
unmanned technology is the direction of development, cooperation with china has become a universal desire, and the new trend of global anti-terrorism operations can be seen at the "great wall" forum


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[global times reporter fan wei and zhao yusha] as one of the most influential anti-terrorism forums in the world, the "great wall" international anti-terrorism forum, hosted by the chinese people's armed police force, has always been an important platform for countries to build consensus on anti-terrorism and exchange anti-terrorism experiences. the fifth "great wall" international anti-terrorism forum held in beijing on august 27 was themed "unmanned anti-terrorism operations". representatives from various countries exchanged views on new technologies, new equipment and new tactics to combat terrorism. chinese representatives also shared advanced experience and cutting-edge technologies in unmanned anti-terrorism operations at the forum, which aroused great interest from representatives of many countries.
foreign representatives often recorded the advanced anti-terrorism concepts displayed by china. photo by xiang yajun
terrorism is making a comeback with the help of emerging technologies
at the opening ceremony of the forum held on the morning of august 27, general wang chunning, commander of the armed police force, said that at present, terrorists have seriously abused emerging technologies. they use new fields and technologies to "empower" terrorism. their incitement and propaganda are networked, attacks are unmanned, means are intelligent, and information is data-based. with the lowering of the threshold and difficulty of unmanned technology deployment in groups, the covertness and destructiveness of terrorist organizations' attacks, terrorism, and violence have been greatly enhanced. in recent years, there have been many terrorist attacks using unmanned technology around the world, which fully demonstrates that preventing and combating new types of terrorism has become a top priority.
jiang liyun, deputy director of the national counterterrorism office, said at the forum that the current global counterterrorism situation has undergone new changes, and terrorist activities have entered a new round of active period. since the beginning of this year, terrorist attacks have occurred frequently from europe and asia to africa, causing heavy casualties. the threats from terrorist organizations such as the islamic state and al-qaeda have continued to increase, and the vicious interaction between terrorist activities and religious extremism, separatism, ethnic conflicts, and regional disputes has continued to intensify.
"major terrorist organizations are accelerating their decentralization, and there is a clear trend of shifting and spreading to africa, south asia and other places. the risk of terrorist attacks in many countries has increased, and relevant trends are deeply concerning and unsettling. in addition, the means of terrorist activities are more diverse, combining multi-point guerrilla warfare, targeted ambushes and suicide attacks, which have increased their harmfulness and mortality rates. the threshold for terrorists to obtain and use drones, intelligent weapon platforms, dangerous biological and chemical substances, etc. to launch terrorist attacks has been lowered. unconventional means such as drones and cyber attacks are increasingly used by terrorists." jiang liyun said.
this view was also highly recognized by some foreign representatives attending the forum. general landry rich debo, commander of the central african gendarmerie, who attended the forum, said that a few years ago, when talking about terrorism, the people of central africa still felt it was very far away. a few years ago, a civil war broke out in central africa, and terrorism quietly opened the door to central africa.
why has international terrorism made a comeback after being suppressed for several years? chinese delegates also gave their own answers at the forum. liu qing, deputy director of the china institute of international studies, believes that this is first of all because the international community has deviated from the rules on the issue of counter-terrorism, and some countries have adopted double standards, which has greatly restricted international counter-terrorism cooperation. in addition, the turbulent regional security situation has provided space for terrorist forces. conflicts in europe, the middle east and africa have aroused conflicts among relevant parties, providing opportunities for terrorist forces, stimulating the "resurgence" of terrorism, and local terrorist organizations in some regions have begun to revive. furthermore, the deterioration of relations between major powers has led to a lack of willingness for international counter-terrorism cooperation. some countries emphasize great power competition and are unwilling to invest resources in international counter-terrorism cooperation. they also disregard facts and distort and discredit the counter-terrorism policies of other countries. "due to insufficient coordination among major powers, international counter-terrorism capabilities have declined."
pakistan is one of the countries most hurt by terrorist attacks in recent years. its military representative also pointed out at the forum that some global conflicts in recent years, including the ongoing conflicts in ukraine and the middle east, have led to the neglect of counter-terrorism issues. "this is why we see a rebound in local terrorism around the world."
"china has actually realized the harm these terrorist activities have caused to the world, so it sounded the 'alarm' in advance." admiral landry rich deboer said in an interview with the global times that china organized this forum to allow all countries to participate in it in order to call on all countries to do what they should do in the field of counter-terrorism.
unmanned and anti-unmanned become new directions for the development of counter-terrorism
how to better apply unmanned technology to the anti-terrorism battlefield and how to effectively improve anti-terrorism capabilities with anti-drone technology are issues of common concern to security departments of various countries. at this forum, this issue also became the focus of heated discussion among representatives of various countries.
saudi arabia is one of the countries in the middle east that has been more mature in applying unmanned equipment to counter-terrorism. major general khalid najjar, the intelligence chief of the national guard, said at the forum that the application of unmanned equipment in the field of counter-terrorism can further reduce the cost saudi arabia needs to spend in various fields of counter-terrorism, such as reconnaissance, surveillance, positioning and combating terrorists. in addition, the use of drones can also significantly reduce the security threat to counter-terrorism personnel.
major general sun xueyu, assistant to the chief of staff of the armed police force, believes that terrorist activities are showing new characteristics of concealment, suddenness, linkage and stronger destructiveness. the international community is facing severe challenges such as the continued high incidence of violent terrorist activities, escalation of intensity, difficulty in prevention and control, and increasing consumption of anti-terrorism resources. therefore, it is necessary to actively explore ideas and innovate and improve response measures. one of them is to highlight the technical advantages of unmanned equipment and eliminate the time gap for risk prevention and control to the maximum extent. "to comprehensively improve the effectiveness of fighting terrorism, it is necessary to use unmanned and intelligent technologies, upgrade battlefield perception, search and tracking, instruction and guidance, precision strike and other weapons and equipment, and develop new means such as unmanned reconnaissance, unmanned strike, unmanned transportation and delivery, and unmanned clearance. adapt to different combat needs in the air, at sea, on the ground, and underground, and focus on solving problems such as narrow situation awareness range, low timeliness of mobile contact with the enemy, lack of three-dimensional attack means, high risk of armed assault, and many restrictions on conventional support. provide strong guarantees for achieving high-efficiency and low-consumption anti-terrorism operations." sun xueyu said.
at the same time, representatives from many countries generally reflected that developing anti-drone capabilities and improving their own ability to defend against terrorist attacks are also urgent tasks.
"because drones have a series of outstanding advantages, many terrorist organizations have also tried to use and develop this technology to carry out more terrorist attacks. this is also a major problem we are facing now." major general khalid najeer said that some measures must be taken at present to limit terrorist organizations from acquiring relevant capabilities and further improve their own military strength to resist terrorist forces and reduce the threats that may be posed by their use of drones.
fu xiaoqiang, deputy director of the china institutes of contemporary international relations, also believes that with the civilianization and marketization of low-speed, slow and small drone aviation systems, they have become a new technology coveted by terrorist forces due to their low cost, easy modification, convenient operation and covert whereabouts.
fu xiaoqiang further introduced that according to statistics from international think tanks, at least 65 non-state actors have the ability to deploy drones. the hidden dangers of drone terrorist attacks, represented by drone bombs, are becoming increasingly serious, and how to prevent them is a common problem facing all countries.
in this context, many foreign representatives have paid close attention to the development and application of anti-uav technology. sun xueyu also proposed that the development of anti-terrorist equipment and means should target new means and new threats of violent terrorist activities, insist on building shields and swords at the same time, and improve the offensive and defensive equipment system.
many countries look forward to anti-terrorism cooperation with china
according to the global times, a total of 176 foreign representatives from 53 countries attended the forum, including countries with strong anti-terrorism capabilities such as the united states and russia. foreign representatives basically came from national security agencies such as the ministry of defense, ministry of public security, gendarmerie, police force, and national counter-terrorism center of various countries, including 53 representatives above the general level. a chinese expert attending the forum told the global times that china's great achievements in the field of anti-terrorism, its technological advantages in the development of unmanned equipment, and its open attitude towards international anti-terrorism cooperation are the main reasons for attracting so many countries to participate in the forum.
the global times reporter also noticed that many participating representatives showed great interest in the unmanned anti-terrorism technology and equipment, tactical concepts and practical experience displayed by china, and took notes from time to time.
igor gric, assistant commander of the gendarmerie force of the serbian ministry of internal affairs, said in an interview with the global times that china's unmanned anti-terrorism technology ranks among the best in the world. almost all countries are now focusing on developing this unmanned technology, but china is a very advanced country in this regard.
another person who holds this view is nabil haj hassan, director of the bekaa region department of the lebanese national security agency. in an interview with the global times, he said that china's unmanned technology is more advanced and more cost-effective than that of other countries. "i think china can help our country in the field of counter-terrorism because china has rich counter-terrorism experience, excellent counter-terrorism equipment and well-trained counter-terrorism forces."
admiral landry rich deboer also hopes to carry out personnel training and unmanned technology cooperation with china in the field of counter-terrorism.
in an interview with the global times, jayankumar bidsi, permanent secretary of the ministry of defense of suriname, said that the "great wall" counter-terrorism forum is a very good initiative proposed by the chinese government. terrorism is an international issue and it is also a matter of the future and our next generation. there are some things in the world that countries cannot fight alone and they need solidarity and cooperation.