
vivo promotes rural revitalization with technology and aesthetic education, and "children's painting of the future" has achieved new results


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with the in-depth promotion of rural revitalization and quality education, rural education has also ushered in new development opportunities. the "notice on the comprehensive implementation of aesthetic education immersion action" issued by the ministry of education proposed that we should comprehensively improve the rural aesthetic education work mechanism, promote the sharing of high-quality aesthetic education classroom resources according to local conditions, and promote the high-quality and balanced development of school aesthetic education.
against this background, vivo has joined hands with the shanghai true love dream charity foundation and the china academy of art education foundation to jointly launch the public welfare project "vivo children's painting future aesthetic education plan" (hereinafter referred to as "children's painting future") in 2022, giving full play to its own technological and resource advantages, implementing scientific and technological aesthetic education practice actions, and improving the aesthetic education ecology, embarking on a rural aesthetic education exploration journey that deeply integrates cutting-edge technology with artistic aesthetics.
recently, jia jingdong, vice president of vivo brand, shared the latest progress and achievements of "kids' drawings for the future" on his personal weibo. he said that vivo is the initiator and explorer of "technological aesthetic education". after three years of hard work, "kids' drawings for the future" has become the largest enterprise-level "technological aesthetic education platform". in the future, "kids' drawings for the future" will continue, and will adhere to "design-driven", "embodied cognition", and "immersive education", and share the vivo-style "technological aesthetic education" concept with the society.
teachers and students of the "children's painting for the future" science and technology aesthetic education summer camp visited the vivo industrial park
spring breeze all the waykeep company, the flowers of aesthetic education bloom in "four provinces and six counties"
rooted in the countryside, born for beauty. since the launch of the project, "children's painting for the future" has covered 29 rural primary schools in six counties in four provinces, including jiangxi, guizhou, gansu, and yunnan. in the spring semester of this year, vivo has successively carried out "aesthetic education local camps" with different themes in seven of these schools. the activities revolve around the two main lines of design and imaging, inviting artists or groups as professional mentors to create aesthetic education classes that are both interesting and educational based on the needs of local folk culture, living space, campus planning, etc. at the same time, they work with vivo volunteers to guide and accompany teachers and students to jointly carry out aesthetic education creation for children.
for example, in jiangxi suichuan changzheng yinglie primary school, yunnan weishan jibi primary school, jiangxi xunwu experimental primary school, yunnan midu micheng no. 1 primary school, artists led the children to draw inspiration from rural plants and local customs, and used paintings, art installations and other forms to decorate the campus, guiding them to feel and discover the beauty of the place. in guizhou wuchuan no. 3 primary school, gansu lintao no. 2 primary school, yunnan weishan tuanjie primary school, inspired by their mentors, students tried to find the "powerful ta" around them, recorded the ordinary beauty through the shutter of their mobile phones, and also had a deeper thinking and understanding of the word "powerful".
"aesthetic education camp" student works exhibition
rural aesthetic education needs to be based on the local area and also needs to broaden its horizons. in august this year, "children's future" invited more than 30 rural children and teachers to guangdong to participate in the "children's future" summer camp. through holding "future mobile phone" design workshops, "circle" theme imaging workshops, vivo laboratory exploration, sharing and exchange activities, etc., teachers and students learned about the aesthetics of science and technology, explored the principles of science and technology, and helped rural children open their horizons and enhance their imagination and creativity.
in order to further call on the public to pay attention to rural aesthetic education, vivo also jointly organized a science and technology aesthetic education forum with a number of institutions, discussing with all sectors of society how to use the power of science and technology to assist in the implementation of aesthetic education immersion policies and promote the quality development of rural aesthetic education.
deep integration of science and art to discover new paths for rural science and technology aesthetic education
with the rapid development of the current economy and society, rural education is facing new opportunities and challenges. it needs to keep pace with the times and constantly explore innovative paths. as a technology company, vivo actively participates in the revitalization of rural education and finds that some rural children have difficulty in obtaining integrated, systematic, and continuous aesthetic education.
to this end, vivo has focused on its advantages in imaging technology, industrial design and other fields, and through multiple initiatives such as developing aesthetic education courses, carrying out practical activities, and building an aesthetic education ecosystem, it has helped enrich the supply of aesthetic education resources and improve the aesthetic education system. in the process, it has gradually explored an innovative path for rural aesthetic education that is based on aesthetic education and empowered by technology.
on the one hand, vivo is the first to advocate aesthetic education through science and technology, and deeply integrates hard technologies such as ai and communications, pan-tech such as mobile phone imaging and design, as well as scientific and technological thinking into all aspects of aesthetic education, helping children improve their knowledge reserves and practical abilities, and use innovative thinking to better solve problems in learning and life and achieve goals and dreams.
"aesthetic education camp" student works exhibition
on the other hand, tonghua future has gradually developed from a single-point public welfare initiative to a comprehensive action covering the entire chain of aesthetic education curriculum design, teaching materials provision, teacher team training, practical activities and social publicity and advocacy, thereby promoting the implementation of aesthetic education plans in a systematic and high-quality manner, while also gathering forces from all walks of life to strengthen the aesthetic education ecology and accelerate the development of aesthetic education.
as an innovative practice of technology companies deeply participating in the revitalization of rural education, "children's painting for the future" has strengthened technological empowerment and planned and implemented policies across the entire chain on the basis of accurately grasping the pain points and difficulties of rural aesthetic education, effectively promoting the professionalization and sustainable development of rural aesthetic education public welfare, and also providing a useful reference for more companies to participate in public welfare undertakings.
use beauty to illuminate beauty, and only by pursuing aesthetic education with sincerity can we achieve long-term success
the famous educator mr. cai yuanpei once said: "the purpose of aesthetic education is to cultivate a lively and sensitive spirit and develop a noble and pure personality." aesthetic education should be aimed at the complete development of people, based on stimulating people's emotions, and can bring people a positive sense of power. for children, the most important thing is not to learn a certain skill from it, but to enjoy the process itself.
in fact, this also has the same inherent temperament and spiritual bond with vivo itself. from product innovation to "humanistic joy", vivo has always taken satisfying people's most essential physical and spiritual needs as the starting point to create the ultimate products and services for consumers. at the same time, it actively pays attention to special groups and vulnerable groups, participates in various public welfare actions, and practices corporate social responsibility. in production and operation, vivo advocates doing things according to one's heart, believes that "planting seeds will lead to success", and pays more attention to the experience and gains in the process of reaching the goal.
by projecting this cultural concept into public welfare, we can find the underlying logic of vivo's "children's painting for the future": continue to do the right thing of rural aesthetic education, and empower aesthetic education with humanistic technology, and strive to do things right. as jia jingdong said, aesthetic education is to cultivate the all-round development of people through art and aesthetics. it is a kind of "immersion" education that moistens things silently. the aesthetic education practice designed by vivo's "children's painting for the future" and the aesthetic education courses developed essentially follow the principle of continuing to "do things right".
“aesthetic education local camp” art installation works display
so far, "children's painting for the future" has covered 29 rural primary schools, provided training or research for more than 190 rural teachers and principals, and provided special aesthetic education support for more than 40,000 children. in the future, "children's painting for the future" will also approach more teachers and students, discover and create more beauty through one experience after another about beauty, and use the light of technology to light up the light in the hearts of rural children.
looking back at the path i came from, i see the vast expanse of green. with love and responsibility for aesthetic education, vivo will continue to use its technological advantages and resource integration capabilities to practice "technological aesthetic education", implement various forms of aesthetic education practice activities, enrich aesthetic education courses and teacher training content, improve the aesthetic education sharing platform and ecological construction, and through "children's painting for the future", let every child discover beauty, feel beauty, and create beauty, so that the flowers of aesthetic education can bloom brilliantly in the countryside.