
the first aerospace information industry expert committee established by a local government in china was established in chongqing


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the opening ceremony of the international aerospace information industry ecosystem conference was held in chongqing. photo by li wenke, chief reporter of news (chief reporter dong jincao yu) on september 3, the international aerospace information industry ecological conference was held in chongqing.

reporters learned from the meeting that during the conference, the inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the chongqing aerospace information industry expert committee were successfully held.

as the first aerospace information industry expert committee in china led by a local government, it will further leverage the advantages of expert talents to help chongqing build a national beidou large-scale application pilot zone, a demonstration zone for high-quality development of the aerospace information industry, and a national space-time information service core hub.

the first batch of members of the expert committee consists of 22 scientists, entrepreneurs and investment experts in the field of aerospace information. photo by li wenke, chief reporter of

it is understood that the first batch of members of the expert committee is composed of 22 scientists, entrepreneurs and investment experts in the field of aerospace information. academician li deren, academician of the chinese academy of sciences, academician of the chinese academy of engineering and professor of wuhan university, serves as the director of the expert committee, and academician of the chinese academy of engineering and director of the national satellite positioning system engineering and technology research center liu jingnan, academician of the chinese academy of engineering and deputy chief designer of the beidou satellite navigation system engineering tan shusen, and chairman of the national military-civilian integration industry investment fund co., ltd. long hongshan serve as members of the expert committee.

after the establishment of the expert committee, it will carry out work in five aspects: conduct research on the development trends and scientific and technological issues of the aerospace information industry, and put forward technical routes and program recommendations; carry out strategic, planning, and policy consulting and demonstration, and undertake major strategic research projects in the field of aerospace information; provide guidance, consultation, demonstration, and evaluation on the scientific and technological research, scenario applications, and standards and specifications of key enterprises and innovation teams in the aerospace information industry; carry out international exchanges, results publicity, experience promotion and other activities in the aerospace information industry to improve the industrial development ecology; promote cooperation between the central government and local governments, and promote the high-quality development of chongqing's aerospace information industry.

the "initiative to promote the large-scale application of beidou and high-quality development of the industry" was released on the spot. photo by li wenke, chief reporter of

at the opening ceremony, guo huadong, academician of the chinese academy of sciences and director of the international research center for big data for sustainable development, issued the "initiative to promote the large-scale application of beidou and high-quality development of the industry" on behalf of the chongqing aerospace information industry expert committee. the initiative calls on the industry to work together and innovate in five aspects, including jointly building infrastructure, multi-party collaborative research, jointly exploring application scenarios, jointly building industrial chains, and jointly gathering industrial ecosystems, to promote the large-scale application of beidou and high-quality development of the industry.

in terms of jointly building infrastructure, we will lay a solid foundation for beidou's high-quality development advocates strengthening resource integration and open sharing, unifying standards and specifications, innovating cooperation models, promoting the construction of application infrastructure such as ground-based augmentation, satellite-based augmentation, short message communication, and satellite internet, creating national-level industrial comprehensive service platforms such as the national space-time big data center and beidou large-scale application operating system, and building a high-speed, ubiquitous, integrated, interconnected, safe and efficient aerospace information application infrastructure system.

in terms of multi-party collaborative research, we will activate the source of innovation for beidou's high-quality is proposed to establish industrial technology collaborative innovation platforms such as technical exchanges, testing and evaluation, and open laboratories, and work together to tackle key technologies such as large-scale space-time models, communication and navigation integration, seamless indoor and outdoor positioning, high, medium and low orbit positioning, multi-source combined navigation, anti-interference and anti-deception space-time security, etc., improve the mechanism for transforming scientific and technological achievements, and realize the research and development and application of new technologies, new products, and new processes.

in terms of jointly exploring application scenarios, we will take the lead in beidou's high-quality is proposed to establish a normalized working mechanism for innovation of application scenarios with public proposals, expert selection, government support and industrial implementation, to pool resources to plan and implement large-scale scenarios that serve the modern governance of megacities and empower new quality productivity, and small applications that enter thousands of households and serve the people's better life, to form a new situation in which all walks of life can participate in the construction and every household can enjoy the services.

in terms of jointly building the industrial chain, we will ignite the momentum for beidou's high-quality is advocated to strengthen and complete the core industrial chain of beidou's large-scale application, accelerate the layout of key links such as products, core algorithms, and solutions for the integration of communication, navigation, and remote sensing, create a multi-level technology system, a diversified product system, and a multi-dimensional service system, promote the deep integration of beidou with digital economy, mass consumption, industrial manufacturing and other fields, and cultivate new models and new business forms of aerospace information.

in terms of co-existing industrial ecology, we will gather the tremendous power for beidou's high-quality is proposed to actively implement the beidou development industry policy, strengthen the reserve of beidou core technology talents, increase the financing support for beidou projects and enterprises, promote the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and accelerate the formation of a beidou industry development ecology dominated by the market and enterprises.
