
the latest notice from xi’an education bureau and other fifteen departments!


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recently, the xi'an education bureau and other 15 departments issued"special action plan for comprehensively strengthening and improving the mental health work of primary and secondary school students in xi'an in the new era"(hereinafter referred to as the "special action plan"), taking multiple measures to strengthen the mental health work of primary and secondary school students and improve the mental health literacy of young people.

help students master 1-2 sports

the "special action plan" points out that promoting students' physical and mental health and all-round development is a major issue of concern to the people and society.the number of full-time (part-time) mental health teachers in all primary and secondary schools (including secondary vocational schools) in the city should reach 100%, of which no less than 90% of high schools and secondary vocational schools should have full-time mental health education teachers, and no less than 50% of compulsory education schools should have full-time mental health education teachers. boarding schools with more than 200 students and schools with more than 1,000 students should have at least one full-time mental health education teacher.

80% of the city's second-level and above psychiatric hospitals have established student psychology clinics;50% of children's hospitals, secondary and above general hospitals and maternal and child health hospitals have opened psychiatric (psychological) clinics; 4 practicing (assistant) psychiatrists are deployed for every 100,000 people. the establishment rates of urban community parent schools and rural community parent schools have reached 90% and 80% respectively. more than 75% of the family education guidance service sites in the city carry out mental health education. the awareness rate of core knowledge of mental health among students in the city has reached 90%. establish a comprehensive, multi-level and three-dimensional student mental health hierarchical management system with the city as the center, the county as the base and the school as the site, build a positive and harmonious education environment, and promote the healthy development of students' physical and mental health.

in accordance with the "special action plan", our city will comprehensively strengthen and improve the mental health work of primary and secondary school students in the new era from eight aspects, including promoting mental health through all five aspects of education, strengthening mental health education, optimizing school mental health services, improving early warning and intervention mechanisms, enhancing the construction of the mental health teacher team, building a mental health education mutual assistance and co-construction system, continuously deepening home-school co-education, and improving the social psychological service system.

the "special action plan" requires that the relevant departments of each district and county and all directly affiliated primary and secondary schools should persist in promoting the use of morality to educate the mind, wisdom to educate the mind, physical fitness to strengthen the mind, beauty to nourish the mind, and labor to strengthen the mind, and integrate student mental health education into the entire process of moral education, and integrate it into all aspects of education and teaching, management services and student growth.

effectively reduce the homework burden and off-campus training burden of students in compulsory education. provide sufficient physical education and health classes.ensure that students exercise for more than one hour every day both inside and outside the school, help students master 1-2 sports, and hold a sports meeting every semester.regularly hold sports competitions for primary and secondary school students. provide sufficient and quality aesthetic education courses, hold at least one art festival, art exhibition and other special activities every school year. hold at least one labor week every school year to effectively cultivate students' psychological qualities of cherishing life and loving life.

for key students, the files will be kept with them.

schools in the compulsory education stage should include mental health education in the curriculum plan, with at least one class hour every two weeks per class. each semester should also hold at least one class meeting on the theme of mental health education or one special activity on mental health education and life education.high schools should make mental health education a school-based course, and in principle, one credit per academic year should be counted towards the total credits of students' courses. secondary vocational schools should provide a full 36-hour ideological and political course "mental health and career" basic module as required.

adhering to the principle of prevention first and moving the checkpoints forward, the education bureau of each district, county and development zone takes the lead in organizing primary and secondary schools in their jurisdiction to carry out mental health assessments. in the first semester of each school year, schools independently carry out or rely on third-party professional institutions to carry out mental health screening and assessment work for senior primary school, junior high school, high school and secondary vocational school students. in the second semester, schools can carry out targeted screening and assessment work in batches based on actual conditions.

focus on strengthening daily monitoring and crisis investigation of the mental state of special nodes and special groups during special seasons such as the start of the school season, exam season, and graduation season."one file for one life" establishes a psychological growth file for students, and for key students, the file follows them to ensure seamless connection between each stage of study.increase the identification and intervention of students with hidden psychological problems, explore the introduction of personality trait assessment in mental health assessment, and improve the targetedness and effectiveness of work.

the education department should actively cooperate with the health, internet security, public security and other departments to guide schools and families, mental health medical institutions, maternal and child health institutions, communities, etc. to establish and improve coordination mechanisms, discover students' serious psychological problems early, and monitor and warn students of dangerous behaviors such as self-harm or harming others online and offline.

all primary and secondary schools have set up a four-level early warning and control grid of school-grade-class-individual, and formulated student mental health early warning and crisis management plans. a "special person subcontracting contact system" is implemented for key students, and a psychological early warning system with psychological teachers and class teachers as the core and all teachers participating is established, with regular dynamic tracking and evaluation. two health committee members are set up in each class of middle schools in the city, and no less than two training sessions are carried out every semester.

give full play to the role of the "green channel for youth psychological intervention". if the school finds that students need further evaluation, medical treatment, or treatment, it recommends that students and parents seek help from medical institutions or professional organizations. hospitals are encouraged to support schools in carrying out student mental health work by means of designated locations and the establishment of outpatient clinics.

when students have an emergency at school due to psychological problems or other reasons, the school should immediately activate the emergency plan, actively coordinate with relevant departments, and do their best to deal with the emergency and deal with the aftermath. the public security organs should crack down on illegal and irregular behaviors such as "school disturbances", "spreading false information", "cyber violence", and inciting illegal gatherings in accordance with the law to ensure campus safety and stability.

the head teacher will give each student

conduct at least 1 home visit

the special action plan requires thatby the end of 2025, all primary and secondary schools in the city should be equipped with full-time and part-time mental health teachers at a teacher-student ratio of no less than 1:1000, and high schools and secondary vocational schools should have no less than 90% full-time mental health education teachers.boarding schools with more than 200 students and schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least one full-time mental health teacher (independent campuses that reach this size are required to have additional teachers).

it is encouraged to increase the promotion ratio of mental health teachers in the professional title evaluation.full-time teachers engaged in psychological counseling and consulting activities should calculate their workload in the same way as other classroom teaching. all primary and secondary schools in the city should promote the appointment of deputy principals of psychology. by the end of 2024, each district, county, and development zone teaching and research institution should be equipped with one full-time or part-time psychology teaching and research staff.

starting from the fall semester of 2024, a three-level teacher training system will be established at the city, district and school levels, and full-staff training will be carried out in a three-year cycle. the city level will train full-time teachers and principals, the district level will train part-time teachers and class teachers, and the school level will train subject teachers, to ensure that each participating teacher completes an average of 24 hours of periodic training per year and no less than 72 hours in three years.

starting from 2024, a competition for basic skills of mental health teachers’ professional skills or a competition for mental health education courses, quality courses for mental health education, psychology micro-courses, outstanding papers on mental health education, and outstanding counseling cases will be held every two years. a number of demonstration courses and quality courses for mental health education will be established, and a collection of outstanding papers and cases on mental health education will be compiled. starting from 2024, the creation of demonstration areas and characteristic schools for mental health in primary and secondary schools will be carried out every two years. by the end of 2024, all educational and scientific research institutions in districts, counties, and development zones should be equipped with full-time psychological teaching and research staff. a number of mental health education research projects will be established throughout the city every 2025, 10 master studios of mental health education will be established in the city.

the women's federation, education, procuratorate, communist youth league and other departments should organize and run parent schools or online family education guidance platforms, and promote the construction of community family education guidance service stations. primary and secondary schools should generally establish "parent schools", encourage schools with conditions to establish online parent schools, actively build family education guidance workstations with communities (villages), and regularly carry out family education guidance and practice activities.

school leaders take the lead in conducting home visits, and class teachers conduct at least one home visit to each student every school year. subject teachers are encouraged to conduct targeted home visits. a "family education parent open day" is organized every month, with advance reservations and "one-to-one" services to help parents establish correct parenting and education concepts.

include student mental health work in the evaluation of the performance of educational responsibilities by people's governments at all levels, as an important evaluation indicator for school ideological and political work and the creation of "civilized campuses" and "safe campuses", and as an important part of the evaluation of the school management level and annual assessment of the leadership team at all levels and types. explore the establishment of a multi-channel investment mechanism and encourage social forces to support the development of student mental health services.

source: xi'an evening news, xi'an education bureau
