
feeling stressed before school starts, how to overcome "back-to-school syndrome"?


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as the last page of summer vacation is about to turn, many children begin to "stay up late to make up for their homework", and say: "a pen, a lamp, and a person, to create a myth." the air is no longer filled with the sweetness of freedom, but a subtle atmosphere mixed with anxiety and tension.on the eve of the start of school, what "stress signals" should children and parents be alert to? how to overcome "back-to-school syndrome"? professor yang hui from the department of gastroenterology at the second affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical university gives the answers.
on the eve of school starting, what “stress signals” should children and parents be wary of?
1. for children, on those nights when they are overwhelmed by the ocean of homework, their bodies quietly release a "symphony" of stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline.
these hormones are not only the accelerators of heartbeat and the boosters of blood pressure, but also quietly waging a "secret war" with our digestive system. the change of environment back to school, especially in a relatively strict learning atmosphere, often constitutes a hidden source of stress for children. this stress and the negative emotions derived from it sometimes exceed the scope of children's own emotional recognition and expression capabilities.
when the psychological adjustment mechanism is not yet mature, children may reflect their inner discomfort and anxiety through physical symptoms.specific manifestations may include gastrointestinal reactions such as nausea and vomiting, or central nervous system reactions such as dizziness and headache, or even non-specific symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath and abdominal pain. these manifestations together constitute the physical and mental response patterns of children when facing adaptive challenges.
2. for adults, another red stress "alarm" signal that also needs to be taken seriously is irritable bowel syndrome.
experts say that in the professional field of clinical medicine, the relationship between mood swings and gastrointestinal dysfunction is precisely defined as one of the core manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome (ibs). the continued existence of anxiety, tension and stress not only builds up a complex stress pattern at the psychological level, but also directly "talks" to the intestines, inducing a series of digestive tract symptoms, including but not limited to abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation.
if you have to go to the bathroom at critical moments, you may be facing the challenge of irritable bowel syndrome. irritable bowel syndrome can manifest as abdominal pain, bloating, changes in bowel habits, abnormal stool characteristics, and mucus in the stool. it usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 50, and is more common in women than in men. in addition, irritable bowel syndrome is often accompanied by other gastrointestinal disorders, such as functional dyspepsia. when this disease occurs, it will seriously interfere with the patient's work, study, daily life and mental health, and reduce the patient's overall quality of life.
how to overcome "back-to-school syndrome"?
expert advice:if your child shows "back-to-school syndrome", don't be overly nervous. instead, maintain a calm attitude to increase your child's sense of security so as not to pass your anxiety and nervousness to your child and increase his or her anxiety. at the same time, actively help your child with positive guidance and adjust his or her living habits.
homework time capsule
plan your time properly and break down your homework into small tasks to avoid last-minute panic. a regular schedule and adequate sleep can help maintain overall health and may reduce the occurrence of symptoms. parents can help their children take the initiative to understand the new semester courses they are going to take, develop a reasonable semester study plan, and set feasible short-term and long-term goals, which can help reduce anxiety and improve learning outcomes.
a quiet moment of breathing and meditation
practice deep breathing or meditation to relax the body and reduce the secretion of stress hormones. it is recommended that children use this time to adjust their work and rest schedules one week before school starts, advance their biological clocks by 1 to 2 hours, gradually adapt to the rhythm of getting up early and going to bed early, and reduce the time spent playing electronic products to ensure adequate sleep.
guardian of healthy eating
maintain a balanced diet and avoid greasy or irritating foods to create a friendly environment for the intestines. pay attention to a balanced diet and eat more fiber-rich foods.
happy hormones from exercise
exercise helps to release stress and regulate the physical and mental state. parents can appropriately accompany their children to carry out more outdoor sports, exercise, strengthen their physical fitness, and improve their ability to resist stress.
emotional confession garden
encourage children to share their worries with family or friends. talking is a release in itself. they should learn to correctly understand challenges such as academic tasks and interpersonal relationships, maintain a positive attitude, and believe that they can overcome difficulties.
source: cnr
editor: li yu
reviewer: yang xuejuan
reviewer: liu ping
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