
the "gulongting company" of a brigade of the 72nd army group has improved its independent construction capabilities


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the "gulongting company" of a brigade of the 72nd army group has improved its independent construction capabilities
transform the “opinion box” into a “worry-solving box”
recently, the wife of a soldier in the "gulongting company" of a brigade of the 72nd army group was about to give birth, so he wrote down his problems and demands on a piece of paper and put them in the company's "worry-solving box". after the company instructor cheng chen learned about the situation, he immediately applied for and assisted him in applying for leave. the next day, the soldier took the train home.
"the 'worry-solving box' is the 'suggestion box' of the past. the change is not just in the name, but also in the measures we have independently explored and implemented." cheng chen introduced that before this, the company's "suggestion box" was used less and less, not because the officers and soldiers had fewer "opinions", but because everyone liked to express their views and voices in a more efficient way.
where did the change come from? cheng chen told a story.
as an honorary company instructor, cheng chen has a spirit of not admitting defeat. whether it is political education or party work, he wants to do his best. especially in the relationship between officers and soldiers, cheng chen once confidently said: "the internal relationship in our company is very harmonious."
at a battalion party committee meeting, the instructor, while analyzing the grassroots construction situation, asked cheng chen a question that caught him off guard: "according to statistics from the headquarters, your company has reported the most conflicts and difficulties this month. how is the progress in resolving these problems?"
"as far as i know, the company's officers and soldiers have not reported any conflicts or difficulties to the party branch this month, and the company has not coordinated with the authorities to resolve any issues." faced with this sudden question, cheng chen was confused. however, the instructor's words were quite meaningful: "the relationship between officers and soldiers is no small matter. go back and understand the situation first."
after returning to the company, cheng chen immediately investigated the situation and learned that many officers and soldiers had indeed reported the situation to the authorities by calling the hotline and leaving messages on the internet, but had not reported it to the company’s party branch and key cadres.
the hotline and online mailbox used by officers and soldiers are the "one-stop service hotline" and "know the soldiers office" online mailbox set up by the brigade. in order to facilitate grassroots officers and soldiers to directly reflect their personal difficulties and troubles, the brigade headquarters not only assigned a special person to be responsible for communication and docking, but also made a commitment of "feedback on the same day and resolution within one week". once launched, the hotline and online mailbox were welcomed by grassroots officers and soldiers.
that night, cheng chen was in a low mood. what frustrated him was not that the officers and soldiers reported the problem "over the top", but why they did not seek help from the company first when they encountered problems.
what was going on? cheng chen decided to find out. during that time, he often had heart-to-heart talks with the company officers and soldiers, and he always mentioned this matter intentionally or unintentionally during the conversation. during this time, corporal xu jiawei's answer left a deep impression on cheng chen.
"it's not that everyone doesn't trust the company, but they have their own considerations." xu jiawei explained that after the brigade set up a hotline and online mailbox, the difficulties and problems encountered by officers and soldiers in their work and life, from family difficulties and hospitalization to document processing and vacation visits, can be quickly resolved through these channels. if you ask the company for help, you still need to report and coordinate according to the level, which not only increases the workload of the company, but also affects the progress of solving the problem. for this reason, officers and soldiers are naturally more willing to seek help from the agency through hotlines and online mailboxes when they encounter difficulties.
during the exchange, xu jiawei talked about his own experience. previously, xu jiawei had repeated toothaches. at the suggestion of the military doctor, he applied to the battalion headquarters for medical treatment outside the hospital, but was told that the application would be postponed due to the large number of applicants. when he applied again, he was not able to get a number because his condition was not serious. after reporting the situation to the company, the reply he received was "waiting for coordination", which made him feel a little disappointed.
at the suggestion of his comrades, xu jiawei left a message in the online mailbox of the "zhi bing office" to the business department of the agency to reflect the situation, and received a reply the next morning. in order to help xu jiawei get medical treatment in time, the agency temporarily increased the number of outpatient medical treatment, so that the problem was successfully resolved.
after listening to xu jiawei's explanation, cheng chen felt a little helpless: "the company's strength is indeed limited, and the agency is more effective in solving problems and helping the poor, but in the long run, everyone's trust and sense of belonging to the company will inevitably decline."
the pressure at the grassroots level has been reduced, but what about the situation at the headquarters? chen, the chief of the brigade's organization department, said frankly that since the establishment of the "one-stop service hotline", he has felt "pain and happiness".
"it is a heartwarming job to help soldiers solve their problems, but the increasingly heavy workload is also a challenge." section chief chen said that at first, most of the difficulties reported by grassroots soldiers were problems that the grassroots were unable to solve, such as family members accompanying the troops and military children's schooling. however, as time went on, the types of difficulties reported by soldiers increased. "some problems do not require the coordination of the authorities, but soldiers report them with high expectations, and the authorities have an obligation to do so. as a result, the business department's time is occupied by trivial matters that the grassroots can solve on their own."
facing this contradiction, cheng chen convened a special discussion with the backbone cadres of the company. after brainstorming, everyone finally reached a consensus: small matters should be resolved by the company itself, and those that cannot be resolved at this level should be handled by the authorities.
however, for the officers and soldiers themselves, all the matters related to their vital interests are urgent and difficult. how should they distinguish between the important and the unimportant? to this end, cheng chen led the cadres and backbones to sort out the common contradictions and difficulties of the officers and soldiers, and formulated a "difficulty-solving and assistance graded list" based on the actual capabilities of the company, clarifying which problems rely on the company to solve and which situations can be solved through the organs.
at the same time, cheng chen removed the "suggestion box" at the entrance of the company club, set up a "worry-solving box" in a conspicuous place at the entrance of the squad dormitory, and posted the "difficulty-solving and assistance graded list" next to it. problems that can be solved by the company itself, or problems that officers and soldiers are not too anxious about, can be reflected in the "worry-solving box" and compiled and summarized by the company clerk on time every day.
"privacy is a prominent feature of the 'worry-solution box'. anything that officers and soldiers are not convenient to say face to face can be reflected through it. we will strictly control the scope of information on the issues raised by officers and soldiers to ensure that solving problems and protecting privacy go hand in hand." the company clerk who is responsible for sorting and compiling the letters in the "worry-solution box" introduced.
"clearing the scope of the unit's own capabilities can not only reduce the number of conflicts that are reported, but also avoid the accumulation of conflicts caused by greed and perfection, and effectively improve the company's level of autonomous construction." talking about the exploration and practice of the "worry-solving box", cheng chen said with deep feeling that as long as we strictly abide by laws and regulations, focus on the urgent needs of preparation for war and the urgent expectations of officers and soldiers, dare to innovate and be good at thinking, there is a lot of room for grassroots autonomous construction. (lu dongyu, zhang zigeng, ding yan)
source: china military network