications, with reference to the company's job description, position and salary level correspondence table, and corresponding qualification standards and management measures.

chapter vi supplementary provisions

【interpretation, amendment and repeal】

article 23: the right to interpret, revise and abolish this interim measure belongs to the human resources management department.


new employee mentoring training and management methods (example)

1. purpose

in order to standardize and base the management of new employees, this regulation is specially formulated; and it is used as a supplementary document to the company's "interim measures for the implementation of comprehensive assessment of probationary employees" to guide the specific implementation of new employee management.

ii. scope of application

this regulation applies to all new employees. the first three months of the management of new employees is the coaching period, which is also the probation period for new employees. the probation period is for new employees, generally three to six months, and no longer than six months; the last three months is the tracking period. for specific regulations on the scope of application, please refer to the relevant systems and implementation rules.

3. guiding ideology and purpose

in order to enable new employees to become familiar with the work environment as quickly as possible, integrate into huawei's culture as quickly as possible, and successfully pass the pre-job adjustment period, this regulation will include a series of relevant systems and management regulations, which will be supplemented and revised by the personnel department based on changes in circumstances.

iv. new employee assessment

during the coaching period, the assessment of new employees is mainly based on monthly pbc. for internally transferred employees, quarterly pbc assessment can be directly adopted when conditions are ripe; while newly recruited employees only need to fill in monthly pbc during the probation period and conduct corresponding assessment. for specific assessment methods, please refer to the "implementation measures for performance improvement assessment of the management engineering department".

5. ideological mentoring system

the ideological mentor system is a proven and effective way to cultivate talents. on the one hand, it helps new employees quickly integrate into huawei's cultural atmosphere, familiarize themselves with the working environment and work processes of the management engineering department, and smoothly take over the work and get into the role; on the other hand, it also cultivates a group of well-trained reserve cadres for the company who are both business backbones and have organizational leadership skills.

the cadre office of the management engineering department is responsible for the management of ideological mentors, including guidance and inspection of related work, qualification review, incentives, and evaluation of new employees after the internship.

1. requirements for tutors

(1) departmental business backbones or supervisors who have close business connections, many work contacts, and are capable of providing business guidance to new employees.

(2) identify with huawei's culture, have a strong sense of responsibility, a good attitude, upright thinking and work style, be willing to help others, and have the ability to guide the thinking of new employees.

(3) have strong planning, organization, management and communication skills, and be good at guiding and motivating. be able to formulate reasonable plans for new employees and arrange corresponding work tasks.

2. responsibilities of the tutor

(1) provide guidance and help in terms of ideology, guide new employees to identify with and integrate into huawei culture as soon as possible, and strictly abide by the various rules and regulations formulated by the company. actively understand and help new employees solve difficulties in work, study, life, etc., so that they can settle their minds as soon as possible and integrate into the work group.

(2) by formulating training plans (including arranging learning and work content for new employees), provide business guidance to new employees and impart work experience and work methods to improve their work skills. it should be noted that new employees should be arranged to learn while working and have a full workload.

(3) provide guidance to new employees who need to take part in the regularization defense and help them pass the defense.

3. implementation process and methods of the mentor system

(1) determine the mentor: on the first day of a new employee joining the department, the head of the department will select and designate a mentor from the mentor resource pool and report this to the cadre department for record. to ensure effectiveness, in principle, one mentor should not be responsible for more than two new employees at a time.

(2) formulate training goals and monthly work plans for new employees: after the mentor is confirmed, he/she should communicate with the new employee as soon as possible to understand his/her professional knowledge structure. according to the needs of the department and the actual situation of the new employee, he/she should consult with the department head to jointly formulate a detailed plan for him/her. within three days, the training goals for new employees should be clarified in the form of monthly pbc; within the first month, the new employee should be made clear about his/her job positioning and responsibilities. the training plan should be made in triplicate, with one copy for each of the ideological mentor, new employee, and cadre department.

(3) provide guidance and communication: during the guidance period, the mentor should provide guidance to the new employee. generally, the mentor should have formal communication at least once a week, and informal communication can be conducted outside of work. the mentor should point out the new employee’s strengths and areas for improvement to help him/her improve. the communication status and problems reflected should be recorded accordingly.

(4) summary and assessment: at the end of each planned month, mentors and new employees should summarize the implementation of the plan. mentors and supervisors should conduct monthly assessments of new employees. the person responsible for the assessment must provide formal face-to-face feedback to the person being assessed on the assessment results, including affirmation of achievements, pointing out deficiencies and improvement measures, and jointly formulate the next month's pbc.

(5) after the coaching period, the mentor and the cadre office should follow up and inspect the new employee’s work performance during the three-month follow-up period.

(6) the workload and effectiveness of coaching new employees will be used as one of the references for the quarterly performance evaluation of ideological mentors.

(7) the personnel department organizes an evaluation and selection of outstanding ideological mentors every six months and awards honorary awards. the ideological mentor must have relatively obvious progress and growth in the new employees he or she has guided.

6. ceo communication system

the personnel department is responsible for organizing communication meetings between new employees and the president and vice president of the management engineering department. flexible arrangements are made based on the number of new employees. in principle, each new employee participates in at least one communication meeting with the department president.

vii. implementation rules for new employees to become regular employees

1. purpose: to strengthen the assessment management of new employees in the probation period, the assessment of probationary employees is divided into two forms: monthly assessment and final evaluation at the end of the probation period. monthly assessment is conducted once a month, and the final evaluation is conducted at the end of the probation period through written examinations, defense and other methods. the final evaluation of the management engineering department adopts the defense assessment method. the regularization defense is also a secondary selection process for new employees.

2. application for regularization:

(1) the comprehensive monthly assessment and final evaluation results will determine the employee's regularization (early regularization, normal regularization, delayed regularization), grading and dismissal. in principle, if a probationary employee receives a "d" for two consecutive months, his/her probation qualification will be cancelled and he/she will no longer be able to participate in the regularization defense. if an employee receives an "a" for two consecutive months and has outstanding performance, the department can arrange for him/her to participate in the regularization defense in advance.

(2) when applying, the applicant must first fill out the "new employee regularization defense application form" and summarize his/her performance during the probation period, improvement of work skills, work attitude, etc., and may express his/her views on personal strengths and team building. the above content will serve as the main statement during the defense, and the new employee will answer the judges' questions based on it. the ideological mentor should guide the new employee to fill out the application form based on the new employee's work plan and summary.

(3) new employees will complete the "new employee regularization defense application form", submit it to their ideological mentor and direct supervisor for signature, and submit it to the personnel department, which will approve the defense application.

3. regularization defense:

(1) regularization defense review committee: each business department shall establish a regularization defense review committee for new employees, which shall consist of no less than three review committee members from the employee’s department (in principle, composed of the department head, the director of the management office, and the direct supervisor). the department head shall serve as the chairman of the review committee, and relevant personnel from the personnel department shall participate in the review committee.

(2) participants in the defense meeting: new employees applying for regularization, ideological mentors, and members of the review committee.

(3) the entire defense process includes three parts: the new employee’s statement, questions from the judges, and comments.

(4) organization of the defense meeting: after the defense application is approved by the personnel department, the new employee's department is responsible for organizing the defense review meeting. relevant personnel from the personnel department will participate and file the defense materials and results.

4. declaration of regularization:

(1) after a new employee passes the defense, his/her department will work with the personnel department to fill out the "new employee salary regularization and grading application form" for those who meet the regularization conditions based on the employee's evaluation during the probation period and the defense results, and submit it to the human resources management department for approval.

(2) for new employees who perform poorly during the probation period, or fail to pass the defense and do not meet the conditions for regularization, their probation period should be appropriately extended or the last-in-first-out employees should be eliminated based on actual circumstances.

8. supplementary provisions

this regulation will be implemented from the date of its official issuance. any previously issued documents that are inconsistent with this regulation shall be subject to this regulation. the authority to interpret and amend this regulation belongs to the personnel department.