
everyone says that extended-range cars are not good, but ideal and qx cars are expensive and good quality. the "rich" still have a sharp eye.


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in the past few years, the development of new energy vehicles in china has been flourishing, with plug-in hybrid, extended-range and pure electric vehicles all performing well. however, among the three forms of new energy vehicles, a kind of contempt chain seems to have formed, that is, pure electric is the ultimate form, plug-in hybrid and extended-range are transitional stages, but plug-in hybrid is more advanced than extended-range because the plug-in hybrid has a complex structure, while the extended-range has a simple structure, and when the battery is low, the fuel consumption is high, the noise is loud, the power is weakened, etc.

although many people on the internet think that the extended-range technology is backward and not good, we have also seen a real situation, that is, the two mid-to-high-end new energy vehicle brands ideal and wenjie, which have relatively good sales and reputation in china, mainly use extended-range electric technology. and everyone knows that ideal's cheapest model currently sells for 249,800 yuan, and other models are all over 300,000 yuan. wenjie's most popular model, wenjie m9, has a starting price of 469,800 yuan. from the price level, these two brands can be said to be relatively expensive.

in terms of sales, ideal auto sold 51,000 vehicles in july and 48,000 vehicles in august. the sales of the m9 reached 18,000 in july and 15,000 in august, which can be said to be quite good. so the question is, everyone on the internet says that the extended-range model is not good, so why are ideal and m9 selling so well and at such a high price?

here we have to talk about the considerations or goals of "rich people" in car purchases. first of all, many friends with relatively sufficient budgets have a strong demand for "trying new energy vehicles", so many "rich people" pay more attention to things that are deeply tied to new energy vehicles, such as smart cockpits and advanced smart driving, while fuel consumption may account for a smaller proportion.

as we all know, from the current situation, electric drive is the best way to achieve high-level intelligent driving. we have seen that currently equipped with high-level intelligent driving, including urban noa and end-to-end driving assistance, are basically pure electric and extended-range. the reason is actually very simple, that is, pure electric and extended-range have less "interference" in power, and the intelligent driving system signal can quickly reach the wheel end, while plug-in hybrid models are essentially fuel vehicles. in the process of realizing high-level intelligent driving, it will be more difficult to control the power. so if you choose a new energy vehicle with a better intelligent driving experience, it is either pure electric or plug-in hybrid.

back to ideal and wenjie, these two brands should be regarded as the leading brands in the field of high-end intelligent driving. ideal's end-to-end and huawei's ads3.0 are basically exemplary technologies of "driving as long as there is a road". many friends buy ideal and wenjie's products just for the high-end intelligent driving.

of course, the performance of wj and ideal in smart cockpit is also quite strong. ideal cockpit system and huawei's hongmeng cockpit are both very easy to use in terms of overall operation performance and human-machine interconnection, which may be the reason why many friends choose ideal and wj. of course, this also includes the polishing and adaptation of the two brands on the in-car configuration, seats, and space, including refrigerators, color tvs, and large sofas.

the last point is, don’t “rich people” care about fuel consumption and noise?

in fact, the extended-range electric vehicles of ideal and wenjie have a relatively long pure electric range. the pure electric range of cltc is basically around 200 kilometers, which is no problem for daily commuting. moreover, the higher the price of these models, the greater the probability that the owners who can afford them have their own parking spaces, and the greater the probability that they can install home charging piles, so basically daily commuting can almost be achieved by pure electric driving, and in the pure electric driving state, there are no problems of high noise and high fuel consumption.

so in this scenario, even if you occasionally travel long distances or the battery is low, the noise of the range extender is loud and the overall fuel consumption is high, but it is not a problem. the reason is very simple. at least it is much more "comfortable" than a pure electric car that runs out of power and you have to push it directly or call for help, right? therefore, for many owners of range extenders, fuel consumption and noise are not a problem at all.

therefore, in fact, from the perspective of "rich people", the appearance of extended-range electric technology in mid-to-high-end models is indeed reasonable and self-consistent, because in essence, extended-range electric vehicles are electric vehicles, and in terms of achieving high-level intelligent driving and smart cockpits, the foundation is the same as that of pure electric vehicles, and the range extender is just a "power bank" that is used occasionally.