
the original management team of gengxing co., ltd. put forward two major demands. half of the employees of the shanghai company have gone to the designated location of the new team to work.


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the conflict between the new and old management teams of gengxing co., ltd. (sh600753, share price 5.24 yuan, market value 1.207 billion yuan) is still ongoing, and the storm has not yet been settled.

at noon on august 30, tang yonglu, former general manager of gengxing co., ltd., said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from the "daily economic news" that he currently has two demands: one is that he hopes the new team (hereinafter referred to as "zhejiang haixin") will come up with a plan to provide reasonable compensation and resettlement for employees; the second is that the new and old actual controllers of the company meet and communicate.

according to the reporter's verification, up to now, the new and old teams have not yet had further communication on the above demands. on the other hand, zhejiang haixin is also simultaneously advancing the relevant process of taking over the listed company to maintain the normal operation of the company. it is understood that half of the employees of gengxing shares in shanghai have already gone to the new office location recommended by zhejiang haixin to work.

the former general manager made two major demands

on the afternoon of august 28, gengxing co., ltd. held a board meeting to "replace" the company's former senior management team. at the meeting, tang yonglu, the former general manager of gengxing co., ltd., and others were fired. that night, the two sides clashed over the seals and certificates of the listed company and its subsidiaries.

tang yonglu told reporters that he had promised zhejiang haixin to hand over the seals and other materials on the day of the board meeting. considering that it was late (get off work was over), he proposed that zhejiang haixin hand over the seals the next day, but the other party asked to hand over the seals to the relevant staff of the company that night and take the relevant seals and certificates out of the company. after that, about 60 seals were in the hands of the new management team, and the remaining 20 or so were kept in the company.

after several arguments, the two sides had their first round of clashes, and this "farce" ended with tang yonglu calling the police. the next day, zhejiang haixin was stopped outside the listed company's office (daily economic news reported on august 29).

after the reporter expressed his desire to be interviewed many times, tang yonglu explained his demands to the reporter. first, the major shareholders should communicate well with each other, and second, a compensation plan for employees should be formulated.

"first, reasonable compensation and resettlement should be provided to employees. (zhejiang haixin) should come up with a compensation plan and give employees a notice. after all, we have worked hard to work here, and we have been a listed company for so long. it is inappropriate to drive us away easily without a compensation plan, which is neither reasonable nor legal," said tang yonglu.

in addition to asking for a reasonable compensation plan, tang yonglu further explained why he wanted the new and old controllers to come forward to communicate. "the new and old shareholders did not reach an agreement and there was a conflict. the employees were confused and did not know who to listen to. our employees are actually guards, listening to orders, but the orders come from many different places. when there is a conflict, we need to communicate, but some people do not even give us the opportunity to communicate."

however, because zhao chenchen, the current chairman of gengxing co., ltd., is not the actual controller of the company, tang yonglu does not approve zhao chenchen as a representative to communicate with the original team.

conflicts between the new and old teams need to be resolved

on the afternoon of august 31, the reporter sought confirmation from zhejiang haixin on several details raised by tang yonglu, but the other party had not responded as of press time.

regarding the employee compensation plan raised by tang yonglu, on the afternoon of august 31, the current secretary of the board of directors of gengxing co., ltd. told reporters that he did not know the specific situation, but judging from the previous employee contract termination cases, the employee compensation should be based on the provisions of the labor law, and the company will definitely handle it legally and in compliance with regulations.

the conflict between the old and new teams has not been resolved yet, which directly affects the daily operations of the listed company. in the absence of access to the original office location of the listed company, zhejiang haixin has "started a new business".

on the morning of august 29, zhejiang haixin issued a notice in the wechat group of gengxing co., ltd. employees, suggesting that employees go to an office location in minhang, shanghai to work, but the wechat group was immediately disbanded by the human resources manager appointed by the original management team.

on the afternoon of august 31, the secretary of the board of directors of gengxing co., ltd. told reporters that half of gengxing co., ltd.'s shanghai employees had already reported to the new office on august 30. "the issues of seals, certificates and licenses will not have an absolute impact on the company's subsequent work arrangements. the new team was hired in accordance with the company law, securities law and other relevant rules and regulations, and has legal effect. on this basis, we have a lot of work to do."

daily economic news
