
announcement on the open selection of civil servants in anhui provincial government agencies in 2024


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in accordance with the civil service law, the regulations on transfer of civil servants, the measures for the open selection of civil servants and other relevant laws and regulations, the provincial party committee organization department and the provincial department of human resources and social security have decided to carry out the open selection of civil servants for provincial agencies (including agencies and units managed in accordance with the civil service law, the same below) in 2024. the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. position

there are two types of open selection positions: one is for qualified civil servants and staff of organs (units) managed in accordance with the civil service law, and the other is specifically for qualified selected students. this time, it is planned to openly select 197 civil servants below the first-level director and other equivalent ranks (see appendix 1 for details).

ii. application scope and conditions

1. scope of applicants

1. civil servants below the section level who have been registered and filed as civil servants and are on the payroll and on duty in municipal-level and lower agencies in the province.

2. staff members below the section level who have been registered and filed for reference and are on the payroll and on the job in the organs (units) at the municipal level and below in the province that are managed in accordance with the civil servants law.

qualified civil servants below the section level (staff members managed in accordance with the civil service law) in units at the municipal level and below (including vertically managed units, dispatched units, etc.) of central and provincial agencies can also apply.

applicants for selected candidates positions must be persons recruited and managed as selected candidates by the competent department for selected candidates in our province.

2. eligibility criteria

applicants should meet the following qualifications:

1. with firm political stance and strong political qualities, we should deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", firm up the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards".

2. possess good professional qualities, good conduct, outstanding performance, and be recognized by the masses.

3. have more than 2 years of grassroots work experience and more than 3 years of work experience as a civil servant or as a staff member of an institution (unit) managed in accordance with the civil service law, and have not received a grade below basic competence in the annual performance appraisals in the past three years.

grassroots work experience refers to work experience in county (city, district, banner), township (town, street) party and government organs (including public institutions managed in accordance with the civil service law), village (community) party organizations or village (neighborhood) committees, and various enterprises and institutions. the work experience of retired military cadres in military regiments and units below the regiment level, and the experience of retired soldiers serving in the military can be regarded as grassroots work experience. work experience in municipal (county) government agencies is regarded as grassroots work experience. the starting time of grassroots work experience is calculated in accordance with the document no. 59 issued by the department of human resources and social security [2010], and the interruption time due to changes in work units can be accumulated.

selected candidates should meet the requirements for grassroots training.

4. generally, one should have worked in the agency at this level for more than 2 years.

except for applying for open selection positions specifically for selected candidates, applicants for other positions must meet the minimum years of work requirement in the agency at the same level. if there is no regulation, one must have worked in the agency at the same level for more than 2 years.

5. possess the work ability and work experience required for the open selection position.

applicants are generally under 35 years old (born after september 1988), and the age limit for applicants who are currently serving as section-level leaders or first-level senior section officers is relaxed to under 40 years old (born after september 1983). for some positions that are in urgent need of professional talents, the age limit for applicants is relaxed to under 40 years old (see the position table for details).

6. have a bachelor's degree or above.

7. have the physical conditions and psychological qualities to perform their duties normally.

8. meet other eligibility requirements for the open selection position.

9. other conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.

the calculation period for years of work experience is up to december 2024.

(iii) circumstances in which registration is not allowed

those who have any of the following circumstances shall not participate in the open selection:

1. those who have been expelled from the communist party of china.

2. those who have been listed as targets of joint punishment for dishonesty in accordance with the law.

3. those who are suspected of violating disciplines and laws and are currently under investigation by relevant specialized agencies and no conclusion has been reached yet.

4. those who have been admonished, dealt with by the organization, or have been disciplined by the party or government, etc., and the period of influence has not yet expired or has expired, which has affected their use.

5. newly recruited township civil servants who have worked in township agencies for less than 5 years (including the probation period).

6. according to relevant regulations, those who have not fulfilled the service period when working in difficult and remote areas or designated units or have other restrictive regulations on transfer.

7. still in the probation period or promoted to a leadership position for less than one year.

8. other circumstances prescribed by laws and regulations.

applicants shall not apply for positions that would constitute the circumstances listed in the first paragraph of article 74 of the civil servants law upon appointment, nor shall they apply for positions in employing units where persons with whom they are married, in the direct line of blood, in the collateral line of blood within three generations, or in-laws serve as leadership members.

the calculation time for the impact period, probation period, promotion period and other time limits in the situation where registration is not allowed is up to september 9, 2024, and the calculation time for the service years is up to december 2024.

iii. procedure

1. announcement

the public civil servant selection notice and job list will be published on anhui pioneer network ( and anhui provincial personnel examination network ( on august 29, 2024. for inquiries about the positions, please contact the selection unit by calling the telephone number published in the job list.

2. registration and qualification review

1. online registration. this open selection is conducted by combining individual voluntary participation and organizational recommendation. the registration website is anhui provincial personnel examination network. applicants can submit their applications from 9:00 on september 3, 2024 to 16:00 on september 9, 2024. when registering, you should carefully read the "registration instructions" and sign a letter of commitment for integrity, fill in the application form as required, and upload your electronic photo. each applicant is limited to one position, and the application materials submitted should be true, accurate, and complete, and consistent with the application conditions and the requirements of the position applied for.

2. qualification review. the qualification review will be conducted on the anhui provincial personnel examination website from 9:00 on september 3 to 16:00 on september 11, and will be divided into two stages: "preliminary review" and "re-examination".

(1) pre-screening. each selection unit shall pre-screen the qualifications of applicants in a timely manner in accordance with the prescribed application conditions and position requirements. applicants should pay attention to the pre-screening results at any time. applicants who pass the pre-screening cannot apply for other positions; those who fail the pre-screening should apply for other positions before 12:00 on september 11.

(2) review. applicants who pass the preliminary review must download and print the automatically generated "application form for the open selection of civil servants in 2024" (hereinafter referred to as the "application form") from the anhui provincial personnel examination network and may not make any changes. applicants shall submit the application form to the organization and personnel department of the appointment and removal authority for review in accordance with the cadre management authority. the party committee (party group) of the appointment and removal authority or the civil service department shall earnestly perform the responsibility of screening, fully consider the political quality, professional quality, work performance and consistent performance of the candidates, and carefully review the information filled in the application form based on the applicant's file records and relevant supporting materials, sign the application opinion and affix the party committee (group) seal for those who do not meet the registration qualifications. applicants shall not agree or recommend the application. applicants must convert the application form with the review and seal into an electronic image (color image, jpg format, size 1000*1414 pixels, size within 1mb) before 12:00 on september 11, and upload it through the registration system. each selection unit will review the stamped application form uploaded by the applicants, and those that are not uploaded will not be reviewed.

applicants who only fill out the online application or pass the preliminary review but fail to upload the stamped application form within the specified time will be deemed to have given up the registration.

the qualification review runs through the entire open selection process. if it is found at any stage that the applicant does not meet the eligibility requirements, the selection unit may cancel his/her eligibility or terminate his/her selection process and he/she will no longer be considered as a candidate for selection.

3. payment confirmation. applicants who have passed the qualification review (pre-examination and re-examination) should log in to the anhui provincial personnel examination network before 12:00 on september 12 and pay the written test fee (40 yuan/person) through the third-party payment platform (yibao). failure to pay on time will be deemed as giving up the registration.

after the registration deadline, if the ratio of the number of applicants to the planned number of positions does not reach 3:1, the planned number of positions will be cancelled or reduced accordingly. applicants for cancelled positions can apply for other positions between 10:00 and 16:00 on september 13.

applicants should download and print their admission tickets from the anhui provincial personnel examination network between september 26 and september 27.

3. examination

the exam is divided into a written test and an interview, focusing on testing the ability to use the party's innovative theories to guide analysis and problem solving, with a full score of 100. if each selection unit conducts an additional test on the professional level of the position during the interview, the time will be arranged before the interview, with a full score of 100. the specific matters of the additional test will be announced separately. the additional test score and the interview score are combined into an interview composite score in a ratio of 4:6. the written test score, interview score (or interview composite score) are combined into a comprehensive test score in a ratio of 6:4. the written test score, additional test score, interview score, interview composite score, and comprehensive test score are all rounded to two decimal places according to the "rounding" rule.

1. written test. the written test will be held on september 28, 2024 (saturday) from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. the examination venue will be located in the city where the applicant works. please refer to the admission ticket for the location. applicants must bring their valid id and admission ticket to take the written test. after the written test is graded, the provincial party committee organization department will study, determine and announce the passing score for the written test.

2. interview. the interview will be organized by each selection unit under the guidance of the provincial party committee organization department. applicants can log on to anhui pioneer network and the selection unit website to view the interview announcement.

interview candidates are selected from candidates who have passed the qualifying score for the same position according to the written test scores from high to low, and the ratio to the planned number of positions is generally 3:1. if there are multiple applicants with the same written test scores for the last position, they will all be selected as interview candidates. for positions that require additional tests, candidates for additional tests and interviews are selected from candidates who have passed the qualifying score for the same position according to the written test scores from high to low in the following ratios: for positions with 1-2 planned positions, the ratio of candidates to the planned number of positions is 6:1; for positions with more than 3 planned positions, the ratio of candidates to the planned number of positions is 5:1.

before the interview, each selection unit will conduct a qualification review of the interview candidates. the qualification review materials include the candidate's valid id, the original application form, the original academic (degree) certificate, and the grassroots work experience certificate. those who fail the qualification review will be disqualified from the interview. if there are vacancies in the interview candidates, they will be filled in equal numbers within the specified time.

the interview will be conducted in the form of structured interviews. in addition to on-site interviews, online remote interviews and video interviews can be conducted as needed. there will be 7 interviewers, including no less than 6 external examiners, who will be selected by the organization department of the provincial party committee.

if the actual number of candidates participating in the interview is less than or equal to the planned number of positions, the interview score must reach 75 points or the average score of the actual interviewees in the examination room on that day before entering the next stage.

4. physical examination and investigation

the physical examination and inspection work shall be organized by each selection unit, and shall be conducted in the order of physical examination first and then inspection. each selection unit shall determine the physical examination and inspection objects according to the difference in comprehensive examination scores from high to low (if the comprehensive examination scores are the same, they shall be ranked in the order of high and low written examination scores): for positions with a planned number of 1-2 people, the difference is 1 person; for positions with 3-7 people, the difference is 2 people; for positions with more than 8 people, the difference is 3 people. if there are vacancies in the candidates to be selected, they shall be filled in equal numbers according to the comprehensive examination scores, and the filling shall not exceed two times in total.

1. physical examination. the physical examination shall be organized and carried out by each selection unit according to the physical examination requirements published in the position list. if a physical examination is organized, it must be conducted in a designated medical institution for physical examination for civil servant recruitment, and the physical examination items and standards shall be implemented in accordance with the "general standards for physical examination for civil servant recruitment (trial)" and the operation manual. for positions with special physical requirements, the relevant physical examination items and standards shall be implemented in accordance with the "special standards for physical examination for civil servant recruitment (trial)". if a physical examination is not organized, applicants must provide a health status physical examination form issued by a designated medical institution for physical examination for civil servant recruitment in the province or a comprehensive hospital at or above the county level within the past 6 months.

2. inspection. each selection unit shall send two or more formal staff members to form an inspection team to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the morality, ability, diligence, performance, and integrity of the inspection object, as well as the political and professional qualities and suitability of the selection position, highlight the political standards, and conduct in-depth inspections of political loyalty, political determination, political responsibility, political ability, political self-discipline, etc., focusing on the study of political theory, system execution, performance, work performance, and public recognition. strictly control the political, conduct, ability, style, and integrity, and resolutely prevent personnel with unqualified political qualities, improper moral conduct, and unsatisfactory integrity from entering the provincial organs. the inspection team will also review the cadre (personnel) files, verify the registration form of civil servants or staff of organs (units) managed in accordance with the civil service law, and other situations that need to be verified (such as violations of discipline and regulations, social credit records, etc.). the organs (units) where the inspection object is located should actively support and cooperate with the inspection team and objectively and truthfully reflect the actual situation of the inspection object.

if the applicant voluntarily gives up the selection qualification, he/she must submit a request within 3 working days after the end of the inspection. if he/she gives up the qualification afterwards, it will be recorded in the applicant's integrity record.

(v) publicity and handling procedures

1. public announcement. each selection unit shall collectively discuss and select the best candidates for selection based on the inspection results and position requirements, in accordance with the cadre management authority and the principle of matching people to positions, and shall not select people based solely on their scores. the results shall be announced on anhui pioneer network, the selection unit website and the unit where the candidate is located. the announcement period is 5 working days.

2. go through the formalities. after the public notice period expires, if there are no problems or the reported problems do not affect the appointment, the probation and transfer procedures will be reported to the provincial party committee organization department for approval; if there are serious problems reported and there is substantiated evidence, the selection qualification will be cancelled. each selection unit can set a probation period for the candidates to be selected according to the needs of the position, generally not more than 3 months. during the probation period, the personnel salary relationship and benefits of the candidates in their original work units will remain unchanged.

if there is a vacancy in the candidates to be selected during the public announcement and probation period, the selection agency shall make a suggestion on whether to fill the vacancy, which shall be reviewed and confirmed by the organization department of the provincial party committee and then carried out in accordance with the regulations.

during the organization and implementation of the open selection process, in case of emergencies, appropriate adjustments can be made to the time, location, and organizational methods of the written examination, interview, physical examination, and inspection based on actual needs to ensure that all tasks are completed safely, smoothly, and smoothly.

policy consultation hotline: 0551-62609724.

examination and technical consultation hotline: 0551-63457903.

supervision and reporting hotline: 0551-62608161.

the above telephone numbers are available during normal office hours during the registration period.

organization department of anhui provincial committee of the communist party of china

anhui provincial department of human resources and social security

august 29, 2024
