
the most beautiful thing is the sunset. the opening ceremony of the shiying community senior school in fancheng district, xiangyang city was held


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (hubei daily online) (correspondent li jinduo) "in the golden autumn season, the fragrance of fruits is everywhere. in this beautiful season of fruitfulness, we welcome the auspicious day when shiying community senior citizens school is officially established with joy and excitement...." on the afternoon of august 30, more than 200 elderly friends gathered at the shiying community education and training center in fancheng district, xiangyang city to hold the opening ceremony of the shiying community senior citizens school.
the waist drum "auspicious start" played the music for the opening ceremony of shiying community senior citizens' school. wang xiaomei, director of the grassroots school office of fancheng district senior citizens' university, yu bo, member of the party working committee, organization committee member, and deputy director of the office of wangzhai street, fancheng district, and fan guozhi, vice president of wangzhai street senior citizens' university, fancheng district, attended the opening ceremony together.
the opening ceremony. photo provided by the correspondent
the activity started with the issuance of appointment certificates to seven teachers, and representatives of teachers and students took turns to speak on stage. liao minghui said: "after decades of ups and downs, and experiencing the joys and sorrows of life, now that i am old and gray, i can sit at my desk and listen to the teacher's teachings like a child. it is really a pleasure! walking into the classroom of the senior school is like walking into a new world, and the joy is beyond words! we must study hard in this new world, enrich ourselves, and keep pace with the times."
xu fuling, principal of the community senior school, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. principal xu is also a retired party member. after retirement, she joined the grassroots education cause of senior party members, demonstrating the elderly style of "retirement does not fade". she said: "the senior university is our common home. it is our common wish to build a warm, harmonious, civilized and prosperous home. as a member of the senior school, each of us should do our part to contribute to the development of the senior school. let us join hands and work together to build a better future for the senior school."
the opening ceremony. photo provided by the correspondent
guo wenjuan, member of the shiying community party committee and community neighborhood committee, said: the community will adhere to the principle of "the elderly should have something to learn, something to enjoy, something to teach, and something to contribute" and serve the elderly with all their enthusiasm, patience, care and sincerity!
yu bo, member of the party working committee, organization committee and deputy director of the office, said: we must always maintain a sense of responsibility and mission in running the senior citizen school well, allow our elderly friends to continue to give full play to their specialties and advantages, contribute their light and heat to the high-quality development of fancheng, and make the senior citizen school a real "charging station" for our elderly friends.
wang xiaomei, director of the grassroots school office of fancheng district senior university, said: "seeing the high spirits of the students, i believe that with everyone's joint efforts, shiying community senior school will definitely be at the forefront and create its own new world in the near future!"