
towards the "new" ⑦·expert dialogue|building chongqing into a highland in key areas of the automotive industry


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for chongqing, a major automobile city, developing intelligent networked new energy vehicles is the only way to cultivate new quality productivity and promote high-quality development. looking at the world, chongqing has been compared with detroit in the united states. what lessons can chongqing learn from detroit's experience? looking at the country, many cities have made automobiles their pillar industry. what shortcomings does chongqing need to make up if it wants to stand out? in this regard, the reporter conducted an exclusive interview with zhang junwei, a researcher at the macroeconomic research department of the development research center of the state council.
▲zhang junwei
cultivate new quality productivity and seize the opportunities of intelligent networked new energy
chongqing daily: what do you think is new quality productivity and why should we develop new quality productivity?
zhang junwei:general secretary xi jinping has discussed the development of new productivity on many occasions. in particular, in january this year, general secretary xi jinping systematically expounded on the issue of new productivity when presiding over the collective study of the political bureau of the cpc central committee, clarified the great significance of developing new productivity at this stage, and clarified the basic connotation, core signs, significant characteristics and essential features of new productivity.
in my opinion, new productivity includes two levels: narrow and broad. in a narrow sense, new productivity refers to productivity that relies on major scientific and technological breakthroughs and is presented in the form of new products and services and new production methods. it is characterized by achieving a breakthrough from 0 to 1, with future industries and strategic emerging industries as the main carriers. typical representatives include artificial intelligence, quantum computing, driverless cars, dark factories, targeted medicine, etc. the broad new productivity covers the integration and development of new technologies (especially information technology) and traditional industries, and the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries. for example, the rapid development of online sales and the combination of online and offline have greatly changed the face of traditional retail; banks have carried out digital transformation to provide customers with online financial services, etc.
under the current conditions, emphasizing the development of new quality productivity is necessary to enhance industrial autonomy and effectively respond to the great changes that have not been seen in a century; it is necessary to develop and expand future industries and strategic emerging industries and seize the commanding heights of world industrial competition; it is necessary to accelerate the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and promote economic quality and efficiency; it is necessary to eliminate the contradictions of unbalanced and insufficient economic development and promote high-quality economic development. it can be said that the proposal to develop new quality productivity is not only a major theoretical innovation, but also has important practical guiding significance.
chongqing daily: why is it said that intelligent connected new energy vehicles are an opportunity that chongqing must seize to cultivate new quality productivity?
zhang junwei:automobiles are large durable consumer goods worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, and chongqing is an important production base for my country's automobile industry. from the typical cases reported in this special report, we can see that the upgrading and development of my country's automobile industry mainly focuses on two directions: first, facing new market constraints (such as greenhouse gas emission reduction), adopting new energy drive technology (such as motor drive technology, hydrogen energy drive technology) to transform traditional automobiles, and upgrading traditional "fuel vehicles" to new energy vehicles to better meet the requirements of energy conservation, emission reduction, and lower use costs; second, adopting the latest information technology achievements to give automobiles new performance (such as automatic driving, online entertainment, online operation monitoring, etc.), and provide customers with a new consumer experience.
intelligent connected new energy vehicles integrate the above-mentioned development trends. therefore, it is a typical representative of the new quality productivity of the automobile industry and an opportunity that must be seized.
compared with detroit, chongqing can learn from these experiences
chongqing daily: chongqing was once known as the "oriental detroit". both chongqing and detroit rely on the automobile industry as their pillar industry. they have experienced glory and also faced challenges. chongqing's automobile industry also declined for a time, but it has also achieved a resurgence. what lessons can chongqing learn from detroit's experience?
zhang junwei:detroit was once the center of the u.s. auto industry. however, since the 1970s, due to factors such as the sharp rise in oil prices, its auto industry has gradually declined. during this process, detroit has seen factories and production lines abandoned, a large number of workers unemployed, and a decline in the quality of life of residents. social security has deteriorated, and a large number of people have moved out. the city's finances have even fallen into bankruptcy due to a decline in income.
of course, we should also see that detroit has not been sinking all the way. with the development of industries such as automotive electronics, design, and creativity, detroit has gradually achieved industrial reconstruction and industrial rebirth.
the development of chongqing's automobile industry has taken a new path. at a critical moment when the national automobile industry is maturing and market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the smart connected new energy vehicle track has emerged, enabling the idle production capacity of some traditional automobile manufacturers in chongqing to be reused, thus avoiding the huge shocks and adjustment pressures brought about by the decline of detroit's automobile industry.
both positive and negative experiences have fully demonstrated that in the face of rapid changes in technology and the market, it is important to maintain the diversity of the industrial ecosystem and avoid putting all your eggs in one basket; it is important to maintain a balance between scale and agility, to be both competitive and flexible, and to develop industries with local advantages based on capabilities.
chongqing daily: chongqing is currently building a "33618" modern manufacturing industry cluster headed by intelligent networked new energy vehicles. we also see that at least 25 cities in china currently regard automobile-related industries as pillar industries. in addition to old automobile cities such as shanghai, guangzhou, changchun, and liuzhou, new automobile cities such as shenzhen and hefei are emerging. in the face of fierce competition, what lessons do you think chongqing still needs to learn? what innovations can be made in basic policies, supporting facilities, and development mechanisms?
zhang junwei:the current domestic automobile industry is in a critical period of transformation and development, and the automobile market presents a complex situation of "ice and fire": on the one hand, traditional fuel vehicles have entered a mature contraction period, and related companies are facing tremendous operating pressure. they need to improve industry concentration, optimize production layout, and appropriately reduce output through the survival of the fittest and the combination of the strong; on the other hand, new energy vehicles and smart driving new tracks are in the ascendant, a large amount of capital has poured in, and "new faces" of the industry are constantly emerging, presenting a prosperous scene.
the resurgence of chongqing's automobile industry is largely related to its seizing opportunities and accelerating its transformation and development. to grasp this unique market situation and take chongqing's automobile industry to a new level, we can focus on the following three aspects:
first, representative enterprises should carry forward their existing achievements and consolidate their leading advantages in new tracks; and in the process, comprehensively enhance the soft power of related enterprises, such as new technology research and development, quality control, corporate image, after-sales service, etc.;
second, we will focus on r&d, design, capital, talent introduction, etc., and build chongqing into a highland in key areas of the automotive industry by cultivating industrial clusters and improving the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem;
third, we must take the path of capital operation, low-cost and rapid expansion, and use asset mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, production outsourcing and other methods to integrate the excess production capacity, technical foundation and human resources of traditional automobile companies, quickly complete the national layout of chongqing automobile companies in the new track, and enhance chongqing's influence and control in the national automobile industry.
chongqing daily: from the development of new car manufacturers such as wei, xiao, and li auto, what experiences can chongqing car companies learn and lessons to avoid?
zhang junwei:at present, there are two obvious development paths for electric vehicles in my country: byd and new forces. byd focuses on replacing traditional fuel-driven technology with electric drive technology, making electric vehicles a parallel substitute for traditional oil vehicles, and still follows the traditional car-making thinking; while new forces adopt the car-making thinking of transforming traditional cars with the internet. while producing electric vehicles, they give their products elements such as green environmental protection, scientific rationality, and fashion trends, thus winning the trust of the middle class and young customers. this also inspires colleagues in the chongqing automobile industry to focus on exploring the cultural connotations of new technologies and new business models in the process of transformation and upgrading of the traditional automobile industry, enhancing the image of corporate products, and enhancing the customer value of products.
only by facing up to the gaps and challenges can we “overtake on the curve”
chongqing daily: some people believe that china has achieved a curve overtaking in the automotive industry with the help of the new energy track. in the current changes in the world's automotive industry, what position does my country occupy and what kind of competitive environment does it face? what role does the intelligent networked new energy vehicle play in promoting our leap from an automotive power to an automotive powerhouse?
zhang junwei:in the early days of reform and opening up, foreign auto giants entered china through joint ventures with domestic automakers. in this process, foreign auto giants dominated the development of joint venture brand cars (joint ventures) with their brand, technology and management advantages. today, new energy vehicles have opened up a new track for the development of my country's auto industry, greatly changing my country's backward position in the world's auto industry.
however, in-depth analysis reveals that my country still has a long way to go before it can truly develop into a world automobile power.
first of all, from the perspective of new energy vehicles, the essence of new energy vehicles is to use new technology routes to replace traditional technology routes to produce cars. not to mention whether traditional oil vehicles will completely withdraw from the market, but as far as new energy vehicles are concerned, new energy vehicles (electric vehicles) are centered on batteries, their industrial chain is short, and the manufacturing threshold is low; and the technology in the battery field is rapidly iterating, and the technical path is uncertain. although foreign auto giants are relatively backward in this round of transformation, their technology, management, and talent strength should not be underestimated. once they achieve transformation, they are likely to build a competitive advantage on the new technology platform, thereby surpassing my country in market competition.
secondly, from the perspective of the development direction of intelligent networking, autonomous driving is the real "increment" in the transportation industry. global technology companies and auto giants have placed huge "bets" on this. currently, countries around the world are competing fiercely around high-end chips, artificial intelligence algorithms, and new generation communication technologies. tesla even took the initiative to abandon the laser radar track a few years ago and turned to the artificial vision autonomous driving technology track.
if my country wants to truly enter the first echelon, it is inseparable from the stable supply of high-end chips and the support of advanced algorithms, the supply of advanced sensor components, and the product processing technology and processes accumulated by traditional enterprises. in these aspects, there is still a certain gap between us and the international advanced level.
the foundation of industrial competitiveness is enterprises. from the perspective of enterprises, toyota's profit in 2023 will be as high as about 230 billion yuan, which is three times the total profit of the top five domestic automakers. behind the huge profitability gap is the gap between domestic auto companies and world benchmarks in r&d, management, production layout, product quality, market share, etc. therefore, we must not only see the existing development achievements and continuously enhance our confidence, but also clearly see the gaps and challenges and not be blindly optimistic.
chongqing daily: recently, some european and american countries have successively raised tariffs to reduce imports of new energy vehicles produced in china. this will undoubtedly bring pressure to my country's automobile exports. at present, chongqing is vigorously promoting "chongqing cars going overseas". what suggestions do you have for this?
zhang junwei:at present, my country's automobile exports (especially new energy vehicles) are facing the headwind of high tariffs in foreign markets. this situation is the result of the rapid evolution of the world's unprecedented changes in a century, and it is by no means easy to solve by telling the facts and reasoning. chongqing can promote "yu cars going abroad" from two aspects:
first, optimize export destinations. for example, choose countries and regions that mainly rely on imports to meet domestic demand as export destinations to reduce the impact of my country's increased automobile exports on local automakers and reduce conflicts of interest;
the second is to promote enterprises to "go global" and set up factories in places with better infrastructure abroad, changing product exports to capital and technology exports. for chongqing, this will directly lose some gdp and employment opportunities, but it can also enhance the competitiveness of chongqing's automobile companies, expand the profit space of enterprises (national capital), and indirectly bring certain overseas job opportunities.
overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. in the new era, we should be more open-minded to the issue of enterprises "going global".
expert voice>>>
zhan yi, associate researcher at the institute of industrial economics, chongqing academy of social sciences, phd in economics:
increase the “increment” of new energy vehicles
promote the development of artificial intelligence and other industries
in recent years, chongqing has taken the development of intelligent networked new energy vehicles as an important means to cultivate new quality productivity, continuously promoted the integrated development of industrial chain and innovation chain, and accelerated the layout of a world-class intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry cluster. why does chongqing attach so much importance to it? zhan yi, associate researcher at the institute of industrial economics of the chongqing academy of social sciences and a doctor of economics, believes that the importance of intelligent networked new energy vehicles to chongqing's economic development is specifically reflected in three aspects.
▲zhan yi
"first of all, it plays an important supporting role in chongqing's employment and economic development." zhan yi analyzed that the automobile industry and the electronic information industry have always been the two pillar industries, occupying an important position in the city's economic output, employment, and taxation.
at the same time, the development of the intelligent connected new energy vehicle industry will help promote the transformation of our city's traditional automobile industry towards electrification, intelligence, and sharing, open up a "new track" for the automobile industry, and enable the automobile industry to continue to maintain strong innovation and market competitiveness.
in addition, by continuously expanding and strengthening the "increment" of the new energy automobile industry, it can not only promote the optimization of the internal structure of the automobile industry, but also play its role in driving emerging industries and achieve the optimization and upgrading of the city's industrial structure. he believes that the new energy automobile industry is a comprehensive industry involving new energy, new materials, software, intelligent equipment, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence and other formats and technologies. vigorously developing the new energy automobile industry can also provide rich application scenarios for industries such as software, artificial intelligence, and integrated circuits, and lead the development of related emerging industries.
however, in zhan yi's view, chongqing's intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry still has some shortcomings. for example, some key components and basic raw materials have a high degree of external dependence, such as key core technologies such as high-end automotive-grade chips, power battery cells, and intelligent networked vehicle operating systems, as well as key raw materials such as nickel and cobalt. in addition, compared with beijing, shanghai, guangzhou and shenzhen, due to the lack of cooperation between universities and enterprises, senior management talents and high-tech talents in our city's new energy vehicle industry have problems such as "difficulty in training, introduction, and retention", which is not conducive to the high-quality development of the industry.
in response to these issues, zhan yi suggested that in order to strengthen the research and development of key core technologies, leading enterprises such as changan automobile and seres should take the lead, and jointly form a technology innovation consortium with chip design and chip manufacturing companies such as huawei and smic, domestic key new energy vehicle companies such as byd, and relevant universities and research institutes to give full play to the advantages of the new national system of scientific and technological innovation, and strengthen joint research and development of key common technologies such as high-end automotive-grade igbt chips and intelligent connected vehicle operating systems.
in terms of promoting the integration of industry and education through innovation, we can learn from the experience of anhui university and explore how to build local universities into a strategic force to serve local development, establish professional chains around the industrial chain, layout talent chains around the industrial chain, and improve the innovation chain to provide a continuous source of talent support for industrial development. through school-enterprise cooperation to build modern industrial colleges and other methods, we can strengthen the cooperation and training between universities and enterprises and jointly cultivate more compound talents with innovative thinking and practical ability.
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