
who would have thought that huawei would become byd’s strongest foreign aid in its move to the high-end market?


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byd and huawei are the two "trump cards" of china's automobile industry.

byd is strong in "scale". its annual sales of new energy vehicles have reached a new level of 3 million units, making it a well-deserved global leader in the field of new energy vehicles. huawei sticks to the bottom line of "not making cars" and plays the role of a supplier. its technical strength is obvious to all - smart chassis, smart chassis, and smart cockpit are all strengths, especially smart driving, which has firmly established itself in the first echelon globally.

however, both of these leading companies have their own "regrets". byd has excellent sales but lacks the height and breadth of high-end intelligent driving capabilities. huawei has strong technical strength but currently has a small number of partners. in theory, byd and huawei are a "match made in heaven". i believe that many users have imagined "how perfect it would be if byd's cars used huawei's intelligent driving", and this imagination that has never been realized in the past became a reality on august 27.

to be precise, byd's sub-brand "fangcheng baobao" announced a cooperation with huawei, and the upcoming new car fangcheng baobao 8 will use huawei qiankun ads 3.0 intelligent driving system. as the latest generation of intelligent driving system under huawei system, ads 3.0 has been upgraded to "end-to-end" architecture, which can realize a series of advanced functions such as "door-to-door intelligent driving", and the road coverage capability has been further improved.

after the cooperation was reached, fangcheng baobao 8 became the most outstanding product in byd group's intelligent driving capabilities, and expectations were high. however, we should not forget that byd still has its own intelligent driving plan, and the fangcheng bao brand itself is relatively small - it is still worth paying attention to what kind of "butterfly effect" this cooperation can trigger.

with the launch of the “full-blooded version” of huawei intelligent driving, is fangchengbao overtaking on the curve?

it is true that byd is not the first car company to reach an intelligent driving cooperation with huawei alone. especially after huawei launched the qiankun brand, brands including lantu, shenlan, gac and others have announced cooperation with huawei.

however, the degree of cooperation between different brands in intelligent driving is not consistent. for example, the cooperation between lantu and huawei is quite deep. the new car "new dreamer" will be equipped with ads 3.0 intelligent driving, which is basically consistent with the "direct line" (that is, hongmeng intelligent driving products) in terms of capabilities. on the other hand, deep blue is equipped with huawei qiankun intelligent driving se version, which can also be regarded as the basic version of qiankun intelligent driving, which only provides some capabilities such as high-speed intelligent driving and automatic parking.

obviously, the cooperation between fangchengbao and huawei is of the "in-depth" kind, and xiaotong also noticed that the words used by a friend who works for fangchengbao in the circle of friends were "joining forces with huawei to create the first hard-core exclusive intelligent driving solution." xiaotong's first impression was that this intelligent driving solution might also have some customized functions.

after all, the fangcheng baobao 8 is a "hardcore off-road suv". in addition to daily high-speed and urban road driving, off-road and crossing will also be one of the common scenarios. if fangcheng bao really intends to join hands with huawei for "customized intelligent driving", then xiaotong speculates that the customized version of ads 3.0 will be optimized for off-road scenarios, but it may not enhance the navigation capabilities, but strengthen the body control and active safety.

after all, byd also emphasizes the intelligence of the vehicle, especially the intelligent chassis. according to previous reports, the fangcheng baobao 8 is considered to be the "youth version of yangwang u8". in addition to some off-road related configurations (such as "three locks"), it will also be equipped with the yunnian-p chassis, which has a very good foundation.

however, on byd's other models, the intelligent work related to the vehicle hardware is basically completed independently by itself, that is, it relies on the "eye of god" intelligent driving system. after switching to huawei's qiankun intelligent driving, it is very likely that huawei will be required to do software adaptation.but we don't have to worry, and we should even look forward to it. huawei also has similar technology (tuling chassis). what kind of sparks can be created by huawei's software algorithm combined with byd's advanced hardware will be an important highlight of the formula leopard 8 equipped with huawei ads 3.0 version.

of course, more people are paying attention to the specific performance of byd's byd phev after being equipped with huawei qiankun intelligent driving. you should know that the brands with the highest level of intelligent driving at present are the byd denza brand and its two models, n7 and z9gt. however, the high-level intelligent driving of n7 covers limited cities and its capabilities are not outstanding. z9gt is still in the pre-sale stage - this means that the ranking of byd's internal models of intelligent driving will change due to the arrival of byd phev.

the more important "conflict" comes from the choice of "self-developed" and "supplier" routes. byd has invested heavily in self-developed intelligent driving, claiming that the intelligent driving team has thousands of people and the monthly salary is more than 1 billion. with such a large investment, it was eventually overtaken by fang chengbao with "external aid", which will not only cause complaints from the outside world, but may also shake internal confidence.

but optimistically speaking, introducing external suppliers is not a bad thing, at least it can promote an "internal horse race". especially with companies like huawei that have top-level intelligent driving capabilities, byd's self-developed intelligent driving will benefit greatly from their exchanges and cooperation.

by introducing huawei's intelligent driving technology, is byd interested in "internal horse racing"?

there have been calls for byd and huawei to join forces and equip their vehicles with advanced intelligent driving. there are also rumors that the two sides did have discussions, but in the end byd refused to cooperate. xiaotong believes that under normal circumstances, byd is unlikely to cooperate with huawei and apply huawei's intelligent driving on a large scale.

the core reason is still the so-called "soul theory". intelligent driving is the core capability of current smart cars. the larger the size and the more advanced the market position of the car company, the less likely it is to hand it over to others. from this cooperation, we can also see that the cooperation between byd and huawei is limited to the fangcheng leopard sub-brand and even the leopard 8 high-end model, and the scope of influence is relatively limited.

of course, at present, fangchengbao is indeed the most suitable "test field" for introducing third-party intelligent driving. first of all, fangchengbao is positioned as a "personalized brand", and its target user group has a stronger willingness to accept new things and a higher interest in intelligent driving; on the other hand, the overall size of the fangchengbao brand is indeed not high. the monthly sales of the entire brand (in the case of only one model) are between 2,000 and 5,000 units. not long ago, it was announced that the official price of leopard 5 will be reduced by 50,000 yuan.

in other words, the introduction of huawei intelligent driving on the fangcheng bao brand and bao 8 will not have any impact on byd's "soul". its self-developed intelligent driving system is still the backbone of the entire group's intelligence. if fangcheng bao bao 8 really achieves good sales results with the help of huawei intelligent driving, fangcheng bao can let more of its models be equipped with huawei intelligent driving to increase basic sales. based on the cooperation between fangcheng bao brand and huawei, byd will not lose anything.

from another perspective, most companies have an "internal horse racing" mechanism.the introduction of huawei's intelligent driving is a way for byd to promote the "internal competition" of intelligent driving capabilities. at present, byd's latest bas 3.0+ intelligent driving system is indeed relatively advanced in concept, but huawei's ads 3.0, as the next generation of intelligent driving that was implemented earlier, still has a lot to learn.

in the previous test drive experience of electric car, the xiangjie s9 equipped with ads 3.0 intelligent driving demonstrated a strong road coverage capability. for example, the current test version can already realize intelligent driving from the parking space in the underground parking lot, then drive all the way to the parking lot at the destination, and finally complete automatic parking. if everything goes well, the whole process does not require the driver to take over, and even the parking lot gate can automatically enter and exit, which is quite magical.

in addition, the xiangjie s9 can also pass through roundabouts, unpaved roads or roads with obvious signs quickly, which shows that its scene and road perception capabilities have been greatly improved, and it can no longer be described as "unmapped intelligent driving". in fact, many intelligent driving systems now claim to have switched to an "end-to-end" system, emphasizing the improvement of perception and decision-making capabilities, but there are not many intelligent driving systems with truly convincing cases.

let's look back at bas 3.0+. this intelligent driving system is essentially an addition to the "human-like intelligent driving" bas 3.0.for example, by adding more sensing components, the intelligent driving system can call upon more chassis capabilities, etc., so the capability of bas 3.0 is only the lower limit of this intelligent driving system.

the most urgent task for byd's self-developed intelligent driving system is to improve its coverage as soon as possible, and then look at the improvement of its detailed capabilities. if such a "horse racing" mechanism can be used to greatly improve byd's self-developed intelligent driving in a short period of time, and give full play to the productivity of the 4,000-person team, i believe this is also the result that wang chuanfu hopes to see.

byd strives to reach new heights with "intelligent driving" as its nuclear weapon

as the global sales leader of new energy vehicles, byd is not without its worries. for example, the intelligent driving capability we often mention does not affect the sales of cars, but it will affect byd's sales of "high-end cars".

an interesting data, looking back at byd's financial reports for the past three years (2020-2023), we can find that although byd's new energy vehicle sales are getting higher and higher, the average price has dropped. in 2020, the average price of byd's new energy passenger cars was 156,000 yuan/unit, and in 2021 the data was 143,000 yuan/unit. in 2022, it rose back to 153,000 yuan/unit, but in 2023 it fell back to 135,000 yuan/unit.

based on these data, we can easily deduce a conclusion that byd's current sales force is mainly models priced at rmb 150,000 or less, namely the qin plus family, song pro family, etc. of course, byd's relatively high-end models such as the han series and tang series also have a stable performance of 10,000 monthly sales per model, but in the higher-end market segments, such as those priced above rmb 300,000, byd and its sub-brands do not have a high presence.

in addition to the fangchengbao, byd denza's total sales in july were 10,340 units, and the yangwang, which focuses on the ultra-high-end market, was 439 units. however, considering its average price of over one million, this result is somewhat surprising.

in general, byd, like most chinese companies (not just chinese car companies), has faced the challenge of “going high-end” after the sales explosion.when success is achieved through the price-performance route, path dependence may form. however, judging from byd's actions, especially the continuous release of multiple high-end brands to form a product matrix, it can be seen that wang chuanfu is indeed trying to find a way out of the price quagmire and attack the high-end market.

but we must also realize that to make high-end new energy products at present, "luxury" alone is not enough. intelligence, especially smart driving, will be a very good product premium point. in particular, the hot sales of models such as the m9 have made people realize that betting on smart driving may very well be buying a ticket to impact the high-end market.

byd's li yunfei said on a social media platform that "in the overall planning of intelligent driving, byd is open to cooperation and independent research, which can be said to be two parallel lines." xiaotong believes that in the face of the core task of "impacting the high-end", as li yunfei said, byd will not be too entangled in whether to "borrow strength" or "self-research". the key is to catch up with the first echelon as soon as possible, and even become the brand with the strongest intelligent driving capabilities in the chinese and even global markets.

but xiaotong also wants to emphasize that the "soul theory" is still the key to hindering traditional auto brands from seeking third-party cooperation, especially for brands like byd that deliver millions of vehicles annually, the only thing that can truly become the "backbone" is the self-developed intelligent driving system. xiaotong believes that there are two most reasonable expectations for the current cooperation between chengbao and huawei.

first, the cooperation on intelligent driving should only stay under the fangchengbao brand. byd, denza and even yangwang will only use bas intelligent driving. secondly, huawei's role can be understood as "technical support" and is unlikely to affect byd's intelligent driving self-developed development route. perhaps we can expect that byd's overall intelligent driving level can be greatly and quickly improved under the promotion of huawei's intelligent driving. whether this can further boost the sales of byd's high-end models, we will wait and see.