
the children in the mountainous areas have smiles on their faces and light in their eyes


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teachers at zhongyi township primary school in shizhu, chongqing, are teaching. photo provided by the school

located deep in the wuling mountains, zhongyi township primary school in shizhu tujia autonomous county, chongqing, was the first stop of general secretary xi jinping's visit to chongqing in 2019. on april 15, 2019, general secretary xi jinping visited zhongyi township primary school and pointed out that one of the important things in the "two no worries and three guarantees" is that compulsory education must be guaranteed. no matter how hard life is, children must not suffer, and no matter how poor we are, we must not be poor in education. we must ensure that children in poor mountainous areas go to school and receive education, and have a happy childhood.

over the past five years, with the care and support of party committees and governments at all levels and all sectors of society, this mountainous rural school has worked hard to implement general secretary xi jinping's earnest instructions one by one, effectively solving outstanding problems of "education guarantee", and striving to build a "small but excellent, small but beautiful" rural school. the conditions for running the school have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the mental outlook of teachers and students has been renewed.

  excellent education means "having a school to go to" and "going to a good school"

in the past, the school was far from home, and it was not easy for children in zhongyi township primary school to go to school every day. they could only rely on their parents to pick them up on leaky tricycles and travel on the winding mountain roads.

in september 2019, the school’s newly built dormitory building and comprehensive building were officially put into use, and students no longer have to get up early and stay up late to go to school.

"in the past five years, the new comprehensive building and dormitory building of zhongyi township primary school have been completed and put into use. a new restaurant of more than 3,000 square meters has been built, the sports field has been upgraded and renovated, and the entire campus has been greened and beautified." principal mou xiaoyang introduced that the student dormitories are equipped with independent toilets, laundry sinks and other living facilities to meet the students' boarding needs.

"general secretary xi jinping hopes that teachers will take root in mountainous areas, devote themselves to rural education, and contribute to the people's poverty alleviation." mou xiaoyang told reporters that in the second half of this year, the school added 5 more teaching teachers, focusing on filling the school's original shortcomings in subjects such as music, physical education, and english.

yan jialin, a teacher from shizhu nanbin primary school, is one of them. in july this year, after learning that zhongyi township primary school did not have a professional english teacher, yan jialin, who has many years of teaching experience, signed up without hesitation. "compared with the children in the county, the english foundation of the children here is much weaker. seeing them improve little by little, i feel that my efforts are worth it," said yan jialin.

in addition, the school has also added a distance education system. "through this system, children in the mountains can watch teaching videos of excellent teachers in the city in class, which is like giving children wings to fly." mou xiaoyang said that now, students in zhongyi township primary school have achieved the transformation from "having a school to go to" to "going to a good school".

  comprehensive development, maintaining physical and mental health through exercise

"when reading and writing, we must adhere to the 'three ones': engage in more outdoor activities, participate in more physical exercise, pay attention to balanced nutrition, and do not use electronic products..." when it comes to protecting eyesight, the children of zhongyi township primary school speak very clearly.

in recent years, zhongyi township primary school has continuously improved the students' eye environment, strictly controlled study time and total homework, focused on enriching the "second classroom", organized vision tests every semester, established student vision files, and effectively protected students' eye health.

"we have replaced the eye protection lamps in our classroom, equipped it with height-adjustable desks and chairs, installed sitting posture correctors, and issued each student an eye protection desk lamp." as one of the few "little glasses" in the school, xu ziyuan, a student in class 4 (1), not only does eye exercises every day, but also goes to the vision prevention and control classroom for two and a half hours of vision correction training every week.

in addition to protecting eyesight, the school has also insisted on integrating the idea of ​​"safety first" into the entire process of education and teaching over the past five years - working with the local police station to regularly carry out safety knowledge education such as drowning prevention, bullying prevention, sexual assault prevention, and fraud prevention, and to ensure the "three sees" (see the police, see the police lights, and see the police car) when going to and leaving school, strengthen the investigation and rectification of safety hazards on campus, and strengthen safety supervision of teaching activities; strictly control food safety such as food sources and processing to ensure the safety of children's food, accommodation, and transportation.

at the same time, the school and chongqing urban management vocational college jointly set up a mental health consultation room to provide one-on-one psychological counseling services to all students in the school to promote their physical and mental health. in after-school services, the school also offers personalized courses such as waving dance, fancy rope skipping, dance, calligraphy, and painting based on local characteristics to care for every child in the school and make them "smile on their faces and have light in their eyes."

“since i learned the hand-waving dance, fancy rope skipping and dancing, my physical fitness has improved. i am no longer picky about food, i get sick less often and i have grown taller.” zhao zhenghao, a student from class 6 (1), told reporters, “you have to study well and keep a strong body, so that you can have a bright future when you grow up!”

the school adheres to the guidance of cultivating morality and educating people, promotes the combination of "five educations" and disciplines, and coordinated development of multiple disciplines, adheres to the school-running philosophy of "building a happy campus", and constructs a new educational pattern of "being a chinese and doing useful things" and "love is in it and the mountains and rivers are beneficial".

  keep the instructions in mind, be grateful and forge ahead into the future

it has been five years since general secretary xi jinping visited our school. during these five years, the teachers and students of zhongyi township primary school have experienced many unprecedented changes and gained many insights.

"our school is so beautiful now! the old buildings have been given new clothes, the playground has a new lawn, the classrooms are equipped with eye-protection lamps, and we have also built a new restaurant, music room, and dance room. we often take classes online with children from the county and nanping experimental primary school..." on april 15 this year, zhongyi township primary school held a team day activity with the theme of "remember the instructions, be grateful and forge ahead", and the young pioneers fondly recounted what they had seen, heard, and felt over the past five years.

over the past five years, zhongyi township primary school has based itself on regional characteristics and inherited the red gene, identified red cultural education as the school's moral education theme, and created and developed school-based moral education courses such as "happy growth, happy station", as well as thematic practical activities such as entering families and communities. the children's study and life have become rich and colorful. they not only enjoy high-quality educational resources in school, but also have more opportunities to go out and participate in activities and skill competitions in chongqing.

"i want to be a world champion!" "i want to be an astronaut and travel in space!" "i want to be a teacher!" the children of zhongyi township primary school saw a different world outside the mountains, lighting up the light in their eyes and the dreams in their hearts.

"in the past five years, we have had more opportunities and higher platforms to learn and display our talents. our political literacy, professional level and teaching ability have been greatly improved," said liu ting, a key teacher at nanping experimental primary school who participated in on-the-job training at zhongyi township primary school.

zhongyi township primary school strives to attract outstanding teachers from the urban area to lead the development of teachers, invites experts to the school to guide the growth of teachers, and promotes the development of teachers in multiple dimensions. according to statistics, in the past five years, a total of 6 teachers in the school have won the title of municipal teaching experts, and 10 teachers have won the title of county-level teaching experts.

china education news, august 30, 2024, page 01

author: yang guoliang, reporter of this newspaper
