
not "fired"! shanghai's largest residential community "breaks up" with the property management company that has served it for 10 years, and all parties respond


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kangcheng, the largest residential community in shanghai, announced that it would "fire" the property management company that had provided services for 10 years?

on september 3, a reporter from the daily economic news visited the site and learned that:the service contract of the property management company of this community expired in the middle of last year, but it is still providing services to the community.

according to zheng jie, a member of the kangcheng residential committee, the decision on whether the old property management company should stay or go should have been made long ago. the recent owners' meeting finally made it clear that everything was in accordance with the contract procedures and the wishes of all owners, and the contract would not be renewed, and there was no such thing as "firing".

since the beginning of this year, the community has sent a communication and rectification letter to the property company regarding the quality issues of many property services, but as of the date of the owners' meeting, no effective solution has been obtained. this has become one of the reasons why the owners gave up renewing their contracts.

"over the past 10 years, the community has changed every day, with both pain and joy. the company has optimized core management personnel based on the overall work structure of kangcheng community and promised to use investment funds to help upgrade and renovate the community." shenzhen country garden shengfu property services co., ltd. shanghai branch (hereinafter referred to as country garden shengfu property) stated in "our ten-year story" posted in the community.

shanghai kangcheng community photographed by liu songhui, reporter of china business news

the property has been changed twice before

kangcheng community is located in xinzhuang town, minhang district. it is the largest single residential community in shanghai, with a construction area of ​​2.08 million square meters, a total planned number of 12,500 households and an actual population of nearly 40,000. it has 4 neighborhood committees, 1 property owners' committee and 1 property management company.

kangcheng community is one of the first commercial housing communities in shanghai after the welfare housing distribution era. from the first launch in 1999 to the last batch of houses in the fourth phase sold out, the construction period and sales span are rare in the shanghai real estate market. the community has a total of 288 residential buildings, and is equipped with public kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, supermarkets, etc.

on september 3, a reporter from the china business network started from the southeast corner of the community and took more than half an hour to walk out of the community. on the way, three residents of the first phase were discussing the issue of changing the property management company.

according to them, the quality of property services in the community has declined in the past two years, and the property service staff have been slow to respond to requests, especially in terms of the withdrawal of maintenance funds, which has been less transparent.

another owner living in phase 3 said that it was the owners’ own decision not to renew the contract with the old property management company, mainly because they hoped that the new property management company would manage the community better.

due to the large size of the community and the difficulty in management, kangcheng community used to have disorder, group renting, conversion of residential buildings into non-residential buildings, illegal construction and other chaos. according to cric property management, shanghai kangcheng has rectified group renting in the community no less than 10 times since 2011, and the number of group renters in the community reached more than 1,600 at the peak. in 2015, the community received 185 reports of burglary cases, and residential safety was worrying.

according to interviews with reporters from the china business network, this is not the first time that kangcheng community has changed its property management company.

in the more than 20 years since the handover and occupancy of the community, kangcheng community has experienced yingdoli property, waigaoqiao property and shengfu property (acquired by country garden services in 2021). with the joint efforts of the owners, property management committees, neighborhood committees, property companies and relevant departments of xinzhuang town, the chaos in the community has been significantly improved.

shanghai kangcheng community photographed by liu songhui, reporter of china business news

according to a person in charge of the kangcheng community neighborhood committee, shengfu property started signing a service contract with the community in 2013. after the contract expired in 2023, the property service has been maintained because no owners' meeting was held for a vote.

according to the announcement released by the fifth owners committee of shanghai cannes on august 26, after voting by community owners, 9,350 out of a total of 12,152 votes issued agreed not to renew the contract with the old property management company.

as for the reason for not renewing the contract, public information provided by the community property owners' committee shows that the kangcheng property owners' committee has received many complaints from property owners about the quality of property services in the community. the property owners' committee conducted relevant investigations and found that there were indeed a number of problems in the community, and after communicating with the property manager many times, no obvious improvements were seen.

the shortcomings in the quality of property services are mainly reflected in engineering maintenance, cleaning, security, landscaping, customer service issues of the property management office, and payment of maintenance and repair costs.

the property owners' committee of kangcheng community stated that country garden shengfu property had not paid the personnel expenses and maintenance costs of the outsourced units for several months or even half a year, and the project maintenance costs that had already been paid from the owners' meeting maintenance fund account had remained in the country garden property account for several months.

the old contract expired in june last year

will continue to participate in bidding

however, after 10 years of service, the property company is reluctant to let go.

a reporter from the china business network noticed an open letter from country garden shengfu property management in the community, titled "our ten-year story". the letter pointed out that shengfu property management and kangcheng community have worked together for 10 years, and all the changes in the community started with action. under the multi-governance of kangcheng owners, the once common phenomenon of "residence-to-non-residence" in the community has rarely occurred, large-scale thefts no longer occur, and the title of "the most popular community for thieves" has been removed.

country garden shengfu property management believes that over the past 10 years, shanghai kangcheng has made improvements in eight aspects, including community gates, public security cases, internal environment, elevator maintenance and road safety. in may this year, in order to improve service levels, the company optimized and adjusted the core property personnel and launched a community grid management strategy. the transferred major project manager completed 16 key tasks within 45 days of his term.

"in the future, the company will actively cooperate with the acceptance of fire protection pipe renovation in motor vehicle garages, upgrading and renovation of non-motor vehicle garages, replanting of green plants, renovation of security booths, renovation of supporting entertainment venues, river landscape treatment, and retraction of trees, with a total investment of more than one million yuan." the open letter finally mentioned.

country garden services said in an interview with a reporter from china business network that the property service contract between shengfu property management, a subsidiary of the company, and shanghai kangcheng started in 2013 and was in the actual service status after it expired in june last year. as the old contract expired, the property owners' committee plans to restart the selection of the next stage of the property management company.

we deeply apologize for the failure of shengfu property services to obtain the approval of the owners and the property management committee of shanghai kangcheng in the previous stage. we have conducted in-depth reflection at the group level and have taken corrective measures, including:

the head of the shanghai region was reappointed, and the cannes project is directly managed by the group headquarters.

in response to the issues raised by the kangcheng property owners' committee, practical solutions were proposed one by one: such as grid-based management of the community to solve the environmental problems caused by pet feces; re-planning the greening plan for the community, and now the green belts at the south and north gates of the community have been completely renewed; the water system is cleaned and renewed at the rate of one water system every three days to solve the water environment problems caused by the lack of inlets and outlets for the 66 large water systems in the community. the above service improvements have been recognized by the owners.

at present, the preliminary voting results of the property management committee have been known and are awaiting review and confirmation by relevant government departments. we will actively participate in the bidding for subsequent property service contracts in cannes. we have formulated a new community service plan and plan to introduce intelligent iot security, cleaning, access control and other systems to solve problems such as parking management difficulties in open communities. we will use technology to empower and speed up community transportation, build a digital closed-loop management system, ensure that the demands of owners are responded to in a timely manner, and that the service effects are visualized, traceable and supervised, so as to win the support and recognition of the majority of owners through practical actions.

song ziqian, a senior researcher at china real estate intelligence, believes that according to the current property fee standard of 1.9 yuan per square meter per month in shanghai cannes, the property management company earns about 40 million yuan in property management fees each year, which is enough to maintain good management of the community, and it is not difficult. the reason for not renewing the contract is related to the decline in the service quality of the property management company, and it may also be related to the willingness of some new property management companies to "bring in funds" at this stage.

"by changing the new property management company, the community has extra funds to solve historical problems such as roads and greening." song ziqian said that some problems often cannot be solved by withdrawing maintenance funds.